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Why should i use tags

Some of us will remember playing a game of tag, this is the first time we got to relate the word as an identity.
When setting up resources in AWS tags are used as identifier.
They contain metadata about the resource, it makes easier to manage, filter and organize resources based on its purpose, ownership, department, environment and other criteria.

A tag has two parts, a tag key and a tag value.
The tag key contains information about who, what or which owns or will use the resource. common names used are department, Environment, or Project.
A tag value adds for information to the tag key adding more information about what the resource example version n.o,
_Both tag key and value are case sensitive _

There are a number of things to keep in mind before adding a tag there are best practices.

  1. consider future consequences
    Your tags should adapt to changes with the development of your project, in the case of an organization your tags should follow this convention as changes are always bound to happen an example in the change of access policies your tags should be able to follow suit, this is one of the cases that is all to common.

  2. More tags are better than few to no tags
    Yes, tags improve the productivity by making searching to filter results faster, minimizing resource conflict as they are labelled with their use case.

  3. _standardize tags _
    As you use more tags you should develop a system that should make it easy and transparent even for someone new who joins the team later.

  4. Tags should not contain sensitive information like access keys, ssh keys or other private information.

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