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Rodolfo Siqueira
Rodolfo Siqueira

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Web performance related to conversion rate

Web performance refers to how quickly site content loads and renders in a web browser, and how well it responds to user or bot interaction and that directly impacts conversion rate.

Conversion rate is the percentage of website visitors that do something on the site that serve the goals of an organization or business, for example, if 100 users visit the page advertising some product, and 2 users actually click the 'buy' button, the conversion rate is 2%.

According to an Portent research in 2019, the highest e-commerce conversion rates occur on pages load times between 0-2 seconds, spanning an average of 8.11% e-commerce conversion rate at less than 1 second, down to a 2.20% e-commerce conversion rate at a 5 second load time. After that, conversion rates are largely below 2% (except for the 7-second anomaly, which briefly returns to 2.11%).

goal conversion rates

Performance plays a major role in the success of any online venture. High-performing sites engage and retain users better than low-performing ones. Pinterest reduced perceived wait times by 40% and this increased 15% in SEO traffic and 15% percent in conversion rate to signup.

But to understand the impact on your business you should analyze your own data and set your own goals. In this article they show how to relate site speed and metrics.

Achieve high performance is not easy, here is some initiaves that can help enpower your page:

  • Prefetch HTML, CSS and JavaScript (React) for the next page the user will land on so the interaction time will not be interrupted by future loading.

  • Only loading high-quality images for devices on fast networks and using lower-quality images for devices on slow networks.

  • Code splitting, send just the necessary javascript code to that page, avoid unecessary and unused scripts.

  • Delivery static pages if the content insn't heavy user reactive like blog post, news page, landing pages, etc.

One way to indentify these opportunities and measure your progress is using Google Lighthouse, this tool will show how to improve your application according to the page current performance score.

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Besides conversion rate, engagement and traffic, there are others things that have great benefits from web performance like accessibility, empowered user experience and objectives that are key results to the organization business.

Top comments (1)

sara_matheu_5cb23afe1b165 profile image
Sara Matheu

Absolutely! Web performance is crucial for improving conversion rate e-commerce. A fast, responsive site enhances user experience, reduces bounce rates, and increases sales. Optimize your web performance to see a significant boost in your conversion rate e-commerce!