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Spandan Sehgal
Spandan Sehgal

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Extracting info from Wikipedia in python


Hi there, as you read in this post we are going to do some data extracting from wikipedia in python. This project is very simple and fun to build and after reading this post please do comment down that what should I build next .

Modules required

  1. wikipedia : This module helps us to get data from wikipedia using python.


pip install wikipedia
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Let's Code

First we will import the required module, so lets do it quickly

# importing the module
import wikipedia
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Now we will ask the user to enter the subject he wants to search

search = input("What do you want to search ? \n")
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Now we will use the input to search data from wikipedia

# finding result for the search
''' sentences = 2 refers to numbers of line the number may vary it is according to you '''
result = wikipedia.summary(search, sentences = 2)
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Now we will finally print the result

# printing the result
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And with that done we have successfully completed another project.
That's it for today stay safe and do take very good care of yourselves and VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR !

And pls do comment what can I make I next post and feel free to ask/suggest something in the comments section.

Happy Coding !

Top comments (3)

wjplatformer profile image
Wj • Edited

Although getting from a Wikipedia API is fine, but not all information found on websites would provide you with an API. An API is a source of info scraped from a website or retrieved from a database such as SQL.

An example Databases include :

  1. The GH Rest API and
  2. a web-scraped GH API by LogSkele called Gitcollect.
  3. This Wikipedia python module

So if a website has no API, you can still get information from it!

Using BS4 or Beautiful Soup 4 A python module to web scrape information from a website where you can do requests. It's a really useful module to add to your skillset!
You can use Web Scraping!

sehgalspandan profile image
Spandan Sehgal

Yeah thanks for sharing, I know that but this script is for using just the Wikipedia module.

wjplatformer profile image

ok then 😀