DEV Community

Sten for Tability

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What makes your team productive at work?

Hey everyone,

Developer productivity is a bit of a taboo but I have a strong belief that a lot can be done to improve the way we build software. This comes from my experience as a product manager, but also from talking to companies about the challenges of software development (I worked 5 years in the Dev Tools at Atlassian). I'm curious to know what the experience of the community is in that regards. I'm more interested in teamwork and collaboration problems rather than what makes you productive as an individual contributor.

I believe that it would be great to have an open discussion here but I am also really keen on having 1-1 conversations over Hangout/Skype, so please don't hesitate to let me know if you'd be willing to chat. You can DM me on Twitter at @stenpittet so that we can schedule something, and I have $50 Amazon vouchers to compensate you for your time.

For context, I'm bootstrapping a platform to help product teams scale their development using data - the core idea is that machines can be pretty good at detecting bottlenecks and helping find better ways to work (more on that on Your feedback would be amazing to help understand how to best solve that problem.


Top comments (4)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I'd say in general our productivity comes from the right combination of free time for deep work as well as ensuring everyone is on the same page as things change. Meaning an emphasis on little demos and meeting minutes being shared with the group rather than having to schedule meetings for everyone to attend. Fewer blockers and interruptions, but a strong emphasis on sharing what occurred during chats.

And then, of course, identifying the right measurables without too much overhead or tie-in if they wind up being the wrong thing to measure.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

By the way, I'll definitely poke around Squadlytics when I get a chance and help out as much as I can.

stenpittet profile image

Thanks, right now we're at a bit of a crossroad and there are several directions we can take. My goal at the moment is to gather as much information as possible before putting strong commitments on the roadmap. I'd be happy for you to try out Squadlytics but just getting feedback on the way you work is immensely valuable.

stenpittet profile image

Thanks for the feedback. May I ask you how many people you have on your team and how work is planned and dispatched?