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C# Linting and Formatting Tools in 2021

Sam Magura on October 03, 2021

tl;dr: Use SonarLint and optionally StyleCop. The JavaScript ecosystem has amazing tools for formatting and statically analyzing your code: Pretti...
valentinepalazkov profile image
Valentine Palazkov • Edited

Thank you for the research - it's very useful.

It worth to mention that ReSharper costs $299 for organizations.

As for me, I have dotUltimate personal subscription that costs me $89/year and has much more than just ReSharper - it includes pretty much everything that C# developer would need.

But you are right that ReSharper is worthless for a project more than 300K lines of code because of performance issues.

I checked VS2022 + ReSharper - it's much better, I would say.

My guess that it's because VS2022 is a 64bit process.

But anyway, I switched to JetBrains Rider almost 4 years ago and never looked back.

shadowcs profile image
Honza Rameš • Edited

Great article, thanks.

However I'd advice against using rulesets at this time and migrate to .editorconfigs which offer more options (but you'll loose the GUI for editing rulesets - which have its quirks for .NET Core projects anyway). See You can port between the two, see

Also there are two more analyzers worth mentioning: Roslynator and FxCop. FxCop is now part of the .NET SDK (since 5.0) and renamed to .NET analyzers. Several rules have been discontinued and a lot of rules (or all, depends on TargetFramework) are disabled by default. See

srmagura profile image
Sam Magura

Thanks for bringing this up Honza. I did not know you could configure rules via .editorconfig. I'll try to get that working and then update the post accordingly.

Reference on how to use .editorconfig to configure rules:

binarypatrick profile image

Love this post, thank you for all the research. Have you looked into any solutions adding this to a build pipeline or check in process? I'd really love to have an automated task in the PR to run this and commit styles changes to keep everything correct.

srmagura profile image
Sam Magura

Thanks! The Johnny Reilly post I linked shows how to automate dotnet-format with a precommit hook. I don't think it will be possible to automate any of the other tools to the same extent.

Since SonarLint and StyleCop generate build warnings, you will see those warnings in CI. Here's a screenshot of a Sonar warning from my Azure Pipelines build:


belav profile image

If you want an opinionated formatter for c# you should check out, it is coming along nicely. The formatting is fairly stable at this point, I am mostly just dealing with edge cases.

twofingerrightclick profile image

This is definitely my favorite tool. Hands off. Makes for those who do a lot of Typescript.

tomasforsman profile image
Tomas Forsman • Edited

Best post on the subjekt I've come across. Very well put together! It's highly appreciated.

srmagura profile image
Sam Magura

Thank you!

johnnyreilly profile image
John Reilly

Thanks for the link to my Prettier post Sam! I've since written a follow up more specifically on linting as I've been digging into the wonderful world of Roslyn Analyzers.

ohritz profile image
Sohan Fernando

Just to add another tool to the mix.
is free.
We are just starting to try it out, to see if we can do some style cleanup in bulk on older codebases.

aliki212 profile image

Great article!Thank you for the information and documentation!I am still learning so I'll stick with Resharper for now, good to know SonarLint for the future, cheers!

ptkhuong96 profile image

Thanks. it's great

alirezanet profile image
AliReZa Sabouri • Edited

Hi, I think you should combine these with, check it out

guibranco profile image
Guilherme Branco Stracini

CSharpier is another great tool!

h_assefi profile image
Hossein Assefi • Edited

Hi Sam
The article is very helpful. But, I wonder if any of these tools can be used in CI pipeline?


mcm profile image
Michael McDonald

Great summary thanks for the article. Just one more to add to the list it's similar to dotnet format except does the things you highlighted are missing.

danielcumings profile image
Daniel Cumings

Rider is worth checking out. Most of the developers at my company have switched to rider. The only thing we still need VS for is fixing binding redirects in old net framework code.