DEV Community

Shaily Shah
Shaily Shah

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My Journey with Prettier, ESLint, and VSCode

I recently embarked on a mission to enhance my coding environment by integrating Prettier, ESLint, and configuring Visual Studio Code (VSCode). Little did I know, this journey would be both rewarding and filled with unexpected challenges.

Setting the Stage:
The journey began with the quest for clean and consistent code. Prettier, the code formatter, promised to take care of the nitty-gritty details, while ESLint offered the power of static analysis to catch potential bugs and enforce a consistent coding style.

The Configuration Odyssey:
Configuring these tools was the first hurdle. ESLint and Prettier have their own configurations, and aligning them with my project's needs required some detective work. I dove deep into .eslintrc and .prettierrc files, tweaking rules and settings until everything clicked.

The VSCode Connection:
With ESLint and Prettier on board, it was time to make VSCode dance to the same tune. I crafted a bespoke settings.json file, synchronizing VSCode with my project's preferences. IntelliSense, auto-formatting, and error highlighting became my coding companions.

The Unexpected Plot Twists:
As in any adventure, challenges emerged. Mysterious linting errors, conflicting configurations, and the infamous "Identifier 'textToHtml' has already been declared" bug – each hurdle was a lesson in problem-solving and resilience. Google became my best friend, and Stack Overflow my guiding light.

The Sweet Taste of Success:
After overcoming these challenges, the payoff was immense. My codebase became a haven of consistency, and the development experience, seamless. The satisfaction of seeing VSCode auto-fixing issues and Prettier sprinkling its magic on save was unparalleled.

Closing Thoughts:
In the end, the journey taught me not only about tooling but also about the importance of perseverance in the face of unexpected challenges. Configuring Prettier, ESLint, and VSCode is an investment that pays off in the long run, turning coding from a chore into a delightful experience.

Top comments (1)

kehoecj profile image
Clayton Kehoe

Thanks for sharing!