DEV Community

Shaily Shah
Shaily Shah

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Release 1.0 - Text to Html Converter

Have you ever wanted to turn your plain text files into beautiful web pages? That's exactly what I set out to do with my latest coding project. While the end result was great, getting there was quite an adventure filled with some puzzling problems.

The main idea was simple: I wanted to create a tool that could take a plain text file, like something you'd write in Notepad, and turn it into a proper web page with all the HTML bells and whistles. Sounds easy, right? Well, not quite.

One of the first challenges was dealing with paragraphs. You see, web pages need these things called

tags around paragraphs. But figuring out where each paragraph started and ended in the text was trickier than I thought. I had to use some special code to find those blank lines and turn them into


Then came the issue of titles. If the first line of the text was a title (with two blank lines below it), I wanted to use it as the page title and as a big heading at the top of the page. Making this work required some fancy file reading and text extraction.

But the biggest challenge? Dealing with what people wanted. I wanted to give users the freedom to choose where their new web pages would go and whether they wanted to use a special design (a stylesheet). Allowing users to customize things like this meant I had to write extra code to handle their choices and avoid mistakes.

Another tricky part was managing directories. You know, folders where you store your files? My tool was supposed to create a new folder for the web pages, but it had to make sure that folder was empty first. Getting this right involved using a special tool to delete the old stuff and create a fresh space.

Despite all these challenges, I finally made it work. Now my tool can take plain text and turn it into web pages with titles, custom styles, and it puts them where you want them.

This project taught me that coding isn't just about typing code. It's about solving puzzles, paying attention to details, and never giving up. Even though I faced some tough problems, I'm proud of what I created. As the programmer says that every problem is a chance to learn and get better.

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