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5 NodeJS experts you should follow to become a pro

5 NodeJS experts you should follow to become a pro

StackExperts — Platform to learn from StackOverflow Experts

StackExchange is a vast community of programmers (albeit software developers) around the globe. Just like a Universe StackOverflow is filled with knowledge and content from awesome developers and is extending every day, every hour, every minute.

Developers can live without Google but not without StackOverflow.

In this article, we will take you to top 5 NodeJS experts whom you can follow and learn from them via their answers on StackOverflow

T.J. Crowder

T.J. Crowder has ~800K reputation on StackOverflow and is quite active in Javascript questions. He has also written an upcoming book Javascript — The new Toys. He has answered more than 800 answers in NodeJS. Here are a couple of popular answers from him

Follow T.J Crowder using StackEye and get notified when he posts a new answer. Get StackEye from Chrome Store.

You can also checkout his Twitter & Github Profile.


JohnnyHK has ~247K reputation on StackOverflow and is quite active in questions related to Javascript, NodeJS, MongoDB, etc. He has answered more than 1000 answers on StackOverflow related to NodeJS. His in-depth knowledge of the language makes his answers very unique and very informative.

A couple of popular posts from him

Follow JohnnyHK using StackEye and get notified when he posts a new answer. Get StackEye from Chrome Store.


Bergi has ~450K reputation on StackOverflow and primary answers to JavaScript, ES6, NodeJS related questions. Check out a couple of posts from him

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jfriend00 has more than 25 years of experience in Software development. He has answered ~4K answers in NodeJS topic and has ~530K reputation on StackOverflow. Here are his couple of top-notch answers

Follow jfriend00 using StackEye and get notified when he posts a new answer. Get StackEye from Chrome Store.


RobertKlep has answered more than 2000 questions on StackOverflow related to NodeJS. He has in-depth knowledge of Javascript, NodeJS, and contributes to other topics like MongoDB, Redis, ElasticSearch, etc. Here are a couple of answers.

Follow RobertKlep using StackEye and get notified when he posts a new answer. Get StackEye from Chrome Store.

You can also check out his Twitter and Github profile.


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