Well, I don't use Expo, but I ended up working on a recently done Expo project where one of the features I was supposed to develop was
a way to connect the server and some other internal APIs and services (such as a payments API) so they could send notifications to the App made with Expo.
In addition, another requirement was that Marketing personnel could also send notifications to specific users through a user-friendly interface that was connected to the Company database.
And to solve this problem, I created a Dashboard using React (which Marketing people will use) that lists all Company users and sends notifications to a RESTful API made with NodeJS (which will also be used by internal APIs and services) that forwards
notifications to Expo servers to be delivered to their vendors (FCM for Android and APNs for iOS). - More info on repos!
NOTE: The projects listed here are just a simplification of the modules I made, ok?
Without further ado, follow the repos!
Dashboard: https://github.com/steniowagner/expo-notifications-dashboard
App: https://github.com/steniowagner/expo-notifications-app
Api: https://github.com/steniowagner/expo-notifications-api
A great 2020 to you! 😘
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