
Stephen Ditta
Stephen Ditta

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The Start to Exploring the World of Open Source

Hi, my name is Stephen Ditta, I am a 4th-year Software Developer at Seneca Polytechnic. I have a passion for both front-end and back-end development and aspire to establish my career in the field of full-stack development. In my spare time I find joy in two activities: fishing and painting. When not occupied by other responsibilities, you can find me casting away for the perfect catch. Additionally, if not fishing, I immerse myself in art, painting away at canvases and even miniatures.

I enrolled in the open source course to get a deeper understanding of collaborative software development as well as contribute to projects. While progressing through the course and expanding my knowledge, I predict valuable learning experiences through active engagement with a diverse global community. What attracted me to open source was working and collaborating with other developers on projects we are all passionate about. I enjoy the sense of empowerment and the ability to contribute to a global community of creators. It's a place where knowledge is freely shared, and everyone can collectively work together to build the future of technology.

In this term, my primary objective is to advance my software development skills by building upon my existing knowledge. I am hoping to contribute to open source code editors like Microsoft’s VS code or Notepad ++ and embark on development of extensions for these editors. My aim is to engage with the community, gain valuable insights, and make contributions I am truly proud of.

The GitHub trending repository I researched is known as Meteor. It is an ultra-simple environment for building modern web applications. Meteor uses data on the wire, where the server sends the data (not HTML), and the client renders it. I decided to pick Meteor as it is a full-stack JavaScript platform for developing modern web and mobile applications.

Meteor provides:

  • Modern JavaScript to create applications.
  • Integration with technology such as frameworks that you already use, to reduce configuring disparate components yourself. Some integrated frameworks are:
    • React
    • Blaze
    • Vue
    • Svelte
  • Flexible code for building apps for any device – web, IOS, Android, and desktop.

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