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Creating the phase 1 project was no joke, whether it being how I wanted to do something or design something. It really shed some light on all of the creative processes that are put into development.

At the start of the creation of my project, I had a simple idea that I wanted to strive for, and that being an application/website that acts as a sort of "Craigslist" but for Dogs.

I started with the basic HTML and CSS which was able to be gotten out of the way easily.

After finishing the HTML and CSS I wanted to move to something I had not tried before, which was settings tabs, so that everything in the website is loaded and able to be switched to without having to load or refresh the page. Which after attempting to learn it on my own, I was able to get a working version built into my code. There were some bugs that took a bit to work out, but when they did get worked out it was pretty relieving. I had added 4 different tabs of content. Each unique in their own way. The first being the Adopt or Popular puppies tab. This showcases popular dogs on the site and allows you to click a like button on the ones that you do like from the popular list! The second tab is designated for finding a shelter. Which is listed with a placeholder google maps location of a shelter. Which then can be searched into and bring up closer shelters to the user who is on the site. The third tab is an "about us" page which talks about the organization behind the page and it's purpose. And the final fourth tab is about the public API that was used. Which will be continued on next.

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Afterward, it was onto adding in a public API. Which I had decided to go with The Dog Api( I had only wanted to take a specific part of it and that being the breeds section. My idea was to take the breeds, and images associated with them, and create a list people could scroll through to look at different breeds.

Image description

The main function of this site, is for people who are looking to adopt to come onto the site and find listings of dogs up for adoption. Whether it be a personally uploaded listing, or a listing by any shelter/adoption agency. While the website does not look the prettiest or have every feature fully built in, it gets the job done of promoting adoption centers, and showing dogs that would be up for adoption. As well as providing a bit of knowledge about what different breeds look like.
The Site also has a built in dark mode for anyone who's eyes get hurt when looking at a white screen!

During the months leading up to the project and the time spent on the project, it has been really easy to say that I have enjoyed every second of it. Even the frustrating times where I wasn't sure what the next step would be or how to fix a bug in my code. While working on this project, I believe I have learned many things and learned that there are so many resources out there to help understand something you don't know. A youtuber named the Net Ninja, definitely did help me understand some things I did lack and was able to help me work through some of the hardships I faced. What I am most proud of is to be able to say that with some of the issues I faced, I completed them myself through trial and error.

My main take away from this project, are to mainly overcome obstacles. There were many times, were there was an idea I had and I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong and I gave up on it. Even though the main vision I had for the project did not come true. The outcome is something I am proud to be able to share!
Even though during the time of being a student at Flatiron, I have both fallen behind and gotten too ahead, the main thing I always heard was about burnout. That is something that I believe is apparent to me now, as while working endlessly on the project there were times I felt annoyed or tired of working on it. Breaks are most definitely important when on a task to strengthen and prove skills. It is possible that I could have given up and stopped if I hadn't taken some very need mental health breaks.

Thank you for reading,

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