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Spyros Ponaris
Spyros Ponaris

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Stack vs Heap in C#: Key Differences and Usage

When working with memory management in C#, it's important to understand the stack and the heap. Both are essential areas of memory, but they serve different purposes and have distinct characteristics. Here’s a quick comparison:

Aspect Stack Heap
Scope One per thread One per application
Size Small (1–4 MB) Large
Memory Layout No gaps between data Can be defragmented
Memory Management Automatic (e.g., function exit) Cleaned up by Garbage Collector (GC)
Speed Faster Slower

Key Points:

  1. Stack: Used for static memory allocation. Variables like method parameters, local variables, and return addresses are stored here. It’s managed automatically, making it faster.

  2. Heap: Used for dynamic memory allocation. Objects created using the new keyword are stored here. The garbage collector (GC) handles cleanup, which can slow down performance.

Additional Resources:

Understanding when to use stack or heap effectively can help optimize your application's performance and memory usage.

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