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OSD600 - Lab4 - Remotes and merges

In Open Source Development at Seneca, Lab 4 "Using git remotes and merges… collaborative": The requirements was to add a feature that ignores URL patterns to a peer’s Release 0.1. At first I did not think this was so difficult. A class mate from class asked if I was interested in doing the collaborative part. After making the fork of the project, I created a branch.
I went to work on adding the feature. I was not sure if I was on the right track. I quickly realized that adding this feature was more difficult than I anticipated. It kept printing the results twice and the ignore filter was completely not working. I asked a good friend of mine to take a look and I asked my class mate to take a look. We ended up spending hours on this and became frustrated that we could not figure this out. Eventually I caved and asked my awesome professor. I was able to fix some of the code but it still wasn’t filtering despite the help.

Unfortunately I have been dealing with a family emergency this last week so my patience was thin at best. When your father goes to the hospital, you end up doing homework all week until 2am kind of week… OMG is it reading week yet? I really need some sleep! I’m not so great at this late night stuff anymore and I’m sure I’m 15 to 20 years older then my class mates. Those of you who are young and reading this, remember there is a point in time when your body hurts you back! HaHa! All joking aside, the solution needed to be found. Thanks to my class mate’s obsessive determination to fix the problem… huh, I thought I was the only one like that…

Now that everything was fixed, it was time to use the command line. I did struggle with learning how to clone but after the great professor we have showed me how simple it was, he told me that I would probably enjoy working from the command line but easier. So this part for me was fun to learn. The first think was to create the remote from my class mate’s fork and the name of the branch. After fetching the name of my classmate I set up a tracking branch for the issue. The file was added and then I created the pull from the command line. I created the merge and the pushed the origin to the master. The commit was complete.

In the end, I am thankful for this experience and delighted to learn new things. I have also learned that many of my peers experience similar struggles to myself and that I shouldn’t sweat it so much. When I started this journey, I did not realize how challenging it would be. However I do so love challenges.

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