Today, on Ada Lovelace Day, we are celebrating women in STEM - and while we have come a far well ... a way since Ada wrote the first ever computer program in 1843, there is still a lot to do.
Lately, I have been reminded of the importance of representation quite a lot. We keep discussing why less women sign up to study computer science, why we have fewer applicants from non-male developers and why it’s apparently “so difficult to diversify staff” (imagine me rolling my eyes here). Yet we fail to accommodate the few folks that were brave enough to join this industry.
I’m tired of explaining why we need equal pay, equal recognition, equal opportunities & challenges - and I can only imagine how those who have been part of this battle much, much longer are feeling. Or why are not willing to continue the fight.
I love the support among women and other underrepresented groups in the tech community. It’s one of the reasons I got in and am still here. But it can’t be all we got - we need representation. We need people who look and think like us at the top. In the middle. In all the damn places. And we need allies.
Take today as a reminder to value all the great women in tech - to celebrate Ada Lovelace and all that came after her and are yet to come. Make sure they know.

Artwork by the Amazing Women of History
If you are not sure how, here is a list of seven ways to celebrate Ada Lovelace Day, including a list of videos to binge, tips on where you can donate to support women in STEM and a little guidance on how to diversify / audit your Twitter feed.
What great achievements by women in this industry are you celebrating today? Happy Ada Lovelace Day, let’s make it count!💜
Top comments (1)
Happy Ada Lovelace Day indeed! 🥳
It's well past time that women in this industry receive the credit and acceptance their due.
Two posts I'd like to point out that can offer advice to folks who aren't part of an underrepresented group, but want to be allies:
Ten Tips for How YOU Can Make Your Workplace Friendlier for Women
Anna J McDougall ・ Dec 14 '20 ・ 7 min read
A Retrospective for Men in Tech
Lauren Lee ・ Mar 5 '20 ・ 4 min read