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What is Next.js?

Day 1 of 100 days code and I am already mind blown 💥! I started my journey with Next.js and learned so much today. I got to know about the history of Next.js, its definition, the difference between Next.js and React, and Client Side Rendering (CSR) and Server Side Rendering (SSR).

Next.js is a front-end framework for building React applications with server-side rendering capabilities. It was developed by the team at Vercel (f.k.a Zeit), led by Guillermo Rauch, the founder of Vercel. The wider community has also contributed to its development over time.

Next.js brings in SSR, automatic code splitting, and more, making it simply amazing and very cool ✨. It was built on top of React, so there are no changes in syntax, it's simply React + more.

In CSR, the app loads and generates the output on the browser dynamically. In SSR, the UI we see is not generated by the browser, but on the server. This means that when an app loads, it doesn't need to parse the UI on the browser, instead, it comes from the server side.

I'm excited to continue this journey and share more with you. See you guys tomorrow! Let's go.

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