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Merging to main branch and Working on different branches

In this lab, I created two issues for supporting Horizontal rule-Issue#21 and Code Block-issue#22 in Markdown to HTML tags on my static site generator repository.

First I created two branches called Issue-21 and Issue-22 to write the codes on the different branches and merge them together to learn how to merge different branches into one repository. Writing code was going quite smoothly compare to previous labs. After I push it to each of the branches, I merged with the master branch.

For this lab, it seems like all parts of the lab went smoothly. Unfortunately, I found that I also pushed unnecessary files and folders such as node_modules, text, and MD files that were used to create a static webpage and created HTML. Because I want to make it clean, I tried to remove the fixed code from the code and push it again to make it the previous version.

After that, I tried to edit both branches and merge them. Unlike the previous version, there was an error. It says that it is non-fast-forward, so, it cannot merge it to the main bridge. Hence, I tried the same step again to find which part cause the error. But after I tried these steps again, it successfully did merge it to the master branch!

It took me a long time to fix it, it took a full day to make the repository correctly. For next time, I will try to check again before I commit and push the code to the repository. I think it was possible to solve because it was my repository and my work does not affect other's work. However, when I am working on other's directories, it can cause an error on the application.

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