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Cover image for How to create a Twitter Bot using Node.js and Heroku
Sumedh Patkar
Sumedh Patkar

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How to create a Twitter Bot using Node.js and Heroku

Making a twitter bot is one of the many use cases of using the Twitter API. A bot can be used to enhance your business, assist customers through automated replies, automate retweets for specific terms, and a lot more.
This article is about how I created The Data Science Bot using Node.js.

Table Of Contents

  1. Apply for Twitter developer account
  2. Create app on twitter
  3. Setup dev environment
  4. Write code in nodejs
  5. Deploy to heroku
  6. How to avoid duplication of retweets

Let's start

Step 1: Apply for Twitter Developer Account

This is the most important and perhaps the most difficult step according to me.

  • Login into Twitter
  • Go to and click on 'Apply for a Developer account'
  • Select the type of application i.e. student/business/hobbyist, etc.
  • Mention the purpose of your application. Be as specific as you can over here.

Make sure you have read the Developer Agreement and Policy, Automation rules and The Twitter Rules thoroughly before applying.

Failing to meet these conditions will cause your application to be rejected

Read the full article on How to apply for a twitter developer Account

Step 2: Create app on twitter

Once your twitter developer account access has been approved.

  • Create an APP on
    Fill in the required details.

  • Generate API keys. Click on your apps details and navigate to Keys and tokens
    Generate Keys

⚠️ Warning (Don't reveal the API keys in any case).

Step 3: Setup Development Environment

Make sure you have Node.js and npm installed on your PC.

For Ubuntu, install using the following commands

sudo apt install nodejs
sudo apt install npm

For other distributions, click here for installation instructions.

Create a directory named your-botname.
In my case, I have named it the-datascience-bot.

To initialize the git environment and install the package twit using npm, enter the following commands inside the your-botname directory:

init env

Congratulations! You have successfully set up your Node.js DEV environment 🎉🎉

Step 4: Code

  • Firstly, we have to authenticate twit. To do this, we will link our twitter app and code using the generated API keys.

Create a file named config.js.
Put the following code in your config.js file



Put your keys copied from your twitter apps dashboard.

  • Next, we write the code for the bot in a file bot.js.

Here is the code.


const config = require('./config')
const twit =  require('twit')

const T = new twit(config)

function retweet(searchText) {
    // Params to be passed to the 'search/tweets' API endpoint
    let params = {
        q : searchText + '',
        result_type : 'mixed',
        count : 25,

    T.get('search/tweets', params, function(err_search, data_search, response_search){

        let tweets = data_search.statuses
        if (!err_search)
            let tweetIDList = []
            for(let tweet of tweets) {

                //more code here later...

            // Call the 'statuses/retweet/:id' API endpoint for retweeting EACH of the tweetID
            for (let tweetID of tweetIDList) {
      'statuses/retweet/:id', {id : tweetID}, function(err_rt, data_rt, response_rt){
                        console.log("\n\nRetweeted! ID - " + tweetID)
                    else {
                        console.log("\nError... Duplication maybe... " + tweetID)
                        console.log("Error = " + err_rt)
        else {
            console.log("Error while searching" + err_search)

// Run every 60 seconds
setInterval(function() { retweet('#DataScience OR #DataVisualization'); }, 60000)

Let's break it down.

  • We initialize the twit object using our configuration details from config.js
  • The retweet function first calls the search/tweets API endpoint for the given search query. In my case, it is '#DataScience OR #DataVisualization'
  • We pass the following parameters to search API
    • q: The search query
    • result_type: 'mixed' for latest as well as popular older tweets
    • count: number of tweets to retrieve at once
  • The retrieved JSON object has the list of tweets having either #DataScience or #DataVisualization in it.

-We then pass each of the tweet IDs to the statuses/retweet/:id API endpoint, which retweets the tweet.

Detailed API reference guides for Search and Retweet.

Test the bot locally using the following command:

node bot.js

Your Twitter timeline should show the retweets.

Try debugging on the console if it doesn't work.

Step 5: Deploy to Heroku

  • Create an account on Heroku
  • Create an app named 'your-botname' on Heroku

Create new app button

Heroku New App

Make sure the name of your local project directory is exactly the same as your Heroku project name.

  • Install heroku-cli on your pc

If you have an Ubuntu/Debian based distribution, then use the following command to install heroku-cli

curl | sh

For other environments, the installation instructions can be found here

  • Create a file named 'Procfile' having the following code


worker: node bot.js
  • Login to heroku CLI
$ heroku login

This will open a login link on heroku, where you have to enter your password.

  • Deploy to Heroku using these commands Deploy Heroku commands

One last step

Start the worker dyno on Heroku.
Go to and click on your bot app.

Then, click on configure Dynos
Configure Dynos

Start the worker dyno and click on confirm
Start worker dyno

And your bot is Ready! 🎉🎉


Step 6: How to avoid duplication of retweets

Add the following code in the for loop where we wrote
//more code here later..

Check duplication

Check Duplication

Then outside the loop -

// Utility function - Gives unique elements from an array
function onlyUnique(value, index, self) { 
    return self.indexOf(value) === index;

// Get only unique entries
tweetIDList = tweetIDList.filter( onlyUnique )

The utility function onlyUnique can be written outside the retweet function as well.

This will let our bot avoid duplicate retweets.

Short explanation of the above code

  • Each tweet has a unique property id_str.
    If you retweet someone's tweet, it has a different id_str.

  • The search API finds both the original tweet and the retweeted ones.

  • When we call the statuses/retweet/:id API endpoint, it retweets all of them.

  • To a novice Twitter user, it looks like your bot has retweeted the same stuff two or more times.

Something like this 👇

Duplicate retweets

  • If tweet text starts with "RT @" then it is a retweeted tweet, with a different id_str than the original. We take the id_str of the original tweet and filter duplicates using the onlyUnique function

There are a lot more things you can do with the API. Check out the API reference( for more details.

Source Code -

The full source code can be accessed here

GitHub logo Sumedh-Patkar / the-datascience-bot

A Twitter bot for retweeting tweets having hashtags #DataScience, #DataVisualization


Cover Image A Twitter bot for retweeting tweets having hashtags #DataScience, #DataVisualization

The Data Science Bot 🤖

The bot retweets tweets having hashtags #DataScience and #DataVisualization

Here is the link to my bot

Alright, that's it!

This was my first tech article on the Developer community.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks for reading! 😊

Top comments (9)

dowenb profile image
Ben Dowen

Thank you for this tutorial and the code, I have used it to make my own Bot:

I have gone a slightly different way to keep the keys safe, using "dotenv" and a .env file locally, and the Heroku built in environment variables store. Otherwise it's pretty might a straight copy.

shadowtime2000 profile image
shadowtime2000 • Edited

Where you are holding the keys you could make it a .json file instead of using module.exports with a .js file. You wouldn't have to change anything in the code except for renaming the require from ./config to ./config.json.

ash1eyish profile image
Ashley Maria

If I would like to automate something on my personal username and then have a bot on it's own Twitter username, do I apply for the developer account on just my account or the new one as well? I see the option to "create new username" is available when applying on my username but if I can avoid applying the second time, that'd be cool.

sumedhpatkar profile image
Sumedh Patkar

Hey. Apologies for replying late.

Yes. You have to apply for a developer account from both the usernames.

hinasoftwareengineer profile image

Amazing!! 👏👏 Nice Explanation👌👌. I have a question that Can we also like the tweet using this bot?

sumedhpatkar profile image
Sumedh Patkar

Thank you!

Yes, you can. But automated liking of tweets is discouraged and can get your account suspended.

Check out Automation Rules, Section II - D

shadowtime2000 profile image

You could check out the twit docs here

shaunman profile image

Thanks for your article, it's the most comprehensive one that I've found.

Question from a newb: Would we need to create separate bot.js files for each search we want the bot to do? I'd like to run a similar query against a number of specific Twitter accounts, but I was reading that "Queries can be 512 characters long."

hashtagkaran profile image
karan singh

I want to create a quote tweet using this project and I want my community to help with this.
please reply who knows how to solve this.