Basic Commands
whoami -> displays the name of logged in user
clear -> clear the terminal
mkdir -> create new directory [syntax - mkdir new_directory]
pwd -> present working directory [syntax - pwd]
ls -> list all the files and folders in current directory [syntax - ls]
cd -> Change directory [syntax - cd /Desktop]
- cd .. -> previous directory
- cd ~/ -> root directory
touch -> create new file without content [syntax - touch new_file.txt]
cat -> display file content [syntax - cat new_file.txt]
- cat > newfile.txt -> create a new file and edit the content
mv -> Move file to new directory [syntax - mv file filepath]
- mv filename new_file_name -> rename the file/directory
rm -> remove file/directory [syntax - rm file.txt]
- rm -r -> remove recursively
- rm -rf -> remove content recursively and forcefully
- rmdir -> remove directory
history -> prints all the previous commands typed in current terminal session
sudo -> allow user to run program as root
grep -> global search for regular expression [syntax - grep [options] pattern [files]]
- grep -c “sumit” samplefile.txt -> counts the number of lines that have "sumit"
- grep -i "SuMiT" samplefile.txt -> this will search for the string insensitively in given file
- grep -l "file" * -> all files that contains the given string/pattern in diretory
- grep -w "hello" * -> check for the whole word in a file
- grep -n "unix" * -> show line number while displaying the output
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