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Sumsuzzaman Chowdhury
Sumsuzzaman Chowdhury

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From Chaos to Harmony: Sending Your EC2 Logs to CloudWatch

The cloud's allure comes with a hidden chorus: the ever-growing symphony of system and application logs. In this cacophony, understanding your EC2 instances' operational health and performance can feel like deciphering birdsong in a hurricane.

Fear not! This blog is your conductor, guiding you through the seamless integration of your EC2 logs with AWS CloudWatch. No more struggling with isolated log files or drowning in data. CloudWatch brings the power of centralized log management, robust querying, smart alerting, and insightful dashboards to your fingertips.

Why CloudWatch?

  • Centralized Logging: Bid farewell to scattered logs. CloudWatch consolidates your EC2 logs in one place, simplifying access and analysis.

  • Powerful Querying: Unleash the detective within. CloudWatch's intuitive search and filtering let you pinpoint specific insights hidden within your log data.

  • Proactive Alerting: Don't wait for the flames to engulf your instances. Set up custom alerts to be notified instantly of potential issues before they become problems.

  • Eloquent Dashboards: Transform raw data into a beautiful concerto of insights. Build customizable dashboards that visually represent your EC2's health and performance.

Before you can masterfully conduct your logs to CloudWatch, let's gather the instruments and ensure the stage is set for a harmonious performance. Here's your pre-concert checklist:

1. Secure Your Backstage Pass:

  • If you haven't already, grab a ticket to the show by signing up for an AWS account. This grants you access to the entire AWS orchestra, including EC2 and CloudWatch.

2. Study the Musical Score:

  • Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the key melodies and harmonies of EC2 and CloudWatch. Understand the basics of instances, AMIs, and security groups for EC2, along with metrics, alarms, and log streams for CloudWatch. This will help you navigate the integration process smoothly.

3. Appoint Your Stage Manager:

  • Ensure you have an IAM user with the necessary backstage authority to configure EC2, CloudWatch, and related services. Grant this user the equivalent of a VIP pass with the 'AmazonEC2FullAccess' and 'CloudWatchLogsFullAccess' permissions.

4. Warm Up the Orchestra:

  • Make sure you have an EC2 instance up and running, ready to play its part in the performance. If you need to launch a new instance, consult AWS's detailed documentation for a smooth setup.

Once you've checked off these prerequisites, you're ready to raise the curtain on the integration process!

Comprehending EC2 Logs When we talk about 'EC2 logs,' we typically refer to a range of logs generated by activities within an EC2 instance. These logs encompass:

  1. System Logs: Offering insights into the system operations of your EC2 instances, these logs are crucial for troubleshooting issues related to instance launches or failures. They can be accessed through the EC2 console under 'Instance Settings' and 'Get System Log.'

  2. Application Logs: If you're running applications on your EC2 instance, those applications may generate their own logs. The location and content of these logs depend on the specific application and the chosen logging configuration.

  3. Custom Logs: Your EC2 instance may have custom scripts or software producing unique logs. Configuring these logs for CloudWatch will be contingent on your specific setup.

  4. Security Logs: These logs cover security events like SSH logins, firewall changes, or unauthorized access attempts. On Linux-based systems, logs such as /var/log/auth.log or /var/log/secure might be pertinent.

Understanding the nuances and content of these logs is the initial stride toward formulating a robust logging strategy. As we progress into the integration of EC2 with CloudWatch, we'll delve into effective methods for capturing and forwarding each type of log.

Setting Up the AWS CloudWatch Logs Agent

Before your EC2 instance can send logs to CloudWatch, you need to set up the CloudWatch Logs Agent. This agent is responsible for monitoring specified log files, and securely transmitting log data to CloudWatch Logs.


sudo yum install -y awslogs

For alternative OS versions, AWS offers comprehensive installation guides.

Agent Configuration: The primary configuration file for the agent is typically located at /etc/awslogs/awslogs.conf. This file outlines the logs to monitor and the method for sending them to CloudWatch.

AWS Credentials Setup: To enable communication with CloudWatch, the agent requires appropriate AWS credentials. Ensure the agent has access to IAM roles with the required permissions, or you can opt for manual configuration using access keys (although not recommended for production environments).

Initiating the Agent: Following configuration, you can initiate the agent by

sudo service awslogs start

Configuring EC2 to Send Logs to CloudWatch

After installing and running the agent, the next step is to set up your EC2 instance to send logs to CloudWatch.

IAM Role and Policy Requirements: Your EC2 instance needs an IAM role allowing it to write to CloudWatch Logs. Create a new IAM role, attach the CloudWatchLogsFullAccess policy, and associate this role with your EC2 instance.

Modifying the CloudWatch Logs Agent Configuration:
In /etc/awslogs/awslogs.conf, specify the log files to monitor.
Set the log stream name and log group, using variables like {instance_id} for unique log stream names.

Define the date format of your log entries if they include timestamp information.

Starting and Monitoring the Agent: After updating configurations, restart the agent and regularly check the /var/log/awslogs.log file to ensure logs are sent without issues.

Searching and Analyzing Logs in CloudWatch

Once logs are in CloudWatch, AWS provides tools to navigate and analyze the data.

Navigating the CloudWatch Console: Access logs by opening the CloudWatch console, selecting “Logs” from the sidebar, and choosing the log group associated with your EC2 instance.

Basic Querying Techniques: Use CloudWatch Logs Insights for querying logs. This robust tool enables searches, filters, and aggregations to enhance your understanding of log data. Example query

fields @timestamp, @message
| filter @message like /ERROR/
| sort @timestamp desc
| limit 20

Setting Up Metrics & Alarms: Utilize CloudWatch to establish custom metrics based on specific log patterns, such as tracking the count of “ERROR” entries. Once configured, set up alarms to receive notifications when predefined thresholds are exceeded, ensuring prompt awareness of potential issues.

Automating the Log Shipping Process

For environments with frequent EC2 instance provisioning and decommissioning, automating CloudWatch Logs setup is crucial.

Using EC2 User Data Scripts:
When launching an EC2 instance, employ the user data section to automate CloudWatch Logs agent installation and configuration.
Provide a shell script automating the discussed steps (installing, configuring, and starting the agent).

Leveraging AWS Systems Manager (SSM):
AWS SSM enables running commands across a fleet of EC2 instances. Use SSM Run Command to distribute and initiate CloudWatch Logs agent setup.

Additionally, SSM State Manager can ensure the agent is always running on instances.

Implementing CloudFormation or Terraform Templates:
Infrastructure-as-code solutions like AWS CloudFormation or Terraform let you define and provision AWS infrastructure using code.

Define the EC2 instance, necessary IAM roles, and CloudWatch Logs configurations in a template for automated logging setup.

Best Practices

Effective logging extends beyond capturing logs to ensure quality, security, and usability.

Log Retention & Rotation Policies:
Specify log retention policies in CloudWatch. Define how long logs should be retained to avoid unnecessary costs.

On the EC2 instance side, configure log rotation to prevent log files from consuming all available disk space.

Securely Handling Sensitive Information:
Ensure logs exclude sensitive details like passwords, API keys, or personally identifiable information (PII).

Consider using AWS KMS to encrypt log data in CloudWatch for enhanced security.

Monitoring and Alerting on Critical Log Events:
Apart from system metrics, set up CloudWatch Alarms for specific log patterns indicating critical issues or failures.

Integrate CloudWatch with notification services like Amazon SNS for real-time alerts.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Despite best efforts, challenges may arise in setting up or maintaining your EC2-to-CloudWatch logging pipeline.

Ensuring Correct IAM Permissions:
Log shipping failures often result from permission issues. Verify that your EC2 instance’s IAM role has the correct permissions for CloudWatch Logs.

Verifying Agent Connectivity & Configuration:
Check the agent’s log file, typically located at /var/log/awslogs.log, for errors or warnings.

Ensure your EC2 instance has internet access, either directly or through a VPC endpoint, to communicate with CloudWatch Logs.

Addressing Common Error Messages:
“DataAlreadyAcceptedException”: Indicates a log event was sent with a timestamp older than any existing event in the log stream. Ensure your system clock is synchronized.

“InvalidSequenceTokenException”: Often occurs due to a mismatch between the provided sequence token and the expected value on CloudWatch’s end. This can resolve on its own, but if persistent, consider restarting the agent.


Logging plays a crucial role in understanding a system's operations, providing valuable insights into application health, system performance, and potential security vulnerabilities.

Integrating EC2 logs with CloudWatch empowers AWS users with centralized logging capabilities. This setup enables real-time monitoring, alerting, and in-depth log analysis seamlessly integrated into an AWS-centric operational workflow.

Following this guide, you've successfully configured an EC2 instance to send logs to CloudWatch, ensuring proper storage, rotation, and readiness to troubleshoot potential issues.

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