1) SOLIDITY: Solidity is the most used and popular language in blockchain development to write smart contracts with syntax from Javascript, C++ and Python.
As at now, Solidity is the most preferred language for most Blockchain developers.
2) REMIX IDE - Remix is an open source, web based Integrated Development Environment to write and develop solidity smart contracts (Just like VScode editors)
3) METAMASK : Metamask is a software that allows user to access the Ethereum blockchain and host arrays of decentralised Applications.
4) HARDHAT : Hardhat is an Ethereum blockchain developement environment that helps compile, deploy, test and debug your smart contracts and DApps (Equivalant of Truffle)
5) WEB3.JS : Web3.js is a collection of JS libraries that allows developers to create application that interacts with Ethereum blockchain. (with local or remote Ethereum nodes)
6) GANACHE : Ganache allows you to create a private Ethereum blockchain for developers to run, test, and execute commands. It allows you to perform all action you would on main chain with no cost.
7) SOLC (SOLIDITY COMPILER) : Solc is a JS library and command-line tool that is used to compile solidity files from High-level solidty language to an Ethereum virtual machine bytecode.
And that's a wrap! You know others tools that are not mentioned? please feel free to add in the comment section.
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We meet again next time,
Until then, #KeepSunning!
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