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How to make glucose conversion calculator

A simple glucose conversion calculator using HTML and JavaScript. This calculator will allow users to convert glucose levels between different units (e.g., mg/dL to mmol/L or vice versa).
HTML Code**

  <div id="converter">
        <h2>Glucose Conversion Calculator</h2>

        <label for="glucoseInput">Enter Glucose Level:</label>
        <input type="number" id="glucoseInput" placeholder="Enter glucose level" required>

        <label for="unitSelect">Select Unit:</label>
        <select id="unitSelect">
            <option value="mg/dL">mg/dL</option>
            <option value="mmol/L">mmol/L</option>

        <button onclick="convert()">Convert</button>

        <p id="result"></p>
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JavaScript code

   function convert() {
            var glucoseInput = document.getElementById("glucoseInput").value;
            var unitSelect = document.getElementById("unitSelect").value;
            var resultElement = document.getElementById("result");

            if (unitSelect === "mg/dL") {
                var mmolPerL = glucoseInput / 18.01559;
                resultElement.innerText = glucoseInput + " mg/dL is approximately " + mmolPerL.toFixed(2) + " mmol/L.";
            } else {
                var mgPerDL = glucoseInput * 18.01559;
                resultElement.innerText = glucoseInput + " mmol/L is approximately " + mgPerDL.toFixed(2) + " mg/dL.";
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This code creates a simple web page with an input field for glucose level, a dropdown for selecting the unit, a button to trigger the conversion, and a result display. The JavaScript function convert() handles the conversion based on the selected unit, and the result is displayed below the button.

check online glucose conversion - visit

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