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Stop using everywhere πŸ₯΅

Suprabha on December 29, 2021

Most of the time I used to see the snippet like this πŸ‘‡ const fruits = ["apple", "orange", "cherry"]; let text = ""; document.getElementById("ma...
aminnairi profile image
Amin β€’ β€’ Edited

Hi @suprabhasupi and thanks for your article.

I wanted to point out that you could also have used map in a different way and still have the expected result.

const root = document.getElementById("root");

if (!root) {
  throw new Error("Root not found");

const fruits = ["banana", "apple", "pear"];

const indexed =, index) => {
  return `#${index + 1}: ${fruit}`;

const html = indexed.join("<br>");

root.innerHTML = html;
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Although I agree with you, I would change the title from Stop using everywhere to Start learning when to use

A do/don't kind of article would have been great for beginners to quickly catch the idea, and maybe extend the article to some of the most popular array methods as well.

hellnar profile image
Stas Klymenko β€’

It's better to use Reduce for this task.

mehuljariwala profile image
Mehul Jariwala β€’

const fruits = ["banana", "apple", "pear"];
fruits.reduce((initalArr, value, currentIndex) => {
initalArr.push(${currentIndex} --- ${value});
return initalArr;
}, []);

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aminnairi profile image
Amin β€’

Well, if you are going with Array.prototype.reduce, you better be not using any side-effects.

const root = document.getElementById("root");

if (!root) {
  throw new Error("Root not found");

const fruits = ["banana", "apple", "pear"];

const innerHTML = fruits.reduce((html, fruit, index) => {
  return `${html}#${index + 1}: ${fruit}<br>`;
}, "");

root.innerHTML = innerHTML;
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calinzbaenen profile image
Calin Baenen β€’

I should start making comprehensive guides, so I can gain popularity, since my YT career's dead.

suprabhasupi profile image
Suprabha β€’

It's a common mistake that devs do sometimes, and the above example suits here, Thanks for sharing this ☺️

webbureaucrat profile image
webbureaucrat β€’

Hard disagree. As others have said, the string concatenation example should have been reduce instead of map, but always favor immutable, functional operations over procedural ones because it is so much easier to introduce bugs in procedural operations like for loops.

Memory consumption is rarely a factor in most JavaScript apps, and garbage collectors get better every year. This is a classic example of a premature optimization. It's better to use map (and reduce!) for pretty much everything, and then go back and optimize into loops where you know there are bottlenecks, after your codebase is more mature.

drarig29 profile image
Corentin Girard β€’

You missed the point of the article I think. The whole point of the article is to say that semantically, a map() should be stored in a variable because it creates a new array. And that if you don't care about the result and just want to do side-effects in a "functional" way (here, I use the word "functional" as opposited to with an actual for-loop statement), just use forEach() instead.

Yes, sometimes reduce() will be better and you should refactor to use it, but that's not the point here.

And yes, the argument of memory consumption was a bad way to try giving a reason not to not store the result of a map().

suprabhasupi profile image
Suprabha β€’

Totally make sense, I also used to point out this in code reviews.
So first complete the task and then refactor it accordingly.

jakecarpenter profile image
Jake Carpenter β€’

Getting a new array is very much the point. We do this to avoid side effects that are difficult to track. It’s the same reason functions should return a value, not modify a reference.

Immutability by default is a solid strategy that helps avoid countless bugs. Only modify the original array when you have proven map to be a performance bottleneck - and it’s rare.

hellnar profile image
Stas Klymenko β€’

map - if you expect an array as a result.
reduce - if you expect one value as a result.
forEach - if you don't need to return a result. Better for sync code.
for of - if you don't need to return a result and you might break the loop. Better for async code.

drarig29 profile image
Corentin Girard β€’

Note that you can use functions like Promise.all() with map() too.

alfredosalzillo profile image
Alfredo Salzillo β€’

In your last example the forEach is the wrong choice. A reduce would have been better

seven_77 profile image
Seven β€’

do agree

suprabhasupi profile image
Suprabha β€’

Yeah, my main POC was to use map method wisely. Try to use other array methods.

alfredosalzillo profile image
Alfredo Salzillo β€’

Yeah, but a map used wisely would have been better than the for, wrong example

const text =, i) => [e,i].join(':')).join('<br>')
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matthewbdaly profile image
Matthew Daly β€’

I disagree somewhat. While the correct use case for map() is for when you want to transform the items in an array, and you shouldn't use it if you're just carrying out an action on each item, these days loops (as opposed to the forEach() method) are best avoided for most use cases, particularly when using a UI library like React.

Using chainable array methods like map() and forEach() has numerous advantages over a loop:

  • It breaks your code into a series of steps, making it easier to understand and reason about than nested loops
  • Because the callback for each is a function, you can add type hints for the parameters and return value when using Flow or Typescript to help document what each item represents
  • It mitigates the need for multiple levels of indentation

Yes, if you're not changing the data, you should use forEach() rather than map(), but in code reviews I would actively discourage using a loop if you can use forEach() instead.

narasimha1997 profile image
Narasimha Prasanna HN β€’

But yeah it is immediately garbage collected by V8s GC. But still, using map is not recommended for larger arrays, because you may need lot of heap memory at that point in time before it is garbage collected.

nssimeonov profile image
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cess11 profile image
PNS11 β€’

As an alternative to the first example I would propose Array.prototype.join(), i.e. remove the text variable and set the HTML to fruits.join(''). In well structured code scope and GC will clean up the fruits array when appropriate.

It's common to have use for both the old array and the new one, e.g. for time travel through app state or when both sets might get rendered depending on user input. When building complex applications one also tends to prefer to avoid data mutations to make code more readable and easier to debug, functional mapping tends to be appropriate for this purpose.

jeh212 profile image
Jean β€’

This is cool, I worked on a project that i could see map() everywhere for no reason! As you said, when its working with small data, its fine to use it. But when have a massive amount of data, its complicated. Even more complicated when use micro services and the communication between the services is async. Take aaaages to load.

danielvandenberg95 profile image
DaniΓ«l van den Berg β€’

Reduce would be best for the first example.

deathshadow60 profile image
deathshadow60 β€’

I think your first example has the map and innerHTML backwards.

Both map and foreach far too often waste memory and execution time. I've dealt with so many codebases lately where people are making copies of copies of copies of arrays wasting so much memory and time it drags performance down noticeably for users. It also doesn't help that since these are all callback driven that means the overhead of functions for each and every iteration.

I'm not THAT familiar with JavaScript internals, but if this were a compiled language the assembly used for a function call -- inc SP to make room for vars, pusha, push args, , move copy of stack pointer into base pointer, do your function stuff. then popa and retf de-allocating the locals and arguments... I can only imagine the horror-show that must be in an interpreted language.

And for what? "Wah wah eye dunz wunna yuz teh four loupe?". I look at the crazy hoops a lot of people will go through just to avoid it, and it's utterly nutters.

const fruits = ["apple", "orange", "cherry"];
let text = "";
for (let fruit of fruits) text += fruie;
document.getElementById("main").textContent = text;

Not that one would do that in real life, given the power of Array.join.

Laugh is, I suggested using for/of on another site, and someone said "stop being stuck in the past, for loops are ancient"... IT's like "hey bozo, for/of is newer than Array.foreach" I mean For/of seems like it was created for the explicit purpose of being a more efficient method than Array.foreach!

But don't try to argue with the "every line needs to be its own function, for/if/swtich/case are teh evilz" folks.

But what do I know, I'd have coded your final example as:

// assuming main is empty

    fruits = ["apple", "orange", "cherry"],
    main = document.getElementByID("main");
for (let i = 0, fruit; fruit = fruits[i]; i++) main.append(
    i, ": ", fruit, document.createElement("br")

Since assignment as the comparison results in the fastest loop, given you have no -- and likely wouldn't have -- loose false values in the array. Also, append is awesome. Be even more awesome if it included references to the nodes it created.

And I trust innerHTML with data about as far as I could throw the USS Iowa. YMMV.

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett πŸŒ€ β€’ β€’ Edited

GC good at cleaning up orphaned things in memory, perhaps this is my head cannon talking, but I trust that in memory non memory critical applications (99% of cases, not running on a Saga Saturn), map is just fine. I don't have a problem using because the old array will likely get cleared up sooner or later

suhakim profile image
sadiul hakim β€’

Yeah,we should not use map method everywhere. There are many array methods available in Javascript like filter,find,foreach,reduce etc. We should use them then need.

yankzy profile image
Yankuba Kuyateh β€’

With innerHTML you are vulnerable to XSS attack. Just be aware.

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett πŸŒ€ β€’

innerText πŸ”’

eyal1990 profile image
Eyal Ofri β€’

If you're using ESLint you can enforce this behavior by using the rule "array-callback-return":

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy πŸŽ–οΈ β€’

In your first example, you are adding an empty string to the DOM

devfranpr profile image
DevFranPR β€’

I can't! It's start using it and ... look at this one liners πŸ₯΄

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