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Sulagna Ghosh
Sulagna Ghosh

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Introduction to Native JavaScript APIs: MutationObserver, IntersectionObserver, and History API

Modern web applications demand responsiveness, efficiency, and dynamic interactivity. Native JavaScript APIs, such as MutationObserver, IntersectionObserver, and the History API, empower developers to handle these challenges directly, without the need for external libraries. Let’s explore these APIs in detail, understand their use cases, and learn how to harness their power effectively.



The MutationObserver interface monitors changes in the DOM tree, replacing the now-deprecated Mutation Events. It can detect when nodes are added, removed, or modified, making it an essential tool for dynamic applications.

Key Features:

  • Monitors changes to the DOM tree.
  • Detects modifications to attributes, child nodes, and text content.
  • Operates asynchronously, ensuring minimal performance impact.

Q. How MutationObserver works?

A MutationObserver instance is created with a callback function that is triggered whenever specified changes occur in the DOM.

Options in MutationObserver

  • subtree: Observes the target node and all its descendants.

  • childList: Watches for additions or removals of child nodes.

  • attributes: Tracks changes to the attributes of the target node.

  • attributeFilter: Limits monitoring to specified attributes.

  • attributeOldValue: Captures the previous value of an attribute before it changes.

  • characterData: Observes changes to a node’s text content.

  • characterDataOldValue: Captures the previous value of text content before modification.

HTML Syntax

<div id="something">Something </div>

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JS Syntax

const target = document.querySelector('#something')

const observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations){
    console.log('Mutation detected:', mutation)

const config = {attributes:true, childList:true, characterData:true, subtree:true}


//observer.disconnect() - to stop observing
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Use Cases:

  • Dynamically updating UI elements.
  • Implementing custom behavior for DOM changes.
  • Monitoring third-party library modifications.



The IntersectionObserver is an interface which asynchronously observe visibility changes of a target element relative to a root container or the viewport. It’s commonly used for lazy loading, infinite scrolling, and analytics.

Key Features:

  • Efficiently tracks element visibility.
  • Reduces reliance on scroll event listeners.
  • Offers fine-grained control over threshold values.

Q. How Intersection observer works?

The Intersection Observer API triggers a callback that is called when either of these circumstances occur:

  1. A target element intersects either the device's viewport or a specified root element.

  2. The first time the observer starts watching a target element.

Options in Intersection observer

  • root: The element used as the viewport for checking visibility. Defaults to the browser’s viewport if unspecified.

  • rootMargin: A margin around the root, specified as a string (e.g., "10px 20px"). Expands or shrinks the observable area.

  • threshold: A value (or array of values) between 0 and 1, indicating the percentage of visibility needed to trigger the callback.

Q. How intersection is calculated?

The Intersection Observer API uses rectangles to calculate intersection areas:

  • Irregularly shaped elements are treated as fitting inside the smallest rectangle that fully encloses them.

  • For partially visible elements, the smallest rectangle containing all visible parts is used. This ensures consistency in measurements regardless of element shape or visibility.

Basic Syntax

const observer = new IntersectionObserver((entries, observer) => {
  entries.forEach(entry => {
    if (entry.isIntersecting) {
      console.log('Element is visible in the viewport.')
      // Optionally stop observing

// Target elements to observe
const targetElement = document.querySelector('.lazy-load')

// Start observing
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Use Cases:

  • Lazy-loading images or videos.
  • Implementing infinite scroll.
  • Tracking user engagement with specific elements.

Advanced Features:

  • Multiple thresholds: Observe partial visibility using threshold arrays.
  • Root margin: Extend the viewport’s boundary for early detection.

History API


The History API enables web applications to manipulate the browser’s session history. It allows adding, replacing, or modifying entries without reloading the page, a cornerstone of Single Page Applications (SPAs).

Key Features:

  • Manage history stack with pushState and replaceState.
  • Listen to navigation events using popstate.
  • Update the browser’s address bar without full page reloads.

Basic Syntax:

// Add a new entry to the history stack
history.pushState({ page: 1 }, 'Title 1', '/page1')

// Replace the current entry
history.replaceState({ page: 2 }, 'Title 2', '/page2')

// Handle back/forward navigation
window.addEventListener('popstate', (event) => {
  console.log('Location: ' + document.location + ', State: ' + JSON.stringify(event.state))
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Use Cases:

  • Building SPAs with dynamic routing.
  • Managing application state with browser navigation.
  • Creating custom navigation experiences.
  • Important Notes:
  • Ensure proper fallbacks for older browsers.
  • Combine with URL parameters for better SEO.

Combining These APIs

These APIs can work together to create sophisticated web applications. For example:

  • Use MutationObserver to monitor dynamic DOM changes.
  • Implement IntersectionObserver to lazy-load content added by the DOM changes.
  • Leverage the History API to provide seamless navigation within the application.

Example Use Case:

A blog application dynamically loads posts when the user scrolls down (infinite scroll). It also updates the URL to reflect the current post without reloading the page, ensuring a better user experience and improved SEO.

const loadMorePosts = () => {
  // Simulate loading posts
  const post = document.createElement('div')
  post.textContent = 'New Post'

const postObserver = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => {
  entries.forEach(entry => {
    if (entry.isIntersecting) {

const monitorHistory = () => {
  document.querySelectorAll('.post').forEach(post => {
    post.addEventListener('click', () => {
      history.pushState({}, '', `/post/${}`)

const target = document.querySelector('#loadTrigger')
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The MutationObserver, IntersectionObserver, and History APIs offer powerful, native solutions for dynamic and interactive web applications. By understanding their capabilities and integrating them effectively, developers can build performant and feature-rich applications without relying heavily on external libraries.

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