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Sven Schannak
Sven Schannak

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How to Use ImportAction in Laravel Filament with RelationManager

Laravel Filament, a powerful tool for building admin panels, offers a variety of features for managing data, including the ImportAction. This is particularly useful when dealing with bulk imports on related resource tables. However, a common challenge arises when you need to specify the ID of the record that the imported data belongs to.

Setting Up ImportAction

When using ImportAction on a RelationManager in Laravel Filament, you need to set the ID of the record that the imported data is related to. Here's how you can do this:

use Filament\Tables\Actions\ImportAction;

        'related_id' => $this->ownerRecord->id

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In this snippet:

  • ImportAction::make() initializes the import action. ->importer(MyImporter::class) sets the importer class.
  • Replace MyImporter with your custom importer class.
  • ->options([...]) is used to pass additional options. Here, we are setting the related_id option to the ID of the owner record.

Accessing Options in Lifecycle Hooks

Once you have set the related_id in the options, you can access these values in all lifecycle hooks of the ImportAction. Here's an example of accessing related_id in a lifecycle hook:

->beforeSave() {
    $relatedId = $options['related_id'];
    // Additional logic using $relatedId
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In this example, the beforeSave hook is used to retrieve the related_id from the options and perform some operations before the save process begins.


While the Laravel Filament documentation might not explicitly cover the usage of ImportAction with RelationManager, especially regarding setting and accessing the ID of the related record, the above method provides a clear and effective way to handle this scenario. By passing the related_id in the options and accessing it in lifecycle hooks and the resolveRecord() method, you can efficiently manage bulk imports on related resource tables in your Laravel Filament projects.

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