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Notes on Time Management from a Dying Professor

swyx on October 12, 2020

In 2007, just after his cancer diagnosis, Carnegie Mellon professor Randy Pausch gave a well received lecture on Time Management. These are my note...
michaelphipps profile image
Phippsy โ€ข

You sir, have epic note taking skills.

maxpou profile image
Maxence Poutord โ€ข

Great post @swyx ๐Ÿ‘
You convinced me to watch this talk. I just need to find time for it ;)

Have at least two, maybe three monitors. Using just one "is like eating off the airplane tray."

Mhhh it could be true years ago.. but now, I believe, operating systems manage workspaces in a very efficient way. Apart from adding noise/favoring distractions (because a screen is dedicated to Slack/Mail), I don't get the value of multiscreening.

kletkeman profile image
Kim Letkeman โ€ข

There is no substitute for real estate. Virtual is not the same thing. I used four monitors for years with one just for quick searching etc. I dropped down to three when I got the 1440p 32" monitor, and I use two now, but plan on going back to 3 when I can. Everyone is different. I like to see everything at once.

maxpou profile image
Maxence Poutord โ€ข

3 monitors (including one 32")?! Looks like a proper battlestation!! I guess you don't have neck problems ;)

But yeah I get your point, we all have different need. If we need something that can have an impact on our productivity, we should get it.

swyx profile image
swyx โ€ข

fwiw i use window managers religiously, and after living on just 1 laptop screen during covid, i definitely see his point. went and order a monitor right away after.

maxpou profile image
Maxence Poutord โ€ข

Interesting. I might be the only one who feel more productive with one screen only :)

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swyx profile image
swyx โ€ข

Your feelings are valid, just not universal. but that's OK!

stereoplegic profile image
Mike Bybee โ€ข

If it's a @swyx article, I can almost automatically mash all three buttons. Thank you for providing so much value consistently.

swyx profile image
swyx โ€ข

Thanks for the support Mike! ๐Ÿค—

swyx profile image
swyx โ€ข

on second thought, whats with the "almost"??!?!?! ๐Ÿ˜‚

karinesabatier profile image
Karine Sabatier โ€ข โ€ข Edited

Hey Swyx! Thanks for sharing (great notes!!!)

Randy Pausch is a hero to me. If you liked this one, you are going to loooooooove "Achieving your childhood dreams" (prepare to cry) I think about this pretty much every day.

And about time management... you might want to check the great great Procrastinator Tim Urban (prepare to freak out at the end)
Peace :)

(oh and yes I'm obsessed by time)

swyx profile image
swyx โ€ข

lol you just gave me more things to procrastinate over!! lol

i love that our common interests go beyond svelte!

bholmesdev profile image
Ben Holmes โ€ข

Thanks for pointing out this talk! Took some handwritten notes myself but they definitely weren't this thorough ๐Ÿ˜† Especially like that you included notes on his presentation style; making a note-to-self to reflect on that whenever I find a good talk ๐Ÿ‘

swyx profile image
swyx โ€ข

it's one way to get better at speaking!

dkabardinov profile image
Dmitrii Kabardinov โ€ข โ€ข Edited

What's with all the hate for TV, jeez. What if this IS how I like to spend time with my loved ones. It's one of the options, anyway. People shouldn't feel guilty for doing things like gaming, watching TV, etc. These things help you unwind. Have you ever been in a state of mind when you are too tired to work productively, but at the same time too anxious to relax because you think you are "wasting" time if you are not working? Many of us have. So maybe we should dial down the shaming. This obsession with "success" is kind of scary really.
Great advices otherwise, thanks for sharing!

swyx profile image
swyx โ€ข โ€ข Edited

maybe just not 28 hours a week

dkabardinov profile image
Dmitrii Kabardinov โ€ข

Maybe. Yet it says "Kill your television" in the life advice section. I haven't watched the talk itself, so idk if the author actually said that, but it was this radical wording that put me off.

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swyx profile image
swyx โ€ข

yes it's a verbatim quote. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ you don't have to take all of it as gospel

jwankhalaf profile image
Jwan Khalaf โ€ข

Why am I doing this, What is the goal? Why will I succeed? What will happen if I don't do it?

  1. I'm doing this to make money, my goal is to make money.
  2. I don't know! Maybe I won't succeed?
  3. If I do nothing, then I will definetly not succeed.

I feel like such questions have a deeper meaning, but rarely does someone go there, so I come up with such answers. Is anyone else the same?

swyx profile image
swyx โ€ข

be more specific! what is "this"? envision your success, study how others did it. it's a long journey but that will keep you going.

rowemore profile image
Rowe Morehouse โ€ข

Nice one. I see you find inspiration and learning all from all different types of sources., including some that are kind of outside-the-box, like this one. How did come across this / dig it up? โ€ฆ it's from 2007, yah? Good notes.

swyx profile image
swyx โ€ข


I have a YouTube watch list about 500 videos long. whenever I get time I just pop one off the queue. that's about it.

i first came across randy pausch during research for my book. his other talk, his "Last Lecture", is also extremely popular.

saramiteva profile image
Sara Miteva โ€ข

Wow, this is a very useful article. Thank you!

zilti_500 profile image
Daniel Ziltener โ€ข

Definitely a case for my reading list! :)