Probably one of the most underrated programming task is writing test. It's a pity though as it is one of the most satisfying programming task.
Tests are short, much shorter than the code they are testing. So you need a lot less investment to finish one.
Tests are (or should be) much simpler than the code they are testing.
Tests are the proof that the code still works the same way as it worked yesterday.
Tests can be super interesting, especially when mocking is involved.
Tests and Open Source
If you are interested in contributing to an Open Source project, start by finding a small project that does not have tests or that has a low test coverage and contribute there.
If you are interested in the steps of contributing, try this explanation:

How to Contribute to Open Source Project
Smruti Ranjan Sahoo ・ Nov 15 '20
or this might be even better:

Make your first pull request to an open-source project 💪
Ségolène Alquier for Doctolib Engineering ・ Oct 16 '20
If you'd like to get help, comment here with the main programming languages you are interested in and if possible even with the project you'd like to contribute to.
Top comments (2)
I've just gotten into testing and found this post by searching 'testing is awesome.' I agree! I'm now realizing how much time and energy I wasted needing to constantly go back and make sure my program is still working as I expect. Now I'm writing tests to make sure functionality is solid and able to move forward with more confidence.
I love writing tests! I don't trust my code until I've tried to break it or made sure it breaks as expected, repeatedly.