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What gets you out of bed in the morning?

Ryland G on June 07, 2019

Some days, getting myself out of bed and started with the day is a challenge. Sometimes I'm stressed about work and getting out of bed signals a st...
misnina profile image

My cat, honestly. She depends on me for love, life, and affection, and I can't give up or else she might be sad enough to die, we're very bonded.

What happens when she eventually goes? I have no idea.

taillogs profile image
Ryland G

You could get another pet but something that will definitely outlive you. Have you considered a giant tortoise? Maybe an elephant or parrot?

ryboflavin42 profile image
Ry • Edited

How do you or do you practice gratitude daily?

taillogs profile image
Ryland G

Hi fellow Ry.

That's a great question. I can answer here, but I think it's such a great question that you should post it as a standalone topic (I'll comment on that if you do). If not, I'll respond directly.

ryboflavin42 profile image

Thanks, I will post it.
New to the community and still figuring it out

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taillogs profile image
Ryland G

Just let me know when you do.

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ryboflavin42 profile image


joeattardi profile image
Joe Attardi

Usually, my crying son :D

taillogs profile image
Ryland G

That's a great reason!

taillogs profile image
Ryland G

I just think most people who aren't late and worry don't realize how little being late actually matters.

taillogs profile image
Ryland G

Definitely know that feeling.

niorad profile image
Antonio Radovcic

Taking the son to daycare.

taillogs profile image
Ryland G

What about the weekends?

octabinary profile image
Pramod Jodhani • Edited
taillogs profile image
Ryland G

That's some great feedback. Seriously good job.

vgrovestine profile image
Vincent Grovestine

The knowledge that my three Chihuahuas have small bladders.

taillogs profile image
Ryland G

That's knowledge that probably had a high price to learn.

vgrovestine profile image
Vincent Grovestine

I'm thankful for vinyl floors and pee pads. :)

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taillogs profile image
Ryland G

My puppy is absolutely great about going to the bathroom, but our 15 year old isn't as reliable. Don't get confused, her bladder is just as good as it was, she's just spiteful now. She'll make herself take a shit right in front of me, just because I didn't do what she wanted.

I have carpet....

taillogs profile image
Ryland G

But how often are you actually late?

taillogs profile image
Ryland G

Worry a little less then :)

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pixelharmony profile image
Scott Bamforth

This is me all over. Every morning I'm like, "better hurry up or i'll be late" and then arrive an hour before I start work.