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Tamas Szoke
Tamas Szoke

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New MERN Stack Boilerplate

I'm introducing MERN-SEED, an advanced boilerplate using Node, React, and TypeScript inside Docker containers. It takes advantage of the latest technologies and best practices to make your development process as efficient as possible.

I released the original project in 2019 as MERN Boilerplate. Since then, there have been a lot of changes to the frameworks and packages it uses, so I decided to rewrite it to be more recent. In the following, I will discuss the features and benefits of the release.


It is built with clean and consistent code, keeping scalability and performance in mind. The advanced structure allows you to build applications of any size.

  • JWT Authentication
  • TypeScript on both ends
  • Modern EcmaScript features
  • Clean, consistent code
  • Folder by Features structure
  • Simplified production builds
  • Docker containers
  • Automated setup
  • End-to-end tests


The project has been written in TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript that adds static type checking and other features that can be useful in large-scale applications and make the code more maintainable.

The Folder-by-Features structure increases scalability and ease of collaboration. It has complete End-to-End testing, which will help to ensure that the application is fully functional before release.

It uses Docker containers to be portable and simple to set up all the tools needed for development and production.


The backend includes global error handling with internal error codes and custom errors, as well as standardized request responses to maintain consistency. JWT is used for authentication and authorization to reduce the workload on the server. It uses Node v18 LTS, so the code is more stable and reliable.


The frontend uses hooks rather than class components. This approach is more efficient and will make the code easier to understand and maintain. It has light and dark themes prepared to use and extend. In addition, it uses React v18 and Redux Toolkit to make the application more modern.


I have included a bash script to simplify the process of setting up and running the project in under 5 minutes by automating the process of installing the dependencies and setting up the configurations.


Thank you for taking the time to read about my project. Any feedback or support is appreciated. I hope you find it useful!

Read the detailed documentation for more.
GitHub repo:

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