Key Features of JavaScript String Methods
β Immutability: Strings in JavaScript are immutable, meaning their original value cannot be changed. String methods return a new string or value without altering the original string.
β Case Sensitivity: String methods are case-sensitive. For example, "Hello" and "hello" are treated as different strings.
β Chaining Methods: String methods can be chained together to perform multiple operations in a single line of code.
β Regular Expressions: Many string methods, such as match(), replace(), and split(), support regular expressions for advanced pattern matching and manipulation.
Now List String Method
No | Method |
01 | toUpperCase() |
02 | toLowerCase() |
03 | trim() |
04 | charAt() |
05 | split() |
06 | concat() |
07 | slice() |
08 | replace() |
09 | include() |
10 | repeat() |
11 | indexOf() |
12 | startWith() & endsWith() |
The toUpperCase() method is used to convert all the alphabetic characters in a string to uppercase. Non-alphabetic characters, such as numbers, spaces, or symbols, remain unchanged.
syntax: string.toUpperCase();
The toLowerCase() method is used to convert all the alphabetic characters in a string to lowercase. Like toUpperCase(), non-alphabetic characters remain unchanged.
syntax: string.toLowerCase();
The trim() method in JavaScript is used to remove whitespace from both the beginning and the end of a string. Whitespace characters include spaces, tabs, and newline characters.
syntax: string.trim;
The charAt() method in JavaScript is used to retrieve a character at a specific index in a string. It returns the character at the given position, or an empty string if the index is out of range.
syntax: string.charAt();
The split() method in JavaScript is used to divide a string into an array of substrings based on a specified separator. It splits the string wherever the separator occurs and returns a new array with the resulting substrings.
syntax: string.split([separator[, limit]]);
The concat() method in JavaScript is used to merge two or more arrays or strings into a new array or string. It does not modify the original array or string, but instead returns a new one that contains the merged data.
string1.concat(string2, string3, ..., stringN);
The slice() method in JavaScript extracts a section of an array or string and returns it as a new array or string, without modifying the original array or string.
string.slice(start, end);
The replace() method in JavaScript allows you to replace parts of a string with another string. It works with both strings and regular expressions.
string.replace(pattern, replacement)
The includes() method determines whether a string contains a specified substring, returning true or false based on the presence of the substring.
i.Case-Sensitive: The includes() method is case-sensitive.
ii.Boolean Result: Returns a true or false.
string.includes(searchString, position)
The repeat() method constructs and returns a new string, consisting of the specified number of copies of the original string, concatenated together.
The indexOf() method in JavaScript is used to determine the first occurrence of a specified substring within a string. It returns the index of the first occurrence of the substring. If the substring is not found, it returns -1.
Return Value:
The index of the first occurrence of searchValue.-1 if searchValue is not found.
string.indexOf(searchValue, fromIndex)
12.startWith() & endsWith():
The startsWith() and endsWith() methods in JavaScript are used to check whether a string begins or ends with a specified substring. Both methods return a boolean (true or false).
string.startsWith(searchString, position)
string.endsWith(searchString, length)
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