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Python For Everyone - Mastering Python the right way

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There's a general saying that what is good for Mr A may not be good for Mr B. But then, how about Mr B diligently following the right way or process? Well I'll leave you to be the judge of that.

Ever since I picked an interest in learning python, its been an interesting ride all through, especially having to find out the numerous solutions one can achieve with it.

Lets get down to business. It may interest you that python can be applied in the following fields;

  1. Website development
  2. Data Science
  3. Machine Learning
  4. Automation and a lot more.

Deciding which field you will like to specialize in will help you streamline your learning. However, the following basic knowledge are required irrespective of the field you decide to concentrate on.

Data Types: these includes how to represent strings, numbers, boolean and functions declaration.
Data structures : the likes of tuples, sets, dictionary etc is also needed.
Object Oriented Programming : how to use classes and create reusable modules.
Get more information from my previous articles

Back to the top, all that has been stated are just words of mouth. In order to actualize any of these processes and see it work real time, you will be needing an IDE(by now you should know what this is) and an interpreter. In this case, I will recommend using Visual studio code amongst others and the python extension on VS code or download Python itself from their official website. You can use the following links visual studio code official python official website. To get more information about its installation you can check some of my previous articles stated above.

Here are a few projects you can get done using python and references to their code base on my github profile. Please do good to star if you find these codes useful.

Enjoy your read.

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