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How to fix wrong mapping of namespace in PhpStorm


PhpStorm mapped directories to wrong namespace.

I updated composer.json, but it won't work.

I ran composer install|update|dump-autoload, but it also won't work.

How to solve

I could fix mapping of namespace and directories with this instruction.

Configure PHP namespaces in a project | PhpStorm


  • PhpStorm 2021.1.4

Top comments (1)

ahmedarain3 profile image

If you encounter problems with incorrect namespace mappings in PhpStorm, you can follow these steps to fix the problem.

  1. Update PHPStorm. Make sure you are using the latest version of PhpStorm. This may contain bug fixes and improvements related to namespace handling.
  2. Check the composer.json file. Make sure the namespace is defined correctly in your project's composer.json file. Make sure your namespace and directory structure match. 3. Run Composer. Open a terminal or command prompt, navigate to your project directory, and run the composer update command to update your dependencies. This command regenerates the autoload files. This helps PhpStorm detect the correct namespace.
  3. Clear the PHPStorm cache. In PhpStorm, go to File > Invalidate Caches/Restart. This action flushes the IDE's caches, rebuilds indexes, and may fix namespace mapping issues.
  4. Import the project again. If the above steps don't work, you can import the project back into PhpStorm. To do this, close the project, go to File > Open and select the project directory. PhpStorm will re-index your project and this process may fix broken namespace mappings. 6. Confirm the namespace imports. Make sure you have the correct namespaces imported in your PHP file. If a class or namespace is not imported or imported incorrectly, PhpStorm may not recognize it.
  5. Check the project root directory. Make sure the project root is set correctly in PHPStorm. Go to File > Preferences > Directories and make sure the project root directory is configured correctly.
  6. Check the case of the namespace. PHP namespaces are case-sensitive. Make sure that namespace references in your code match the case of the actual file and directory names.
  7. Synchronize your PhpStorm project with your file system. Right-click the project root directory in PhpStorm's Projects view and choose Sync or Sync 'project name'. This action updates the project's file structure and may fix namespace mapping issues. If the above steps do not resolve the issue, there may be other configuration issues specific to your project setup. In this case, checking the PhpStorm documentation or asking for help from the PhpStorm support community may provide further insight and solutions.