[This was originally posted to a Github discussion on the Nodewood repository ; adding here for posterity.]
I recently deployed a vanilla instance of Nodewood, a JavaScript SaaS Starter Kit, to the cloud. I picked Render.com but this might help with other platforms (PaaS).
Things I set up before deploying:
- A fresh Nodewood project running locally according to the Guide (great docs!)
- My Nodewood project pushed to private Github repo (with changes outlined below)
- Stripe account (activated, so I have production API keys)
- Render account linked to my Github account
- A Postgres db from Render (an addon for $7/mo)
This looks like a lot of work, but it's fairly quick-n-easy.
Project changes
β Add knexfile.js
to .gitignore
so that it won't be a part of the production codebase. Knex configuration specific to production will be added to the Render service configuration (covered below).
Run > git rm knexfile.js
if it has already been added to the repo.
Add some helpful commands to scripts
for production use on Render:
+ "production:build": "yarn && yarn production:migrate && yarn production:stripe-sync && yarn production:build-ui",
+ "production:migrate": "knex migrate:latest --env production",
+ "production:stripe-sync": "npx @nodewood/cli stripe:sync --no-confirm",
+ "production:build-ui": "NODE_ENV=production yarn build-ui",
+ "production:start": "node app/api/api.js",
These are simple helpers that can be edited later if needed. Render will be configured to run these as a part of the build and deploy process.
Render Service Setup
Create a new "Web Service" linked to the (private) Github repo. $7/mo
β Change "Environment" option to "Node". Render will autodetect "Docker" but in this case it would add some unneeded overhead.
Build command: yarn production:build
the custom script added to package.json that will run with each deploy
Start command: yarn production:start
run the API
Advanced Settings
Environment variable:
, value: 'production' -- just to be sure our code knows where it's at.
3 Secret files:
: copied from local project with updatedDB_
variables for the Render database and updated productionpk_
keys from Stripe -
: copied exactly from local project ππ» -
: with only a production object containing the Render database details. Looks similar to:
module.exports = {
production: {
client: "postgresql",
connection: {
host: "Hostname from Render database",
database: "myapp",
user: "myapp",
password: "generatedpassword"
pool: {
min: 2,
max: 10
migrations: {
tableName: "knex_migrations",
stub: "migrations.stub",
directory: ["./wood/migrations", "./app/migrations"]
Deploy π
Commit and push your main git branch, Render will handle the rest.
Using your Nodewood App
- Visit your Nodewood app (probably a .onrender.com URL) to see the static content (from
) - Sign up for an account
- Edit the new user record in the database so that
= TRUE andaccount_type
= "admin". (I use Postico.app on my Mac to connect to the Render database to do this) - Visit the admin section of your Nodewood application in the browser!
This is as far as I've gotten so far, but from here I can just focus on my idea and not worry about deploying.
- I didn't check if Knex could be configured from .env or similar -- this would eliminate the need for a production
- No mailer was set up yet.
- It's probably possible to deploy with Docker on Render, but that kind of defeats the purpose here π
- I didn't check how many Postgres connections are allowed by Render's db service. So I may need to update the production Knex
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