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Cover image for FileShare| A FileSharing Platform built using Next.js and Pinata Files API
Veldrine Evelia Kaharwa
Veldrine Evelia Kaharwa

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FileShare| A FileSharing Platform built using Next.js and Pinata Files API

This is a submission for the The Pinata Challenge

What I Built

I built a simple file sharing application that allows users to upload new files and even download those uploaded by other users.

Technologies Used


Checkout this demo of the App


A Preview of FileShare App

File Upload

My Code

The Project code can be found here

More Details

Pinata's API is used to upload user-selected files to the IPFS network.

The uploadToPinata function in the app communicates with Pinata's API to upload the file. Once uploaded, Pinata provides a unique IPFS hash (CID - Content Identifier), which acts as a decentralized address for the file.

This hash (or CID) is used to uniquely identify the uploaded file across the IPFS network and allows anyone to access the file via any IPFS gateway (e.g., Pinata’s gateway, Cloudflare IPFS gateway, etc.).
fter a file is uploaded, users and others can view and download the file. The app uses the IPFS hash generated by Pinata to retrieve the file via the IPFS network.

By utilizing Pinata’s public IPFS gateway (, the app provides a download link to the user to access the file directly.
Pinata enables decentralized storage, ensuring that files are not reliant on a single centralized server. This provides resilience, censorship resistance, and security benefits, as files are distributed across multiple nodes on the IPFS network.
The app takes advantage of these benefits by ensuring that the uploaded files are accessible via IPFS through any IPFS gateway, without depending on a centralized provider.


This Project was created by Tech-Vexy
On Dev as tech-vexy

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