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Felix Swinkels
Felix Swinkels

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Build & Deploy a webpage with Gatsby and Surge

Welcome to the first part in this mini-series called Build & Deploy where I combine tools for building websites and applications plus the tools to deploy them online. Follow my blog or find me on Twitter for updates!

Gatsby & Surge

Gatsby is a React-based open source framework for creating websites and apps. It’s amazingly fast and has a great workflow.

Surge is a CLI tool that deploys your static pages for free within seconds. In this article, I will show you how to use both to quickly build and deploy a static webpage.


Open a terminal and use npm to install Gatsby and Surge

npm i -g gatsby-cli surge
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Login to surge

surge login
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Create a new project with Gatsby

gatsby new <project-name>
# or
gatsby new <project-name> <starter-repo>
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Gatsby offers a great bunch of free templates on their website to get started quickly!

Fire it up!

cd <project-name>
gatsby develop
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The develop command starts a development server where you can interact with your webpage while you're building. You can access it locally at http://localhost:8000/. To learn more about the Gatsby file structure check out: Gatsby Project Structure.

When you are finished making your webpage awesome, run the build command to generate an optimized static HTML site in the public folder

gatsby build
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You can test the production by running the serve command

gatsby serve
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Surge offers many awesome futures but works as simple as typing surge in your public folder.

cd public
# or
surge public/
# or
surge public/ <your-domain>
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And BAM! Your webpage is live!

Create a CNAME document with the URL to skip the prompt on your next surge

echo <your-url> >> CNAME
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Or use a custom domain name

echo >> CNAME
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To use a custom domain name, the DNS from the domain provider will need to be changed. More info: Adding a custom domain.

WTH just happened?

We’ve built a static webpage with Gatsby and deployed it to Surge with these commands

npm i -g gatsby-cli surge
surge login
gatsby new <project-name>
gatsby develop
gatsby build
gatsby serve
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