To share environment variables between two projects in a monorepo, with specific prefixes for each project, you can create a .env.shared
file with common environment variables and then use scripts to create specific .env files for each project. Here's how to do that:
Create a .env.shared file at the root of the monorepo with the common environment variables:
Create a script to generate specific .env files for each project. In the example below, we will create a generate-env.js file at the root of the monorepo:
// generate-env.js
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const envShared = path.join(__dirname, '.env.shared');
const envVite = path.join(__dirname, 'vite-project', '.env');
const envNext = path.join(__dirname, 'next-project', '.env');
const sharedVars = fs.readFileSync(envShared, 'utf-8').split('\n');
const viteVars = => {
if (line.startsWith('SECRET_KEY') || line.startsWith('API_URL')) {
return `VITE_PUBLIC_${line}`;
return line;
const nextVars = => {
if (line.startsWith('SECRET_KEY') || line.startsWith('API_URL')) {
return `NEXT_PUBLIC_${line}`;
return line;
fs.writeFileSync(envVite, viteVars.join('\n'), 'utf-8');
fs.writeFileSync(envNext, nextVars.join('\n'), 'utf-8');
Run the generate-env.js script to generate the specific .env files for each project:
node generate-env.js
This will create an .env file in the vite-project folder with environment variables prefixed with VITE_PUBLIC_
and an .env file in the next-project folder with environment variables prefixed with NEXT_PUBLIC_
Now, each project will have its own .env file with the correctly prefixed environment variables. Be sure to add the generated .env files to your .gitignore rules to prevent committing sensitive information to the repository.
Remember to run the generate-env.js
script whenever you make changes to the .env.shared file to update the specific project .env files. You can also add this script as a step in your build or deployment process.
Top comments (7)
eu particularmente prefiro ter uma .env para todo no monorepo no root e fazer um link para cada projeto e repetir o mesmo valor para keys diferentes, se for o caso.
sรณ vou separar isso no ambiente de prod para cada projeto
tres formas de resolver isso:
1 - 2 env
2 - iqual ao artigo
3 - usando prompts e separar os ambientes: npm: inquirer
yarn dev --mainnet --api=production --strapi=production --no-prompt
I like to use it
Doesn't work on windows
Just use the dotenv-cli NPM package. Add it to your workspace then prepend
to any script and it will have access to your root env file at runtime.Works cross-platform too and you don't have to maintain another script if you prefer a dependency over that.
thank you for sharing!
here's the sh way:
Great! thank you for sharing!