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Thammachart Chinvarapon
Thammachart Chinvarapon

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CSS `system-ui` underlying font family in Linux browsers

As of 2021-09-16, looks like Chromium-based and Firebase-based Browsers are now using config in gsettings

$ gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface font-name '<FONT> <SIZE>'
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Don't forget to replace <FONT> and <SIZE> to your liking

or you can use GNOME Tweak Tools GUI > Fonts > Interface Text

This is for earlier version of Chromium and Firefox

Resolving CSS system-ui font-family varies across different browsers in Linux


Chromium-based browsers use GTK 3 Setting

  • edit gtk-font-name in GTK 3 Setting files, e.g., ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini
  • or, use Configuration Tools to set GTK 3 default font like GNOME Tweak or lxappearance

More Information:


Firefox-based browsers use freetype fontconfig generic family named system-ui

First, create XML file with name like 60-system-ui.conf with content:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
      <!-- change the family tag contents below to your liking -->
      <family>Liberation Sans</family>
      <family>DejaVu Sans</family>
      <!-- you can add more family tags, if you like -->
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Then, save it to:

  • ~/.config/fontconfig/conf.d/ to apply user-wide
  • or, /etc/fontconfig/conf.d/ to apply system-wide

More Information:

After changing, don't forget to restart the browsers to see the effect!

To test CSS system-ui font-family:

Top comments (3)

phihag profile image
Philipp Hagemeister • Edited

At least on debian sid with lxde, I do not see any changes in gsettings reflected in Chromium.

Instead, the change comes from fontconfig, the font being used can be queried with the command fc-match (no arguments)

blahgeek profile image
Yikai Zhao

It seems that starting from firefox 92, it also uses the GTK3 settings just like chrome.

thammachart profile image
Thammachart Chinvarapon

Interesting, now both Chromium-based and Firebase-based Browsers now using gsettings with schema org.gnome.desktop.interface and path font-name, not the ini file, as system-ui font. Will update soon.