DEV Community

Thang Chung
Thang Chung

Posted on

Hi, I'm Thang Chung

I have been coding for over 10 years.

You can find me on GitHub as thangchung

I live in Saigon, Vietnam.

I work for NashTech company

I mostly program in these languages: C#, JavaScript.

I am currently learning more about MSA, Clean Architecture.

Nice to meet you.

Top comments (2)

anthoi profile image

Chào Thắng,
Tớ đang muốn áp dụng Dapr, đang thử nghiệm đang gặp lỗi như thế này. Thắng có cách nào xử lý thì cho mình biết với.

time="2021-07-14T06:07:00.273159839Z" level=warning msg="failed to read from bindings: app channel not initialized " app_id=nodeapp instance=nodeapp-667944fd89-7g7bb scope=dapr.runtime type=log ver=1.2.2

emmysteven profile image
Emmy Steven

Nice to meet you too.