This article was published on Tuesday, January 24, 2023 by Dimitri POSTOLOV @ The Guild Blog
What's Nextra
Nextra – Next.js Static Site Generator framework that works on top of Next.js
and React, uses Tailwind CSS and
other amazing open-source libraries. It lets you create your
powerful markdown content using a theme
Currently, Nextra contains two official themes:
theme for documentation -
theme for your simple blog
But you can provide your own theme to fully customize to your needs.
What's New
MDX 2 Support
Migration to MDX 2 comes with improved performance, supporting any JSX
runtime and JavaScript expression inside your markdown pages.
```mdx filename="Markdown"
import Hero from '@/components/hero'
Current year - {new Date().getFullYear()}
#### Markdown Import
In case of reusing some duplicated content you can export and import your markdown files.
```mdx filename="task-list.mdx"
- [x] Code
- [x] Sleep
- [ ] Eat
and import in your MDX page:
```mdx filename="page.mdx"
import TaskList from './task-list.mdx'
### Support Next.js 13
Nextra 2 comes with support for the latest **Next.js 13** version and also up to Next.js 9!
### Images and Links Optimization
Static images are always optimized with `<NextImage />` component, internal links are replaced with
`<NextLink />` component, external links will have `target="_blank"` and `rel="noreferrer"` and will
inform screen readers about opening a link in a new tab.
`<NextImage />` will prevent to have layout shifts on your page. Instantiate (client-side)
navigation would be done with `<NextLink />`.
```text filename="Markdown"

[Learn more](/more)
[See examples](
will be compiled to:
import Image from 'next/image'
import Link from 'next/link'
import nextraImage from '../../public/hero.png'
function MDXContent() {
return (
<Image src={nextraImage} alt="Hero" />
<Link href="/more">Learn more</Link>
See examples<span className="sr-only"> (opens in a new tab)</span>
export default MDXContent
Extensible with rehype
You can extend Nextra with any of rehype
plugins, just pass them to the nextra
```js filename="next.config.js" {7-9}
import nextra from 'nextra'
import remarkMdxDisableExplicitJsx from 'remark-mdx-disable-explicit-jsx'
const withNextra = nextra({
theme: 'nextra-theme-docs',
themeConfig: './theme.config.jsx',
remarkPlugins: [
[remarkMdxDisableExplicitJsx, { whiteList: ['table', 'thead', 'tbody', 'tr', 'th', 'td'] }]
rehypePlugins: []
export default withNextra()
### Remote Markdown
Rendering remote markdown is simple, you will need:
1. Install `next-mdx-remote` and import `MDXRemote` component
2. Compile your markdown raw string using `compileMdx` from `nextra/compile` in `getStaticProps()`
3. Provide your compiled result code to `props.ssg`
4. Get data from SSG with `useSSG` hook from `nextra/ssg`
5. Provide compiled result code for `MDXRemote` via `compiledSource` prop
6. Provide `components` from `useMDXComponents` hook from `nextra/mdx` for `MDXRemote` to prevent
layout shifts
```mdx filename="Remote Nextra Readme" showLineNumbers {1,9,12,20,22}
import { MDXRemote } from 'next-mdx-remote' {/* 1 */}
import { compileMdx } from 'nextra/compile'
import { useSSG } from 'nextra/ssg'
import { useMDXComponents } from 'nextra/mdx'
export const getStaticProps = async () => {
const response = await fetch('')
const markdown = await response.text()
const mdx = await compileMdx(markdown, { defaultShowCopyCode: true }) // 2
return {
props: {
ssg: mdx.result // 3
// Revalidate at most once every 1 hour
revalidate: 60 * 60
export const NextraReadme = () => {
const compiledSource = useSSG() // 4
const components = useMDXComponents()
return <MDXRemote compiledSource={compiledSource} components={components} /> // 5-6
<NextraReadme />
Nextra Theme Docs Features
was completely redesigned to be more flexible and configurable for all of your
Various Customization
Here is an overview of different options for customization elements such as:
- Banner
- Header (logo / chat icon / project icon)
- Footer
<head />
content and Next SEO props - Various search / sidebar / TOC options
- Pagination on page
- Dark mode
- Edit page link
- Hue of the primary theme color
- 404/500 page
They could be configured in your theme.config.jsx
Read more about all available options.
Builtin Full-Text Search
Full-text search is powered by FlexSearch and Nextra
will index all of your pages at build time ⚡.
New Syntax Highlighting
Prismjs was replaced by Shiki and
Below is an example of a code block with a filename, line numbers, word highlighting and line
````md filename="Markdown"
jsx filename="My File" showLineNumbers /App/ {2}
function App() {
return <div>Hello</div>
will be rendered as:
```jsx filename="My File" showLineNumbers /App/ {2}
function App() {
return <div>Hello</div>
#### Next SEO Builtin
Out of the box, `nextra-theme-docs` has Next SEO installed. By default, in the front matter you can
set `title`, `description`, `canonical` and `openGraph` and they will be passed directly to the
`<NextSeo />` component.
```md filename="Markdown"
title: "Nextra 2"
description: "Nextra – Next.js Static Site Generator"
will be passed to Next SEO and rendered on the page as:
<title>Nextra 2</title>
<meta name="og:title" content="Nextra 2" />
<meta name="description" content="Nextra – Next.js Static Site Generator" />
<meta name="og:description" content="Nextra – Next.js Static Site Generator" />
You can manually pass Next SEO props with `useNextSeoProps` theme option. [Read
more]( in the docs.
#### I18n Support
`nextra-theme-docs` comes with support i18n in your website.
To use it, provide Next.js' `i18n` field with `locales` and `defaultLocale` setup:
```js filename="next.config.js"
export default withNextra({
i18n: {
locales: ['en-US', 'fr-FR'],
defaultLocale: 'en-US'
Add Nextra's middleware:
```js filename="middleware.js"
export { locales as middleware } from 'nextra/locales'
Create your `_meta` and page files with locales suffixes:
├── pages
│ ├── _meta.en-US.json
│ ├──
│ ├── index.en-US.mdx
│ ├──
```mdx filename="index.en-US.mdx"
# 🇺🇸 Hello Nextra 2
```mdx filename=""
# 🇫🇷 Bonjour Nextra 2
[Learn more]( on docs.
#### LTR/RTL Direction Support
Your website can be fully mirrored with RTL direction. All that you need it provides `dir: 'rtl'` in
your `theme.config.jsx` file.
<NextImage src={nextraRtl} className="mt-6 rounded-3xl border border-gray-700" alt="Example of Nextra page with RTL direction" loading="lazy" />
#### A11y
Accessibility is all, Nextra respects system preferences, animation will be reduced with
`reduce-motion` mode, colors will be adjusted in `contrast-more` mode.
<NextImage src={nextraContrastMode} className="mt-6 rounded-3xl border border-gray-700" alt="Example of Nextra page with contrast mode enabled" loading="lazy" />
## Conclusion
[The Guild](/) discovered Nextra 2 from the first betas and actively participated in the development
and improvement of this library. I (Dimitri) become
[an official maintainer]( of this library on par with Nextra creator
amazing [Shu Ding]( from Vercel.
In the end, we migrated all our projects' documentation to Nextra, which provides a better setup and
documentation design than our previous `guild-docs` package. Alongside we added Giscus comments at
the end of each page that synchronizes with GitHub discussions.
We receive a bunch of positive feedback and much more contributions and fixing mistakes in our docs
from our community ❤️.
<Callout emoji="🍭">In fact, even this blog uses Nextra 2 and `nextra-theme-docs`. 👀</Callout>
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