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Oghenerukevwe Emeni
Oghenerukevwe Emeni

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Golang (or Go) is an open-source compiled programming language that is used to create software that is simple, systematic, and secure. It was created by Google in 2007 and has been widely adopted by developers worldwide due to features such as memory safety, structural typing, garbage collection, and similarity to C-language.

Hello World in Golang.
Hello, World! is the first basic program in any programming language. Let’s write the first program in the Go Language using the following steps:

  1. First of all open Go compiler. In Go language, the program is saved with .go extension and it is a UTF-8 text file.
  2. Now, add the package main in your program. Each program must begin with a package declaration. Packages are used in the Go programming language to organize and reuse code. There are two types of programs available in Go: executable programs and libraries. Executable programs are those that can be run directly from the terminal, whereas libraries are collections of programs that can be reused in our program. The package main instructs the compiler that the package should be compiled as an executable program rather than a shared library. It is the program's starting point and also contains the main function.
  3. After adding main package import “fmt” package in your program: The import keyword is used in this case to import packages into your program, and the fmt package is used to implement formatted Input/Output with functions.
  4. Now write the code in the main function to print hello world in Go language.

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Reasons to choose Golang for your next project.
1. Simplified code.
Golang code is simpler and incorporates ideas from various other programming languages. This has many advantages because it saves developers a ton of time by having them navigate fewer lines of code. This is significant because reading code takes longer than writing it.

2. Powerful performance.
The performance of Go is strong despite its simplicity. It has shorter software development lifecycles because it runs and compiles more quickly, is simple to support and maintain, and runs quickly.

3. Easy to learn.
Golang is frequently compared by programmers to C but without the annoying flaws. If you are familiar with the C concepts, learning it will be easier because its syntax seems familiar to developers.

4. Easy maintenance.
Businesses using Go have cited its abundance of tools for automatic code maintenance as one advantage. The outcomes are nearly exact replicas of what would be obtained from human programmers.

5. Uses open source.
Golang has a large following among programmers and a vibrant community because it is open-source. Go promotes the use of innovative solutions while the community quickly identifies and fixes coding errors through forums, tutorials, and open-source projects.

6. Created with multi-core processors in mind.
Go was created for the cloud computing era of today and the parallel processing of today's processors. Before multi-core computers became widely used, other well-known programming languages such as Java, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, or C, C ++ were developed. Golang makes it simpler to use every CPU core without adding extra complexity to development.

Golang is used by various companies across all industries. Some of them are:
Capital One
American Express

You don't have to start from square one if you're a programmer. There are resources available to assist you with your projects. Developers create frameworks, which are software tools they use to create applications.
A framework, or software framework, is a platform for developing software applications.
Software development is a difficult process. Numerous tasks, such as coding, designing, and testing, are required. Programmers had to deal with the syntax, declarations, garbage collection, statements, exceptions, and more just for the coding portion. By enabling developers to control the majority of the software development process from a single platform, software frameworks make their lives easier.

Benefits Of Using A Framework.

  1. It helps establish better programming standards and appropriate design pattern usage.
  2. Code is more secure.
  3. It makes it possible to avoid redundant and duplicate code.
  4. It helps develop consistently bug-free code.
  5. It facilitates working on advanced technologies.

Golang Frameworks.
Golang web frameworks are used to write application programming interfaces (APIs) and web services straight away.
1. gin.
Due to its performance and minimalist design, the gin framework is the most popular Go framework. If a programmer wants to create a single-page application using a frontend framework, it is generally used to build a REST API for the backend. With its comprehensive documentation available on GitHub, this framework is perfect for beginners and uses HTTP routers to handle Golang traffic. It is the best Golang framework for creating high-performance REST APIs because it supports the most crucial libraries and features.
The biggest drawback is that, despite being appropriate for smaller applications, it is not appropriate for the development of large backend applications or complex enterprise-level server functions.
Documentation Link:

2. echo.
Golang's echo framework is a high-performance, extensible, and simple web framework. It intelligently prioritizes routes and has a highly optimized HTTP router with no dynamic memory allocation. It is used to create dependable, scalable, and easily segmentable REST APIs. It supports HTTP/2, which increases speed and offers a better user experience, and automatically installs TLS certificates from Let's Encrypt. Additionally, there are numerous built-in middlewares available for use, and programmers can even create their own custom middlewares that can be set at the root, group, or route level.
The echo framework's disadvantage is that there is just one developer who maintains it, and there aren't many updates to the code.
Documentation Link:

3. beego.
The beego framework is used for the rapid development of REST APIs, web applications, and backend services in Golang. It has specific Golang characteristics like interfaces and struct embedding and is frequently compared to the Python Django web framework. No third-party installations are necessary. It is an entire Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework with its own libraries and the Bee Tool, an integrated tool that aids in locating code changes.
The only major downside to beego is that because of its high functionality and numerous features, it is not the best choice for beginners.
Documentation Link:

4. fasthttp.
The fasthttp framework provides a fast HTTP server and client API which was made as an alternative to net/http due to its limits on optimization opportunities. On current hardware, it can easily handle over 100K qps and over 1M concurrent keep-alive connections thanks to its speed optimization. Additionally, it is designed to use little memory and offers RequestCtx for simple connection upgrade support. Hijack.
The Fasthttp API was created with the flexibility to create new client and server implementations from scratch or to extend existing client and server implementations.
Documentation Link:

5. kit.
The kit framework is a programming toolkit for building robust, reliable, and maintainable microservices in Golang. It is a collection of packages and best practices that offer businesses of all sizes a thorough, reliable, and trustworthy way to create microservices. Go is a fantastic general-purpose language, but microservices need some specialized assistance.
As a result, the kit framework offers infrastructure integration, system observability, and Remote Procedure Call (RPC) safety. Golang is a first-class language for creating microservices in any organization thanks to its composition of numerous closely related packages that together form an opinionated framework for building substantial Service-Oriented Architectures (SOAs).It was created with interoperability in mind, and developers are free to select the platforms, databases, components, and architectural styles that best suit their needs.
The disadvantage of using go-kit is that it has a high overhead for adding API to the service because of how heavily it relies on interfaces.
Documentation Link:

Make sure you fully understand the necessary requirements for each framework listed here before implementing it because each one of them has a unique set of features to try out. Not only limited to these, Golang also has a set of numerous other frameworks to offer like Buffalo, Martini, Goji, net/http, Revel, etc. Feel free to check them out.

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