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Damo "Zip Ship Doctor" Caynes
Damo "Zip Ship Doctor" Caynes

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Utlizing CoPilot AI For Fun & Profit!

Hey there everybody! :D

As CTO of the company that is about to take the entire World by storm from several angles, FutureVision Retro Publishing & Hardware, I'd love to share with y'all my experiences with coding assistance by CoPilot AI.

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CoPilot, you say, isn't that the freebie built into Edge Browser and now Windows 11? Yes, yes it is, but it's a darned slight better than crappy ol' cheap ass ChatGPT (or CheapAssTrashGPT as I refer to it now), and it can code like a muthafucka, OMFG it is MADNESS!

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Try it now, if you're in Edge Browser or on Win 11, just ask it to "Code a complete ___ for ___ with these features such as __, _, __ and ___." Hit Return and you may be astounded with what you get!

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I've used it to make complete game sourcecodes for my FutureVision Publishing Patreon, in 6510, Basic 2.0, Simon's Basic, Turbo Basic, Basic 8.0 AND AMOS/STOS as well as Unity C# AND Phaser.js; it is really quite spectacular. What's more, as it uses machine learning on everything you input to your account with CoPilot AI, you will be amazed at what it can come up with, enhance and define.

Anyway, just a quick note for my first post on the SIMPLY AWESOME Dev.To (so much cooler than Medium.Com ;) ) But hell guys, give us an emoticon button PLZ!!! :D 8)

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It's goodbye from me, and Hello To Code!


Damian Charles Caynes_**

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CTO - FutureVision Retro Publishing & Hardware

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