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The Jared Wilcurt
The Jared Wilcurt

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Properly commenting code. Literal vs Contextual comments

The 5 step process your code should go through

1. Code Sketching: You understand the problem, and how to solve it with code. Quickly write it out, don't waste time thinking about names, just focus on logic.

let x = $(thing).height();
if (x < 248) {
  $(otherThingy).css('width', 300);
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2. Literal Comments: Write a comment explaining what your code literally does on each line

// Get the height of the sidebar
let x = $(thing).height();
// If the sidebar height is less than 248px
if (x < 248) {
  // Set the navigation in the sidebar to be 300px wide
  $(otherThingy).css('width', 300);
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3. Refactor: Use the language you wrote in your comments to make the code easier to read, replacing all the comments.

let sidebarHeight = $('.sidebar').height();
if (sidebarHeight < 248) {
  $('.sidebar nav').css('width', 300);
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  • And you could stop here. This is acceptable code. It is better than before, and once you've done this a few times you can skip step 2, and sometimes skip step 1 if you already have names in your head for these things and go straight to step 3. Everyone should, and will get to this point after some practice. Commenting every line is a good exercise because of this. Ultimately everyone will always do these three steps even if only mentally. But we can do better. Let's keep going.

4. Contextual Comments: Add comments back in, this time explaining the reasoning behind this code existing.

// We need to get the sidebar height because the UI relies on a 3rd party
// xyz module for our advertising that takes up height in the sidebar
let sidebarHeight = $('.sidebar').height();
// We specifically check this height because it's based on the default
// size of the advertising iframe from xyz. 248 is unique to xyz.
if (sidebarHeight < 248) {
  // Because of xyz's requirements the nav needs to be between 280 & 345
  $('.sidebar nav').css('width', 300);
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5. Refactor Comments: Bake the contextual comments into the code with new variable names or functions

function setSidebarWidthBasedOnXyzIframe () {
  let sidebarHeight = $('.sidebar').height();
  let defaultXyzAdvertisingIframeHeight = 248;
  if (sidebarHeight < defaultXyzAdvertisingIframeHeight) {
    // must be between 280 & 345
    let xyzNavWidth = 300;
    $('.sidebar nav').css('width', xyzNavWidth);
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See, these comments tell me a lot.

  • I know that 248 is specific and not to touch it.
  • I know that 300 could be a range of numbers, and what they are in case I need to update this in the future. I won't need to rediscover that information.
  • And most importantly I know that our company hasn't used XYZ Advertising for 2 years and that all of this code can be removed!

None of that information is conveyed if you stop at step 3. I don't know the weight of importance on the numbers that are used. What is/isn't safe to change. I don't know the reason behind why it was created to begin with.

Maybe you can convey some of this information by wrapping this in a function, or naming a file. But that should be determined by code style and project architecture, not because you want to avoid writing comments. If your project architecture permits or encourages this style of coding, and you can convey the information in the filename or something similar, that is fine, the point is that the contextual information must be conveyed somewhere in relation to the code itself.

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There are two types of comments, literal comments, which say what something is, and contextual comments, that explain why something is.

A literal comment is good for working out better variable/function naming, and should be used for that and then discarded.

A contextual comment gives context to your code, and supplies meta data that will be useful to those who are viewing this code for the first time. These should be used whenever possible. If there is supplemental information that is not conveyed, it should be documented with the code, in context.

All lines require literal comments, even if they are only mentally written before being discarded.

Not all lines require contextual comments. But anytime they can have them, they must. Otherwise you are doing a disservice to yourself and those who come after you.

Photos: Teo Duldulao, Roman Serdyuk

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