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Cover image for React-Hot-Loader 4.6

React-Hot-Loader 4.6

Anton Korzunov on December 13, 2018

What's inside? New top-level API for better HMR React 16.6 – React.lazy, React.memo and forwardRef support React Hooks support React-🔥-...
stereobooster profile image

Thanks for working on it

thekashey profile image
Anton Korzunov

Thanks for using it, I hope :P

placidrod profile image
Placid Rodrigues

Hi Anton, does it work with react-redux? Could you please share what is the setup for that? Thanks!

thekashey profile image
Anton Korzunov • Edited
  • sure it works
  • no setup needed. Just no. setup. needed. That's the point.

however it needs a hot-loader/react-dom patch to be installed. Refer to the readme.

placidrod profile image
Placid Rodrigues

Thank you very much.

dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim

Thank you, Anton for the update
Awyeah to React Hooks support 👏

& Does SFC stand for Stateless Function Components?

thekashey profile image
Anton Korzunov

Yep, thats an official name in the TypeScript bindings.

tomekbuszewski profile image
Tomek Buszewski

Oh, the new version is up? Great, I'll have a look later today!