DEV Community

Muneeb Hussain
Muneeb Hussain

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Stuck on React and Express? Legacy Code Is Holding You Back—Old Isn’t Gold!

Are You Stuck in Your Stack?

You’ve mastered TypeScript, and you’re comfortable with ExpressJS, ReactJS, and all the usual suspects. But be honest—are you stuck? Still riding the same old frameworks because they’re familiar? Here’s the hard truth: clinging to these legacy tools is holding you back. It might feel safe, but in tech, sticking to what’s comfortable means you’re falling behind.

Let’s talk about the real deal.

Meet the New Powerhouses

Astro, SolidJS, Svelte, ElysiaJS (Bun), Hono (Bun), and Oaks (Deno)—these aren’t just buzzwords. They’re powerful alternatives that outperform the older tools you’re used to. And let’s not forget Bun and Deno—runtimes that do way more than any traditional framework can. They’re fast, efficient, and built for the modern web.

So why are you still hesitating? Are you too comfortable with React and Express, or just afraid to try something new?

Breaking Out of the Bubble

I get it. I used to be right there with you, hanging out in the React-Express bubble. But when I finally took the leap and tried things like Fastify (Node), Fresh (Deno), Pylon (GraphQL), and ElysiaJS (Bun), it was like waking up. These tools aren’t just more performant—they’re simpler, faster, and frankly, more exciting to work with.

The New Age of Tooling

And then there are the tools that are reshaping how we manage our projects—Turborepo, PNPM, JSR (as an NPM alternative). They’re not just trends; they’re solutions that streamline workflows in ways older systems simply can’t. These tools make development more efficient, scalable, and far less painful.

Time to Reignite Your Passion

Ask yourself—when was the last time you were really excited about your stack? If you’re coasting along with the same old tools, that excitement fades. And that’s a problem. The future belongs to those who aren’t afraid to evolve. Learning doesn’t stop at React or Express. It evolves. And so should you.

As they say:

"Ships are safe in the harbor, but that’s not what ships are built for."

So get out there. Explore new frameworks. Play with Bun, Deno, Turborepo, PNPM. Challenge yourself. Because if you’re not pushing forward, you’re not just standing still—you’re moving backward.

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