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Cover image for Doomsday?
Theofanis Despoudis
Theofanis Despoudis

Posted on


Do you feel it coming? Just reading all the news and headlines you may think that tomorrow a twisted line will be crossed and everyone will start panicking so bad and chaos will erupt. You won't be able to buy any food from the supermarket because everyone would have stockpiled for months. Or even worse...

What do you think will happen?

Top comments (2)

pra3t0r5 profile image
Pra3t0r5 • Edited

TL;DR: It's no doomsday, but be responsible.

It's just the usual media doing its business. Turns out, panic is very profitable.

HOWEVER, and bear with me, even if 3.4% it's not even close to be "really bad", what makes Coronavirus potentially dangerous is its contagion ratio combined with even the slightiest chance of a dangerous mutation.

That begin said, it takes almost no effort at all to be reasonably cautious. Not just for yourself but for every one you know. Newborns, elders and some people with special conditions will benefit from it.

We must act responsibly as part of society, and not only with Coronavirus.

harken24 profile image
Jozo's just media creating panic for profit.
Yes we should be careful and cautious but this is all blown way out of proportion purely for profit.