1. Story points, T-Shirt Size, Planning Poker..
Ever get sick of arguing over whether a task is a 5 or 8? Estimation is a pain point for many developers. Dimitrios built GitCup to generate more accurate time estimates with the less effort.
2. Is it hyper? or iterm? or xterm something?
The community shares screenshots of their terminals. Add yours to the collection!
3. What's your security score?
Even with an SSL certificate, you can still receive an F on Observatory By Mozilla. Let's see how Caleb increased the safety of a site by using HTTP headers.

Using HTTP Headers to Secure Your Site
Caleb Hearth for Heroku ・ Mar 1 '18
Shawn walks us through various aspects of the React Suspense API.
5. What's this again?
A community discussion on this
in JavaScript.
6. New world of productivity
i3 is an improved tiling window manager. In this post, we learn how to set it up to make life immediately more productive. According to the comments, people are big fans of i3 and its forks.
7. Develop components separately!
Elazizi shares a list of help tools for react component development.

Tools you need to use in your react components development
Elazizi Youssouf ・ Mar 3 '18
That's it for our weekly wrap up! Keep an eye on dev.to this week for daily content and discussions...and if you miss anything, we'll be sure to recap it next Monday!
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