Last time, I posted Can I see your desktop home screen and it went more popular than I thought.
This time I want to see your Terminal.
is it hyper? or iterm? or xterm something? post down below.
here is mine
update 1:
Now after looking at some cool terminal I have updated to fluent terminal.
Top comments (319)
Nice post, here is mine. It's really "classic" with a little companion:
that's cool. how?
Just one line in my
. ;)NB: You can omit the Kubernetes part.
cheers mate.
I use termite with zsh. The calendar is when. Font is Inconsolata-dz (a variant with straight quotation marks). Window titles are displayed in my statusbar so I save a tiny bit of space by eliminating borders and titlebars. Pressing ESC or Ctrl+[ switches the command line from insert to command mode so I can navigate as in vi.
dotfiles here
is that
as in the not-really-an-orm for postgres? if so i discovered it yesterday - great package!It is, yes! Glad you like it!
perfect one! 10/10
Love the question and all the responses. I'm using zsh and the man theme - ran a few dir and speak commands to show how git and time are incorporated.

This kinda looks like a giant Post-It note. I like that.
I stumbled on the yellow while playing around with the default choices in Terminal. :) I like it...almost all of my other coding screens are dark grey.
I try to keep it pretty minimal
Here is my minimal setup:
how to have 3 different color please
Default Oh My ZSH setup
Seems more like prezto and not Oh My ZSH.
Yeah you are correct, my bad. I have since switched over to fish shell.
I have a random happy ascii character and a motivational phrase every new window. :)
Here's where I make the money...
This is the ideal terminal. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
Is it? From my experience, the windows terminal is both less useful and simply slower to use than any Unix terminal. But it certainly gets the job done.
GG Allyn is referencing this:
There are definitely better terminals, even on Windows. Still, this is what I get paid for
Ah, I get it. Yeah, for our Windows servers I like git bash.
Our environment is locked down enough that git bash isn’t an option for me. I like it when I get the chance, though!
The Linux simulation you see when you open Git Bash is actually MSYS2 which you can find right here
You can do really cool things with it, like using the GCC tool-chain right inside of Windows.
Here's mine :D

And on Windows:
Hold on while I go install neofetch...
What terminal are you using for Windows. I've been using Git Bash but am looking for something better, preferably something with ZSH.
Sorry to disappoint, I'm actually using the Windows Subsystem for Linux together with VcXsrv and basically I just compiled my regular linux terminal for it ( )
The font I'm using is Realtime by Juri Zaech in case anybody cares.
I hope this helps, but I'm sorry if it doesn't.
Edit: st has quite a few drawbacks. It's a terminal emulator and literally nothing else. You don't even have a scrollback buffer. There are patches on the website for it, but expect to manually splice them in with some code surgery, because those patches are always out of date.
In case someone asks, this is the theme.
Nord is the best theme for terminal
On my home machine 😄
Here's my work machine 😇
wait, bash has tabs?
Iterm ftw
Any macOS terminal has tabs.
This is just the iTerm app as a Terminal replacement. But you can make "bash has tabs" with screen or tmux :) have a look, it's really great for remote work too.
Linux OS have tabs as well. Try
;)Quick tip: If you press Cmd+Shift+4 and then press Space you can take a screenshot of a single application :)
What they didn't tell me: Cmd+Ctrl+Shift+4 will put the screenshot into the clipboard, which is a lot easier when what you want is to paste directly into Slack.
This is awesome too! Unless you use Safari, because Safari doesn't support this =/
My final recommendation for screenshots is Skitch, which has very nifty tools for annotating. I love the arrows especially.
Skitch is great, I stopped using it when I found out that Preview has a lot of those annotating features. It isn't as feature full as Skitch, but it fits me well.
If on Windows 10 there is the WinKey + Shift + S keycombo to launch selecting an area to screen shot which gets copied to the clipboard.
Or just hit WinKey, type snip, and hit enter, then select the Window selection.
Or use the WinKey + Alt + prntscrn shortcut with the correct window selected and a shot will be saved to your Captures directory
All these crazy key combinations, on Linux all you need to do is press the regular old print screen button, and it lets you do any of those things without having to remember arcane sequences ;)
And if you hit
Alt + Print
,you get a screenshot of the current focused window.
Good old print screen still works on Windows. These are for custom crops.
Woah that is a neat tip.
FYI You can get rid of the "Last login" with
touch .hushlogin
Also, I really like the "cash cow" prompt :)
here you go
Is that NERDTree or something different?
Yep that's nerd tree
What editor is that? Looks neat.
Lol I know how to exit vim, I swear. Didn't recognize it with the file explorer showing.
How's react dev in vim?
I ended up moving away because I couldn't deal with large projects - I've started pulling it up for quick edits in my Vs code terminal though. I miss the utility
Works very well for me and especially with the combination of tmux I do all my coding in one terminal window. I can even zoom in one pane, do something and zoom back out.
Any way you can share your .vimrc? would like to check out your settings.
Sure thing, use this branch it is up to date