DEV Community

Welcome Thread - v116 staff on March 17, 2021

Welcome to DEV! Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just ...
webdevwanderer profile image

I just started my studies in a University taking a degree in IT, and i am really into learning web development, that's why i make some advance self-learning about the basics of HTML, CSS and JavaScript from site to site. But now, I just feel like i don't know where i am going about my self-learning.

Could you please give me some advice in what should i do? I want to practice and enhance what i've learned but i don't know what activity should i do. I don't know where i should start and really confuse about it. I keep on reading development information from articles to articles, signing up to some free coding sites, but i don't really have the solid path in where i should go in my learning, and this makes me frustrated.

I really appreciate your insights and advices, thanks.

jgntruong profile image
JohnGabriel Nguyen-Truong

Build a creative vision in your mind, something you want to invent - something related to programming... your dreams will help guide you through the challenges of life. BTW, I'm working on some cool projects, and have internship openings...let me know.

nealdubbe profile image
Nyangayenzou Ashley Dube

Hook me up I would love new challenges in my coding journey

webdevwanderer profile image

Thank you!

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jgntruong profile image
JohnGabriel Nguyen-Truong

Would you be interested in a QA/QC software development internship?

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webdevwanderer profile image

I am still a beginner :)
I'm not familiar yet with that yet. Anyway, thanks a lot.

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jgntruong profile image
JohnGabriel Nguyen-Truong

No problem.... if you want I can help teach you! Internships are for learning. :)

aldinsab8 profile image
aldinsab • Edited

Hey, welcome!

I am also new to the community but i am sure that you will learn more with time, i know thats how i gotten into it.

Just keep doing that and incorporate projects that you would want to do, thats how you build and learn new skills, it's all about repetition and getting it to be part of you.

For example, you can start by creating your website, which can follow in creating website for friends that need a website. This can then hopefully get you out there and bring in potential clients. This will help you gain experience and help set up contacts.

Good Luck with your studies!

webdevwanderer profile image

Thanks a lot for your inspiring words.

jgntruong profile image
JohnGabriel Nguyen-Truong

Hey! Have you tried Perseverance is worthed! I'm learning too.

webdevwanderer profile image

Yeah, i'm in as well. Thanks for your uplifting comment.

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jgntruong profile image
JohnGabriel Nguyen-Truong

Have you tried web scraping with selenium and python? I am learning so much about frontend and backend just by doing some cool projects. I've got ideas for productivity apps and a social media platform... you really need a goal to push through everyday

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webdevwanderer profile image

No, not familiar yet. I have some basic knowledge of python, but i focused yet in the basics of front-end development.

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virejdasani profile image
Virej Dasani

Check this video out, it'll give you an idea of what selenium is and how it works:

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webdevwanderer profile image

Thanks 👍

wolalaaa profile image

Have you heard about "the Odin project" ?
Me too i'm a newbie, learning on freecodecamp and i discovered and recently.

webdevwanderer profile image

Thanks for sharing this, i will check on this 🙂

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webdevwanderer profile image

Hey, thanks a lot for sharing this, i've just checked and signed up now, i think this one is great and and a big help for our development path. Thanks a lot 😊

1417wasswa profile image
silverback lubakyoya🥋

I think we in a similar position 🤦🏾‍♂️

eo4wellness profile image
EO4Wellness • Edited

Hello, and welcome. For the coursework, it is hard to know what to recommend without knowing what you've already studied.

webdevwanderer profile image

Thanks for your message. I am now in in the path of frontend development. HTML, CSS and Javascript in particular. Taking some courses for Python and some backend stuff as well, slowly learning.

chuks_gold_e0771f8ad1d4fe profile image
Chuks Gold


graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

hello bulldog

sidcraftscode profile image


coderslang profile image
Coderslang: Become a Software Engineer


aldinsab8 profile image


webdevwanderer profile image

Hello, my goal is to become a web developer, i am self learning that's why i got interested to be here in this community to learn more from everyone here. Thanks for having me here 🙂

juliathepm profile image
Julia Flash

Thanks for joining the community, happy to see you here!! I am self-learned developer too! You came to the right place, Dev has a ton of valuable information at your fingertips! Remember that if you encounter bugs and errors a lot? We all go through that, its always a part of the process, and you might have to try and fail a million times before something clicks and you get it. That was the biggest lesson I learned from a developer mentor. Good luck to you! :)

webdevwanderer profile image

Yeah, you're right, i used to read some of those informations from the web and it really roused my interest ended me to come here and join. Thanks a lot 🙂

coderslang profile image
Coderslang: Become a Software Engineer

Welcome 🥳

webdevwanderer profile image

Thank you :)

udy101 profile image

I'm happy to be here....looking forward to learn.

coderslang profile image
Coderslang: Become a Software Engineer

Welcome INYANG!

jgntruong profile image
JohnGabriel Nguyen-Truong

Hey! What are you working on at the moment?

brunasss profile image

Olá!! Eu sou nova nesse mundo de tecnologias estou em transição de carreira! Originalmente, sou biomédica. Porém, fiz um bootcamp para desenvolvedora front-end onde obtive conhecimentos em Javascript, HTML e CSS. Porém, eu não sei como continuar a minha jornada quais outras linguagens começar a estudar, além do mais gostaria de construir um portfolio, mas não sei qual projetos fazer também ( como, o tema e a tal da motivação ) Quanto tempo leva para eu obter uma segurança para me candidatar a vagas assertivas de Dev Front-End? e também como usar minha antiga profissão para acrescentar nessa nossa jornada? Sou do Brasil-SP.
ps: Procuro um Mentor também ou até vaga de estágio para poder me aprimorar!
Obrigada a todos desde já.

Hello!! I am new to this world of technology and I am in a career transition! I am originally biomedical. However, I made a bootcamp for a front-end developer where I got knowledge in Javascript, HTML and CSS. However, I don't know how to continue my journey which other languages ​​to start studying, besides I would like to build a portfolio, but I don't know which projects to do too (like, the theme and the motivation) How long does it take for me to get a security to apply for assertive Dev Front-End vacancies? and also how to use my old profession to add to our journey? I'm from Brasil-SP.
ps: I'm looking for a Mentor too, or even an internship to be able to improve myself!
Thank you all in advance.

didisouzacosta profile image
Adriano Souza Costa

Olá Bruna, seja muito bem vinda a essa nova jornada e pode contar não somente comigo mas como toda a comunidade. Você como biomédica irá agregar muito usando tudo o que você já conhece a tecnologia.

1 - Quanto tempo leva para eu obter uma segurança para me candidatar a vagas assertivas de Dev Front-End?
Resposta: Esse tempo e relativo, pois a sua preparação vai ser o resultado do esforço e dedicação que você ter para a tecnologia, mas te falo que isso pode se tornar muito rápido se você seguir alguns conteúdos gratuitos que temos hoje como Rocket Seat e alguns outros canais de estudo na internet, se quiser algumas dicas tenho esse post aqui que pode ajudar

2 - Como usar minha antiga profissão para acrescentar nessa nossa jornada?
Resposta: Nossa isso vai ser um diferencial tremendo, as duas últimas empresas que trabalhei foram relacionadas a saúde, então você com conhecimento em tecnologia e também na área da saúde ia ter uma vantagem sem igual, se quiser pode acessar e acompanhar algumas oportunidades

3 - Procuro um Mentor também ou até vaga de estágio para poder me aprimorar!
Sobre o mentor, não sei se tenho gabarito para tal, mas posso lhe oferecer total apoio e disponibilidade para trocas de ideias e orientações, pois programação e a coisa que mais amo fazer na vida, e poder passar esse amor para outros me faz muito bem.

Grande abraço e mais uma vez pode contar comigo, a comunidade e muito sucesso em sua vida.

brunasss profile image

Obrigada, Adriano! Ter esse apoio e mostrar caminhos a serem seguidos já é de grande ajuda!! Muito obrigada.

webdevwanderer profile image

Same feeling here. Don't know where to go in my learning.

gootee profile image
John Gootee

Hi and good morning, DEVs!

I'm a full-stack developer in Vancouver, BC, Canada. I was a desktop app developer for 20 years, but have just learned web development in the last 2 years and have concentrated on Javascript development. I'm struggling to find an entry-level Developer job, but love to meet smart people and work on interesting projects.

jgntruong profile image
JohnGabriel Nguyen-Truong

Hey! I've just started coding on web... I've got some cool projects if you are interested.

gootee profile image
John Gootee • Edited

Cool, JohnGabriel. I'd like to learn more.

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jgntruong profile image
JohnGabriel Nguyen-Truong

Sent you a connection request on LinkedIn.

lestrae profile image

Hi all!

I'm happy to find this great site (accidentally i find link to "CSS Grid cheatsheet" on frontendfront). I like CSS and JS, but my work also required from me some knowledge of PHP, Mysql. Mostly i work in Wordpress.

I cant say how hard and stressful been first months, when you open PHP file and understand nothing :D and because errors in php so unforgiving (site just drops with some type of error), its 2x stressful. But I passed this, and now work with calm.

Also, english not my first language (first been JS... oh i'm kiddin), and working in webdev improved my knowledge of this language. Without some basic knowledge of english you cant find good and modern guides or solutions. Now in internet i use english more than my native language.

smartdev profile image

Hello @all
I'm Yassr HADJ, a fan of tech world. I'm a web developer using some front and back end technologies !
I'm here to learn tips and tricks to perfect my knowledge and to acquire a speed on my working way !
I also want to learn new things on network and system security, mobile dev, Docker, best practices on coding and others domains, etc.
I also want to share my knowledge and make some buddies here !

Thks for all !

jgntruong profile image
JohnGabriel Nguyen-Truong

Awesome! I am new here too! I've started coding recently...I'm working on some cool projects and a cool internship if you are interested cause we got openings.

conradtrost profile image
Conrad Trost

Hey, everybody! I’m a React developer establishing myself in the freelance space. I love making portfolios for local musicians and artists here in Dallas, Texas. I’m looking to improve my design techniques and back-end knowledge to create more complex projects!

mamdouhmoemin profile image
Moemin Mamdouh 👨‍💻


Hi there everyone! I'm Moemin Mamdouh, a Product Designer who wants to learn more about programming (particularly Javascript, I'm comfortable with HTML and CSS) — I'm also a big fan of Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

Thanks for having me here!

ayushsanjdev profile image
Ayush Sanj • Edited

Hello tech geeks.
This side Ayush from Bihar, India.
I m currently learning deep js and react.
Hope I will contribute my knowledge and also get some here.
I m a non cs graduate(Arts).
I m a self taught frontend programmer.
See you guys around.
U can ping me on LinkedIn and

jgntruong profile image
JohnGabriel Nguyen-Truong

Well, I'm working with a company called Entre, and we are looking for QA Testers and developers for our new social platform. It's a great platform for all entrepreneurs.

As a side project, I have a new cool idea for a social media productivity app. It's called Social Eclipse... it might become open source, but I just started.

raphael_haecker profile image
Raphael Häcker


my name is Raphael, I'm a software engineer and interested in web technologies.

I want to start a side project to use some of these cool technologies I can't use at work and I'm thinking about streaming my progress. Maybe also write about some more interesting parts or making a video about it, because I want to get my self to be more open and share my knowledge.

The technologies I'm considering for this is currently are:

  • MongoDB
  • Express
  • Node and for the frontend I was thinking about react native. I also want to explore more options and tools on the way.

Do you think anyone might be interested in this?
I also kinda write this to keep me accountable, because I know my self, if I don't have to do something and it is uncomfortable, I might not do it :D

tschuehly profile image
Thomas Schühly

I wouldn't recommend using native express. It gets verbose very quickly.

raphael_haecker profile image
Raphael Häcker

Thanks for the hint. What would you recommend instead? I'm completely new to using Node as a backend.
I read some articles that described project structures, that where familiar to me and looked like they might be working, so maybe with enough care, that could be avoided.

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tschuehly profile image
Thomas Schühly

I would recommend something that has native typescript support, and a good ORM. You can look at these:

I prefer doing my backends in Kotlin tho. Another option would be using GO.

What I would recommend you look into is Svelte and SvelteKit, that's like the hot shit in the JS world.

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV!

Multiple TV and movie characters giving a thumbs up

sgriffiths profile image
Scott Griffiths

I'm a solutions architect working for a consultancy here in Sydney, Australia.

I come from a testing background, mainly in the Performance, Chaos and Functional automation space. Now working more in architectural delivery design and technical solutions. Still get my code on occasionally, Often with flavours such as C# and python these days.

Great to find such an interesting and diverse group

riyanagueco profile image

Hey everyone 👋

I'm Riri. I'm sort of a web developer I guess (hehe). I currently work as a (mostly) frontend developer under a government-funded research project. I'm interested in all things frontend and would love to learn everything I can from HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

I came here to meet like-minded people and hopefully learn from all of you as well ☺

cyberhackb profile image

I'm a level one student of software engineering, and I'm good in JavaScript, HTML and CSS, I've tried applying for some job online but all job to find are full time, but I want to finish my study Before taking any full time job. I need your advice, am I taking the right decision?.

shnarsingani24 profile image
Sagar H. Narsingani

Hey There I am Sagar. I am a Computer Science student in India.
Few months back I found myself interested in Web Development and I started learning the things. I have learnt HTML, CSS and some concept of JavaScript.
I was just doing a project of my college when I came across on article written by one member of this community.
I will like any suggestions that can help me in my path of learning Web development.
Thank You!

ayushgupta0110 profile image
Ayush Gupta

Hey everyone! I'm Ayush Gupta. Just started up with my college, and started to explore the Web Development field and this brings me here to interact with the amazing people out there to have interaction with them and to get their worthy guidance. My interest is in exploring the various tech stacks and find one that fascinates me. Looking forward to having a great experience here.

michalciechanowicz profile image

Hi to all. I'm old guy but I think is not to late for my hobby :). I love motorsport, racing and all of this petrolhead world. I'm dealing with engine ecu doing some tuning etc and as I always like to know what I'm doing, I want to go deep in it and learn reversenginerrrrrrrrring ;)

thalitadev profile image
Thalita G.

Hello everyone! Excited to join the devblogging world! 🥳🥳

I'm a fullstack webdev who especially loves coding fun interactions. This will be my first time writing articles so this is very scary and very exciting haha!

Looking forward to meeting people here!

leerenjie profile image
Tech With RJ

Hey there DEV community! I am RJ from Malaysia! I am currently a first-year Software Engineering Student, web-developer, AI enthusiast, and Open-source contributor! I hope to learn more through blogging. I will be posting content about Web Development and Students in Tech!

fersa profile image

I am near the end of my MSc Computer Science studies, but I never really dived much into the development community. Neither have I really tried to improve my dev skills. Well, now I want to change that. That is why I am here. I want to improve and learn and, at the same time, teach or share what I know. I mostly worked on web dev and some software projects. We mostly used Django with some JQuery and Bootstrap in there. I once tried Vue and Angular a couple of years ago.
And now, I am again diving into the world of NodeJS. Currently, I am working with ExpressJs and React for my thesis and AngularJS for work. I am happy to join, and hopefully, we can all learn from each other as much as possible :)

hamburgerhans profile image
Hamburgerhans • Edited

Hello, my name is Hans, I am from Hamburg Germany and I am very intersted in everything Blockchain and smart contract programming. I had many professions over my lifetime, from Merchant over Chemist to Safety Inspector at German Rail. Due to ailing health I am looking for a profession where I can stay at home. Programming sounds about right. since I am fluent in 4 languages I feel I may be able to lear another ,-) Also I write and paint.

changecrab_rob profile image
Rob Clarke

Hey Devs! 🚀

My name is Rob I'm a developer and marketing type from the UK.

Previously I worked in marketing and content creation in the video games industry, working at companies like Electronic Arts before quitting to work on my own company.

I now work with my brother on various different SaaS projects. We've been developing and making websites for years. We've also tried our hand at game development and we even ran a board game café for several years.

Outside of work I enjoy travelling especially America and Japan. I've also been to Chernobyl ☢️ twice! One day, I hope to be a digital nomad, but they've got to re-open the world first...

jgntruong profile image
JohnGabriel Nguyen-Truong

me too! hello human **could be a selenium bot

jgntruong profile image
JohnGabriel Nguyen-Truong

Are you interest in working on some cool coding projects? Let me know...

coderslang profile image
Coderslang: Become a Software Engineer

Every expert was once a beginner...

Welcome 🚀!

jgntruong profile image
JohnGabriel Nguyen-Truong

damn, I needed to hear this. Thank you for those words...

myrickchow profile image
Myrick Chow

Hi every developer, I am Myrick Chow and focus on Android, iOS and Firebase development. I am also a Firebase Developers Publication and RayRenderlich writer. I love sharing my knowledge with others through online blogs, such as Medium.

I am now planning to border my horizon to share my knowledge on different platforms, such as YouTube, and Udemy. Hope I can contribute my efforts to the dev community in a good way. Thank you!

razaul profile image

I'm Razaul from BD. I have spent many futile hours on decide which sector will be best for me - WordPress developer Vs full stack web developer.
I have skill on Html, CSS, jQuery, WordPress costomization. I have built 20+ clients website using page builder Elemontor and Divi on WordPress. But, I'm feared about future of WordPress workplace. I have total future 2 years to develop my self. Which sector will be best for future with a decent amount of earning and job security?

Thank you.

confleis profile image
Jose Orozco

I don't know which sector will be best for the future, what I can tell you is that wordpress is not going anywhere. I am also experienced in wordpress and trying to learn PHP and Javascript. I think combining wordpress with custom dev is the future of web development, in my opinion it's more efficient to modify little things from a plugin to make it do what you want, as opposed to build it from scratch. I could be wrong though...

confleis profile image
Jose Orozco

Hello everyone, I'm currently studying JavaScript. I have to say I've found it harder than I thought, it's specially hard to keep the motivation high as a self-taught student. I don't know anyone else who's also studying programming so I feel kind of lost out here. I decided to joining this community in the hopes of finding inspiration and maybe meet some cool people. (I'll say it's looking very promising).

fabiobassa profile image

Hello everybody, I am Fabio and I came from hardware world ( repairing cellular phones in 90's) and lately migrated into more software-firmware approach.
Actively developing the full implementation of linux on economic txboxes such as rk3329 rockchip.
nice to be here

anaghacoder profile image

Hello! I'm in second year, pursuing a degree in Computer Science. Currently learning Web development, trying to get hands-on it. Technologies I've been good at are Python, C,C++. I've built some basic projects on it, but as we all know a little support will always be grateful to a self-taught programmer to grow more. So any suggestions or internship opportunities are welcome. Never been a part of community before, so really looking forward to it. It'd be great to know and work with you.
Thank You!

breadcrumb profile image

Hi there! I came to DEV because i saw a tutorial on it and i was like "wow this is very cool" and signed up! I like to program things. My favorite language is python. I want to learn C#, Ruby, and maybe PHP or Java. I like bread.

pabloverdier profile image
pablo verdier

Hi all, I am Pablo and I am returning back to programming duties, after 25 years working for IBM as a project manager, business analyst and IT consultant.

I am very excited using React and hoping to improve my skills so I am open to volunteer (or be paid for :=) ) in some challenge out there, just let me know!

I have one year experience developing a Project Management tool with React-Javascript-Firebase, just for fun ( , user w/o password)

atulcodex profile image
🚩 Atul Prajapati 🇮🇳

Your welcome 😃

haipnh profile image
Hoang Hai

Hello all,
I am a software engineer from Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam. I've known about Github and Stackoverflow but this is my first time to know about
It's my honor to have more friends in this field. You can find me on If you work in Ho Chi Minh city, maybe we can take some coffee :D
Wish you all luck and health.

lizbethcode profile image

Hello friends, I'm Lizbeth i started my programming study few months ago and I've learn some advance self-learning about the basics of HTML, CSS and JavaScript from site to site. But now, I just feel like i don't know where i am going about my self-learning. Would appreciate it if you can help me more on what i can I do to perfect my learning and be able to work and do more with my web development.
I appreciate your feedback.
Thanks 😊👍.

maria_varvaroi profile image

Hello! 👋🏻
I’m a beginner, started learning in January 2020 - no school, just completing course after course and trying to work on real life projects. I found here lots of inspiration and solutions for my projects, hope to be able to contribute myself.

lesley_z profile image

Hello everyone. I'm pretty new and teaching myself. I've managed to get certified as a Rasa Developer but I'm struggling with with giving my bots voice activation. And I really wanna be a blockchain developer but I find myself getting distracted with web design and quantum computing. In other words, I've got a whole lot of nothing accomplished. Thanks for all the helpful topics on here!

rgedwill profile image

Hi everyone I've been a developer for 4 years and decided to start developing my own platform. Looking to start networking as I continue to make progress on my platform and company, and to post updates/interesting technical strategies I come across along the way

piyushpandey2002 profile image
Piyush Pandey • Edited

Hello :)
I am a first-year student pursuing Bachelor's degree in Technology. I am looking forward to exploring Web Development, learning things beyond the classroom basics, and moving ahead in this web-developer journey. I kind of know the basics, and I am looking for some beginner's projects - that's what brought me here! If any of you could give me suggestions and guide me through I would really appreciate it I would be grateful to work on anything feasible at my level. The only things I am seeking are Knowledge and experience.
Thank You!

aseemsai profile image
Aseem Panigrahi

Hi I am Aseem, I am currently learning (self) on how to use react to make responsive websites. I have a good hold of html, CSS and JavaScript, currently focusing on the practical side of things to become more job ready.

ritw777 profile image
Ritwik Srivastava

Hey everyone! I'm Ritwik Srivastava and just happy to be here.
Trying to be a better developer (Web Dev basically). Starting out with open source.
Linux is love (Hello to all Linux Bible readers :XD). I also like doing challenges of ( I found that it's the best for actually learning and applying Linux commands and also other security concepts).
Huge gamer, comic book nerd, fan of Harry Potter , LOTR and The Witcher.
Currently in 3rd year of my B.Tech in Electronics & Telecommunications.

shonavar profile image
shonavar • Edited

Greetings everyone. My name is Shashank Honavar. I love technology and what it can do to improve our lives. I am the Founder CEO of S-square D-square LLC, a start-up that specializes in applying the power of data analytics techniques to solve business problems.

enggaruny profile image
Arun Yadav

Hello, I joined this community officially, and looks like we have great content here in Looking for writing and sharing thoughts in Tech (#dotnet, #angular, #docker, #vscode)

jmdejager profile image
🐤🥇 Jasper de Jager

Cool subjects! Looking forward to your posts!

thebigdavec profile image

Hi! I'm Dave. Thanks for having me.

I came here because I started following a Markdown course on Scrimba. I'm trying to learn as much as I can about the whole web dev area of tech. I've got a fairly good grasp of CSS, HTML and JavaScript, getting into VueJs and just want to learn how everything connects in the world of dev.

atulcodex profile image
🚩 Atul Prajapati 🇮🇳

Hello folks🍭

juliathepm profile image
Julia Flash

Welcome Atul, glad to have you here!!! 😃

atulcodex profile image
🚩 Atul Prajapati 🇮🇳

Thank u, Julia Nice to know about your coding jeorney

anujsharma profile image
Anuj sharma

I was in the Marketing field, working as a Business Development Executive in a B2B startup but during the covid pandemic, I wasn't able to continue this, now I have covered the basics of HTML5, CSS, JS, BOOTSTRAP and also built some projects and implement ideas. It's really exciting to think about things and implement them. I am very passionate and enthusiastic about creating constructive and efficient solutions.
I'm happy to be here....looking forward to learning.

sapthoorne profile image

I just landed here cause there was nothing interesting left to do.
I want to do something interesting by learning from an engaging community and was one the choices I had.
Hope everything falls in place with this choice.

furuidev profile image

Hello Every One! I am in the process of teaching my self web development (front end so far) but am interested in going full stack. I am working in java script for now but am deeply interested in python's django framework. I have built a couple of static sites from tutorials here and there but i still feel that i am unable to do anything worthwhile by myself. I am really appreciate help in terms of guidance plus opportunities to be part of practical projects so that i learn by building actual projects. Thank you very much in anticipation

lizbethcode profile image


adrianocruzweb profile image
Adriano Cruz

O que me trouxe aqui foi a opção que vi no perfil da @jumaschion (github).
What brought me here was the option that I saw in the profile of @jumaschion (github).

top fine

gbyc profile image
Yuxiang Chen


felylne2021 profile image
Febi Mettasari

I'm 19, going to work as an IT specialist in one of the top leading bank in my country. Got here because I was researching NFT coins, $ENJIN, and saw its partnership with Microsoft. So here I am.

shubhamrozers profile image
Shubham Kumar

i am new here.

graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

welcome, welcome!

janhavi09 profile image
B janhavi

Hi everyone I am a engineering student and i am persuing my engineering in computer science and engineering.....

modets2indonesia profile image
Mod Ets2 Indonesia

Hello Every One,
Excited to join with great people !

dnnthv profile image

( ̄o ̄) . z Z

hadekunex profile image
R e a m y 👑 MAN in a warrior mind

Hi friends am new to this community

juan_calle profile image
Juan Carlos Munoz Calle

Hi everyone!
My name is Juan, I’m from Spain but have lived in London for the past 10 years. I’m currently in the middle of a career change, transitioning from hospitality management into software engineering.
Next month, I’m quitting my job to focus on an intensive 3-month-long coding bootcamp specialised in JavaScript.
To be honest, when I think about it, I feel a bit insecure. I’m not sure if I’m taking the best or worst decision of my life; specially in these uncertain times when people is struggling to find jobs.
I’m 35, and when I see all the incredibly talented young people I feel like I’m a bit too old for this already... Although I don’t let those thoughts define me (I’m not a quitter!), it’s something that’s always on the back of my mind.
Do you guys think there’s an age limit to get into software engineering? What are your thought on this?
Thank you!

zendostrike profile image
Giancarlo Ramirez

Hi fellas

gsingh profile image

Hey Gian

zer0sign profile image

hello my name al, currently now, i am a computer science student

webdevwanderer profile image

Thanks a lot ☺️

egilhuber profile image
erica (she/her)

Welcome! Check out the #opensource tag - you'll probably find plenty of others over there!

webdevwanderer profile image

Oh my 🥰 thank you so much for sharing this. Yeah, this is what i really need.

jgntruong profile image
JohnGabriel Nguyen-Truong

Hello everyone, new here! I have just started coding last month, with a focus on CSS/Javascript and Python and Selenium. I'm glad to meet you all!

I've started a really cool project on Github I plan to make open-source... Please check it out. It's a really cool productivity app idea. I'll love to meet new people here, so feel free to reach out.

heyroopesh profile image
Roopesh Saravanan

Hi! I am Roopesh from India

I have a desire to become a Front End Developer. Right now, I'm an intermediate in JavaScript and playing around with some projects with the trio (HTML, CSS, and JS)

I like to teach others and vice versa

mailingdelgadomedina profile image

Hi everyone I just finished a Software Development Bootcamp and soon I will start a MS in Information Technology any advice for a Entry Level Software Developer is welcome.

ekaawaludin profile image
Eka Awaludin

Hello friends.

eo4wellness profile image

Hello world! Hola, γεια σας Salve, Guten Tag, こんにちは, Ahoj, Prynhawn Da
enjoy learning about various code topics and new languages

main( ) {
        printf("hello, world\n");
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
83au profile image
Beau Sherman

mxm profile image


manoharthakur351 profile image
Manohar Thakur

Hello everyone

actuallyitsnathaniel profile image
Nathaniel Riley

hey, y'all! excited about this community. i'm looking forward to contributing and collaborating with you all!

snapethehalfbloodprince profile image
Francesco Paolo Piga

Hi there!

dalps profile image
dalpio • Edited

Ti ho trovato nella classifica dell'Advent of Code! Complimenti! 😄

francines profile image
Francine Guimarães

Hi, there!
I am a computer engineering student and also a software developer.
I am currently working with Elixir, but I can also program in other languages ​​like Java and Python.

codersutopia profile image
Paula Kassouf

Hello from LA! Great to be here.

janhavi09 profile image
B janhavi

I am a engineering student and i am persuing my engineering in computer science and engineering.....

voboda profile image

Hi everyone, I used to make web apps in the 90s, and I'm coming back to it now. Generations of technologies later, so a lot to learn and a lot to unlearn too.

ayoung527 profile image
Andrew Young

Today is my first day here. I’m learning Ruby, HTML, and other programs.

quantuumsnot profile image

PHP procedural coder here. Thanks for the tutorials - very good quality and great time-savers!

BUG: 'Home' and 'End' buttons don't work writing a post (Chrome x64 v87)

victorhm7 profile image
Victor Hugo Malcauskas

After diagnosed as DDA with 37, I'm trying again to get better in I.T. Hello for all, I'm from Brazil, and I like to help with everything.

mohittjee profile image
Mohit Singh

Heyy all,
I'm a beginner as we as new to this community.
But I'm sure I'll learn a lot about many new thing.

kriscannabis profile image
Pavel Slobozhaninov

Hi! I'm fullstack web software enginer from Russia. Nice to met you all.

eleonard214 profile image
Erica Leonard

I am learning Full Stack. I was looking through some info on React and DEV was listed as a discussion forum. So I checked it out. Seems interesting, so far.

thebeardedcloud profile image

Hi ! :)

ambadi_007 profile image


mono13th profile image
Moch. Sudharmono • Edited

Hello, I'm a software engineer but not really follow update latest tech. That's why I am here.

efedevin profile image
Efe Senturk

Hello 👋

luisintosh profile image
Luis M

Hey beautiful people!
Good to see you all 👋

harsha549 profile image
Sri Harsha Madireddy

I started looking at various posts on and joined the community

avmgan profile image
Velmurugan Arjunan


shahnshahmalik profile image

Hello everyone, joined dev community to actively participate in learning and sharing knowledge.

ua9msn profile image

Hi there!

sohail2637 profile image
M Sohail Maqsood

I am react js developer and complete his study and now join a bootcamp as a react developer and I want to get advance experience in his field

mcastillo profile image

Hey! I just got here though -> stackoverflow :D

1417wasswa profile image
silverback lubakyoya🥋

Hey im 3 weeks into coding started with python which is a bit frustrating but still love it
Im a bit too lazy when i get a problem i spend like two days to three without getting back

ahmednmahran profile image

Salam everyone, I'm Ahmed, Founder and leader of Kotlin Egypt.
Kotlin lover, content creator at youtube and medium.
Excited to to join the community 🤩

bazalduadw profile image

Im new here, hi :)

dihan profile image

hello guys, it's Dihan...
'am new here from Bangladesh.
how are you?

zacchnaa profile image

Hi everyone!
I'm Zacc
and I am learning react.
I thought this might be a good community for learning!
That's why I joined.

k1ddarkn3ss profile image
Dallas Baker

Joined to make new friends who also share a passion for development. Ask me anything.

flanchoooo profile image

Am I the only who doesn't get good sleep when I have a bug to fix.

rahoulb profile image
Rahoul Baruah

Hi everyone.

I’m a Ruby on Rails dev - been working for myself for years and now I’m starting mentoring other web developers as well.

Lovely to meet you all

maneesh profile image
Maneesh Sethi


nealdubbe profile image
Nyangayenzou Ashley Dube


argahutagalung profile image
Arga Hutagalung

Hello everybody! Currently I'm working on my office as back-end web engineer, my current focus is in Java and Go language. Looking forward to learn and share together with you guys.

lucky88 profile image
Lakshitha Abeywickrama

Hello Beautiful People,

Just wanted to say thank you to the admin team & for all the devs out there who build / maintain absolutely amazing projects....


jamesmarriott profile image
James Marriott

Came to dev to via Scrimba Markdown Course with Dylan Israel.

jaypala profile image
Jay Pala

Hi, I am Jay P. A fulltime web developer having expertise in PHP and its frameworks, JS.

laurence71 profile image

Hi everyone, I'm in intership right now to become a front and back dev. Glad to be part of your community.

achalke profile image
Andrew Chalke


byoliveira profile image
Bruno Oliveira

Hi guys

thinkpader profile image

Hi guys new here!!

hectorddev profile image

Hi, Everyone

edmilsonprado profile image


majensen profile image
Mark Jensen

Howdy DEV

chintu1025 profile image
Chetan Ahir


iftekhs profile image

New in Dev Community Hello!

alexgrozav profile image
Alex Grozav

Hello world! :) Can't wait to start writing articles!

mareeswaran202 profile image


ndounapoliom profile image
maanda a ndou general trading pty ltd

Hello, Im Napoleon i will be learning coding i would love to meet someone who will mentor me to be come fulltime and qualified web developer.

jaybeloved profile image
John Lawal

Hello, I'm John 🙏

geoffreywani profile image
Wani geoffrey

To meet new members in the dev community hallo

manggit profile image
Mang-Git Ng

Hello, trying to reconnect with my software development past. Since starting Anvil, I have taken a back seat to coding. I miss it..sometimes :)

areeves9 profile image

Hello everyone. I have been learning web development for a while now and have used backend and frontend technologies in personal projects. I like working with Django, javascript, SQL, and bootstrap.

amaterasuhash profile image

Lost young boy learning web development as self-taught !

doomvslight profile image

Hey guys i'm a computer science student, I'm new to development but i'm willing to learn

sunnynegi987 profile image
SunnyNegi987 • Edited

Hello folks new to
But pleasure to learn from everyone.

iambharani profile image

Hi, everybody! , I'm glad to be here....

madliife0 profile image
Jawad Zaaboul

Hello :)

gtndev profile image
Gaetano Russo

Hi everyone

vtrrk profile image
VTR Ravi Kumar

Hello All... Glad to be a part of this group

lbatters profile image

Hi everyone! I want to write some topics about java devops and linux. I hope u will enjoy :)

rosidotidev profile image

Hi all, I'm new on this fantastic community; I'm 20 year experienced developer. I like posts and style it has. Today I've posted my first article; hope you like it! bye bye

uhhmed profile image
Ahmed Aln(u)aim

Hello 👋
Currently doing my studies in data science, and excited to learn and share here!!

mk84ya profile image
Mayank K. Chaurasiya

Hi Team

azgaar profile image
Azgaar • Edited

Hello, folks! Happy { random_holiday_you_have_today }!

Here are some crosses for you.

kristi profile image

I started my roadmap as a frontend developer

jgntruong profile image
JohnGabriel Nguyen-Truong

Hey! Hit me up if you want to chat! I've started coding last month.

hitushar profile image

I have no idea what to talk.

nikunjgupta0033 profile image
Nikunj Gupta

Hey ALL,

Let's help each other by sharing knowledge.
