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I just started my studies in a University taking a degree in IT, and i am really into learning web development, that's why i make some advance self-learning about the basics of HTML, CSS and JavaScript from site to site. But now, I just feel like i don't know where i am going about my self-learning.
Could you please give me some advice in what should i do? I want to practice and enhance what i've learned but i don't know what activity should i do. I don't know where i should start and really confuse about it. I keep on reading development information from articles to articles, signing up to some free coding sites, but i don't really have the solid path in where i should go in my learning, and this makes me frustrated.
I really appreciate your insights and advices, thanks.
Build a creative vision in your mind, something you want to invent - something related to programming... your dreams will help guide you through the challenges of life. BTW, I'm working on some cool projects, and have internship openings...let me know.
Hook me up I would love new challenges in my coding journey
Thank you!
Would you be interested in a QA/QC software development internship?
I am still a beginner :)
I'm not familiar yet with that yet. Anyway, thanks a lot.
No problem.... if you want I can help teach you! Internships are for learning. :)
Hey, welcome!
I am also new to the community but i am sure that you will learn more with time, i know thats how i gotten into it.
Just keep doing that and incorporate projects that you would want to do, thats how you build and learn new skills, it's all about repetition and getting it to be part of you.
For example, you can start by creating your website, which can follow in creating website for friends that need a website. This can then hopefully get you out there and bring in potential clients. This will help you gain experience and help set up contacts.
Good Luck with your studies!
Thanks a lot for your inspiring words.
Hey! Have you tried freecodecamp.org? Perseverance is worthed! I'm learning too.
Yeah, i'm in freecodecamp.org as well. Thanks for your uplifting comment.
Have you tried web scraping with selenium and python? I am learning so much about frontend and backend just by doing some cool projects. I've got ideas for productivity apps and a social media platform... you really need a goal to push through everyday
No, not familiar yet. I have some basic knowledge of python, but i focused yet in the basics of front-end development.
Check this video out, it'll give you an idea of what selenium is and how it works:
Thanks 👍
Hello, and welcome. For the coursework, it is hard to know what to recommend without knowing what you've already studied.
Thanks for your message. I am now in in the path of frontend development. HTML, CSS and Javascript in particular. Taking some courses for Python and some backend stuff as well, slowly learning.
I think we in a similar position 🤦🏾♂️
Have you heard about "the Odin project" ?
Me too i'm a newbie, learning on freecodecamp and i discovered theodinproject.com/home and frontendmentor.io/ recently.
Thanks for sharing this, i will check on this 🙂
Hey, thanks a lot for sharing this, i've just checked and signed up now, i think this one is great and and a big help for our development path. Thanks a lot 😊
I'm happy to be here....looking forward to learn.
Welcome INYANG!
Hey! What are you working on at the moment?
Hello, my goal is to become a web developer, i am self learning that's why i got interested to be here in this community to learn more from everyone here. Thanks for having me here 🙂
Thanks for joining the community, happy to see you here!! I am self-learned developer too! You came to the right place, Dev has a ton of valuable information at your fingertips! Remember that if you encounter bugs and errors a lot? We all go through that, its always a part of the process, and you might have to try and fail a million times before something clicks and you get it. That was the biggest lesson I learned from a developer mentor. Good luck to you! :)
Yeah, you're right, i used to read some of those informations from the web and it really roused my interest ended me to come here and join. Thanks a lot 🙂
Welcome 🥳
Thank you :)
Olá!! Eu sou nova nesse mundo de tecnologias estou em transição de carreira! Originalmente, sou biomédica. Porém, fiz um bootcamp para desenvolvedora front-end onde obtive conhecimentos em Javascript, HTML e CSS. Porém, eu não sei como continuar a minha jornada quais outras linguagens começar a estudar, além do mais gostaria de construir um portfolio, mas não sei qual projetos fazer também ( como, o tema e a tal da motivação ) Quanto tempo leva para eu obter uma segurança para me candidatar a vagas assertivas de Dev Front-End? e também como usar minha antiga profissão para acrescentar nessa nossa jornada? Sou do Brasil-SP.
ps: Procuro um Mentor também ou até vaga de estágio para poder me aprimorar!
Obrigada a todos desde já.
Hello!! I am new to this world of technology and I am in a career transition! I am originally biomedical. However, I made a bootcamp for a front-end developer where I got knowledge in Javascript, HTML and CSS. However, I don't know how to continue my journey which other languages to start studying, besides I would like to build a portfolio, but I don't know which projects to do too (like, the theme and the motivation) How long does it take for me to get a security to apply for assertive Dev Front-End vacancies? and also how to use my old profession to add to our journey? I'm from Brasil-SP.
ps: I'm looking for a Mentor too, or even an internship to be able to improve myself!
Thank you all in advance.
Olá Bruna, seja muito bem vinda a essa nova jornada e pode contar não somente comigo mas como toda a comunidade. Você como biomédica irá agregar muito usando tudo o que você já conhece a tecnologia.
1 - Quanto tempo leva para eu obter uma segurança para me candidatar a vagas assertivas de Dev Front-End?
Resposta: Esse tempo e relativo, pois a sua preparação vai ser o resultado do esforço e dedicação que você ter para a tecnologia, mas te falo que isso pode se tornar muito rápido se você seguir alguns conteúdos gratuitos que temos hoje como Rocket Seat e alguns outros canais de estudo na internet, se quiser algumas dicas tenho esse post aqui que pode ajudar dev.to/didisouzacosta/4-canais-no-...
2 - Como usar minha antiga profissão para acrescentar nessa nossa jornada?
Resposta: Nossa isso vai ser um diferencial tremendo, as duas últimas empresas que trabalhei foram relacionadas a saúde, então você com conhecimento em tecnologia e também na área da saúde ia ter uma vantagem sem igual, se quiser pode acessar e acompanhar algumas oportunidades carreiras.consultaremedios.com.br/...
3 - Procuro um Mentor também ou até vaga de estágio para poder me aprimorar!
Sobre o mentor, não sei se tenho gabarito para tal, mas posso lhe oferecer total apoio e disponibilidade para trocas de ideias e orientações, pois programação e a coisa que mais amo fazer na vida, e poder passar esse amor para outros me faz muito bem.
Grande abraço e mais uma vez pode contar comigo, a comunidade e muito sucesso em sua vida.
Obrigada, Adriano! Ter esse apoio e mostrar caminhos a serem seguidos já é de grande ajuda!! Muito obrigada.
Same feeling here. Don't know where to go in my learning.
Hi there everyone! I'm Moemin Mamdouh, a Product Designer who wants to learn more about programming (particularly Javascript, I'm comfortable with HTML and CSS) — I'm also a big fan of Brooklyn Nine-Nine.
Thanks for having me here!
Hi and good morning, DEVs!
I'm a full-stack developer in Vancouver, BC, Canada. I was a desktop app developer for 20 years, but have just learned web development in the last 2 years and have concentrated on Javascript development. I'm struggling to find an entry-level Developer job, but love to meet smart people and work on interesting projects.
Hey! I've just started coding on web... I've got some cool projects if you are interested.
Cool, JohnGabriel. I'd like to learn more.
Sent you a connection request on LinkedIn.
Hey, everybody! I’m a React developer establishing myself in the freelance space. I love making portfolios for local musicians and artists here in Dallas, Texas. I’m looking to improve my design techniques and back-end knowledge to create more complex projects!
Hello @all
I'm Yassr HADJ, a fan of tech world. I'm a web developer using some front and back end technologies !
I'm here to learn tips and tricks to perfect my knowledge and to acquire a speed on my working way !
I also want to learn new things on network and system security, mobile dev, Docker, best practices on coding and others domains, etc.
I also want to share my knowledge and make some buddies here !
Thks for all !
Awesome! I am new here too! I've started coding recently...I'm working on some cool projects and a cool internship if you are interested cause we got openings.
Hi all!
I'm happy to find this great site (accidentally i find link to "CSS Grid cheatsheet" on frontendfront). I like CSS and JS, but my work also required from me some knowledge of PHP, Mysql. Mostly i work in Wordpress.
I cant say how hard and stressful been first months, when you open PHP file and understand nothing :D and because errors in php so unforgiving (site just drops with some type of error), its 2x stressful. But I passed this, and now work with calm.
Also, english not my first language (first been JS... oh i'm kiddin), and working in webdev improved my knowledge of this language. Without some basic knowledge of english you cant find good and modern guides or solutions. Now in internet i use english more than my native language.
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