DEV Community

Welcome Thread - v145 staff on October 06, 2021

Welcome to DEV! Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just ...
jkariukidev profile image
Joseph Kariuki

Hi everyone. I am Joseph Kariuki, a geospatial engineer turned software engineer from Nairobi, Kenya. I have been working with Python and JavaScript on various projects and in work and making transition into software engineering. I would love to connect with the DEV community here.

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Welcome to the community great to have you here.

jkariukidev profile image
Joseph Kariuki
jkariukidev profile image
Joseph Kariuki


nestorbalce401 profile image

Hello Joseph!

jkariukidev profile image
Joseph Kariuki

Hello nestor.

mur1thi profile image
Murithi Kinoti

Welcome, I'm also new here. looking forward to connecting and interacting with fellow devs. 👋🏾

jkariukidev profile image
Joseph Kariuki

Thanks. Same here too

pandademic profile image

Hello Joseph 👋!

jkariukidev profile image
Joseph Kariuki


born2ser profile image
Ajisefini Abimbola


cdcoinltd profile image

Hi, nice to meet you, am interested in learning from and working with you

amy_hill_1b30b1f6fd835dcc profile image
amy hill

I’m Amy. I’m from Connecticut USA. I have no experience in any programming at all but I read an article recently about data science and it was like a veil lifted for me and I finally knew what I wanted to learn. This is incredible because I’m 47, single mom of a wonderful 6 year old autistic adhd son. He is what drove me to figure it out, I need to provide him not only a life but the best life I can. So, here I am, ready to soak it all up and get to work.

musingvirtual profile image
Rynn Mancuso 🏳️‍🌈♿

Welcome to Dev! I really admire your desire to support your son and your excitement about data science!

pandademic profile image

Welcome to DEV 👋!

anushcodergirl profile image
Anushka Raj

Hey everyone! 👋
I'm Anushka Raj from Hajipur, India pursuing MCA from JECRC University. Currently, I'm working on Java Web application.
I would love to connect with you all on Linkedin

siddharthshyniben profile image

Hello Anushka 👋 Welcome to DEV!

marcusshires profile image
Marcus Shires

Hey everyone! I'm Marcus a tech enthusiast and a writer from Orlando, FL. I like to write about Trending tech, Innovation, Design, and Digital Marketing. I would love to share some valuable content here with you guys in a hope that it can be beneficial for someone.

siddharthshyniben profile image

Hey Marcus, welcome 😁. We can't wait to see your content.

hyperswiss profile image
Jean-Maurice Bertrand

Hello all, Jean-Maurice, Swiss national (French speaking area) actually living in Cambodia. I will turn 55 this December, and due to some health related issues, add a pinch of COVID to eradicate the potential business in hospitality, I'm trying to find my way in IT, which I have always been interested in.

tatandiaz profile image
Tatan Diaz

Hello everyone 🤓

Colombian living in Barcelona, My name is Johnn Sebastian Díaz and I try improvement my English reading in this platform.

I'm Software developer with experience in Java and JavaScript languages also I work with CSS and HTML and a little of experiences with React.

In the next months I would like learn and practice about nestjs

Regards 🤙🏻🤙🏻

adhamcl profile image
Rafik KR

Hello everyone, my name is Adham, I am 23 years old, I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Information Systems and I am a beginner Android application developer. I need support and companionship and I would like to meet people of the same interest. Thank you to everyone

siddharthsing profile image
Siddharth Singh Baghel

Hello all the great people already present here, I am Siddharth, currently working on my Flutter Skills, apart from that I am an Android Developer (Kotlin). I used extensively in the last few months, so finally decided to create an account and know even more. 🤗

I will love to connect with the DEV community.

siddharthshyniben profile image
Siddharth • Edited

Hey Siddharth 👋

Nice to meet another Siddharth 🤣 I literally know hundreds of Siddharths and the list keeps growing!

siddharthsing profile image
Siddharth Singh Baghel

Same here brother 🤗

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
siddharthshyniben profile image

I think it didn't show 25 views. It showed <25 (less than 25) views. Check it again.

officialpage profile image

Yes you are right a eye sign was there with with less than <25
Now less than sign has gone, when it's 26 views.

thecoderable profile image
Coderable • Edited

Hello 👋
I Am Coderable. Umm I am quite young 😸.
Visit My Profiles :-

Please Follow Me On GitHub And Any Other Websites Where You Can Follow Me.

Thank You

stackdevelopers2 profile image
Ashrita Kapoor

Hello, nice to know about you :)

thecoderable profile image


ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Those are some trippy welcome bears

jvdl profile image
John van der Loo

I kinda glossed over them but then I had a closer look after seeing this comment and I am now also tripping bears.

jvdl profile image
John van der Loo

Hey all,

I hail from Australia where I'm a frontend developer at a carbon accounting startup trying to make the world a better place, one line of code at a time.

I ended up here (well, today anyway) because I wanted to follow @michaelthiessen and figured it was long overdue that I sign up for an account ;)

Michael writes a lot about Vue.js, which is the framework I'm currently getting myself familiar with. I've had previous experience in React and, because I've been doing this for a while, jQuery ;)

I'm not much for writing content, but who knows, perhaps the mood will strike :-)

michaelthiessen profile image
Michael Thiessen

Glad to have you here!

As long as you know more than someone else you have something valuable to teach and write about. And I'm absolutely sure you know things that others don't.

tech_ox profile image
Divine Bondfleet • Edited

Hello Everyone. I am Divine, from Yaounde-Cameroon. I recently made a career change into IT. I am competent in Networking, and then AWS cloud solutions.

Trying to get me some development skills-- I like building cool stuffs which solves real world problems. I have mastered the basics of HTML, CSS, PYTHON, I am currently learning JavaScript. I am applying these new superpowers on a fun project I am working on. Besides all that, I recently started my first I.T job as a Senior Digital Consultant at a very good company.

Enough about me.

I look forward to learning, sharing and connecting with the DEV community here.

wahyufaturrizky profile image
Wahyu Fatur Rizki

Hey everyone! 👋

Introduce my name is Wahyu Fatur Rizky, I'm a passionate Front End Developer & UI/UX Designer with more than 5 years of experience with React Native and Flutter, and etc,

My LinkedIn:
and my instagram:

jaspalsingh1998 profile image
Jaspal Singh

Hi everyone. I'm Jaspal Singh, a web developer based in India. I have been learning coding for many years now and recently I have started to write blogs and share my journey on twitter too . I would love to connect with fellow developers and will be posting articles often related to web development. 💜

pranavbobde profile image

Hey everyone, this is Pranav. I've recently started to learn Web developement. I'm working with Quasar Framework, NodeJS, Express, Firebase, Vuejs. If any experienced developer can share any resource/advice/Do's/Don'ts, please do . I would be really thankful.


jpfingsten profile image
Jasmine Pfingsten • Edited

Hey everyone! Jasmine here. I'm a professional performer, but when COVID took away most of my work, I went looking for a mental and creative challenge and found web development. Have worked my way through foundational HTML, CSS, and Git skills, and I'm currently soaking up responsive web design. Hoping to start building a portfolio and freelancing or part-timing it as a front-end dev within the year. Excited to build some community around myself and happy to be here!

coder_mohan profile image
MOHAN👨🏻‍💻 • Edited

Hello everyone, my name is Mohan Aggarwal, Im from New Delhi, India, and im a programmer who is a enthusiast in new languages and technologies, i've been learning and doing programming for about 5 years from now, it became my hobby and i wanted to be in my profession too. My first programming language was C++ which i studied in my school, and i loved it so much still today, then in my college i've learned other languages like C(for basics, data structures and basic computer graphics), then again C++ for oops, VB.NET for gui apps, Java, html, css, js, php, python for data science, and MEAN stack, and i've learned Kotlin, Nim, Go, C# and some others too by myself. Now im a bachelor graduate and will pursue my masters soon too. And for me finding a new technique for doing programming is what i like the most, like Kotlin introduced me with much more to the functional programming, and Nim and Go introduced me how can we can do some of the oops without the class constructs, now that i have joined this awesome DEV community i would like to share my experience and findings with others, so thats all and thanks for reading this😊😊

katoisa profile image
KatoIsa • Edited

Hello Devs, I am Kato Isa currently in Uganda.
Am a Cyber security student with a side of full stack development😜.
I love connecting with people and sharing stuff.

Recently working on a global project, it's an admin dash board for managing applications, websites and so on.

Am looking forward to meeting new people and maybe work with them.

along1x profile image
Andrew Long

Howdy all. I've been a quant dev in finance for quite a while now. I spend my spare time trying to find better/more complete data sources on the open web, with the hope of using this composite scraped database to experiment with ML techniques and Neural Nets. Here specifically to contribute and discuss topics in ML and frameworks to simplify the development cycle of novel models (PyTorch, Keras, TensorFlow).

devtayade profile image

Hello, Am Devendra

I speak code and My Blood Group is C++. I fell in love with computers when I first pressed a key on the keyboard in 2016.

  • Seeking a fresher role to enhance and explore my technical knowledge also gaining at Savitribai Phule Pune University and I am persuing a B.E degree from BSIOTR, pune.
  • I am working and learning on multiple android/ios Projects and Apps involving C++, C# and Java. although am from Electronics and telecommunication engineering branch !! i am very passionate about Application design & development and databases also open source contributions.
  • exploring expertise in full implementation of various projects including UI/UX, Development and testing.

Technologies I work with : Android, Java, Flutter, databases, kotlin, google cloud, firebase, networks

bansalyash profile image
Yash Bansal

Hello everyone! I am Yash Bansal from New Delhi, India. I am a data engineer, and have been working with python, spark, and various other apache tools. Looking forward to connecting with the DEV community.

xenidth profile image
Ahmad Shahzad

Hello everyone! 👋

I am Ahmad Shahzad, a hobbyist web-dev from Punjab, Pakistan. I am excited to be part of the DEV community, to learn from others, and to share what I have learned with everyone here. Hope we all get along! :)

stackdevelopers2 profile image
Ashrita Kapoor

Hello everyone!

I am Amit Gupta, Laravel Developer from India.
If anyone wants to learn Laravel (PHP) coding for developing websites then subscribe my channel at
Thanks :)

adwaita_patil profile image
Adwaita Patil

Hi everyone! 👋
I am Adwaita Patil. Undergraduate student having Computer Science major. I am a beginner and have been working with Python, Django, Matplotlib, Selenium.

I am interested in tech like Docker, Kubernetes, MongoDB etc. and trying to switch to JavaScript and Node.JS stack. Looking forward to connect with fellow developers.

advait profile image
Advait Ambeskar

Hey everyone.
I am Advait, a software engineer and product developer based out of Toronto, Canada, and Mumbai, India. I am the co-founder and CTO of a fashion-tech company, based out of Toronto, called The Fitting Room.
For the last couple of years, I have been working in Python, Elixir (amongst other languages and frameworks) for various projects in AI, computer vision and distributed computing. I have interest in robotics and iOS development - which I am hoping to write about on as I work my way through the various phases of learning.

Cheers! 🙏

thejitenpatel profile image
Jiten Patel

Hello world. I am Jiten Patel currently machine learning engineer at Tyrannix Ltd. Pvt. And also a Flutter developer. Pursuing my undergraduate degree in Information technology. Pleased to meet you guys and looking forward for talanted connection 🙂

hermineavagyan profile image

Hi, I’m Hermine. I recently got my BS in CS but I still need lots of practice. So I’m here to hopefully get some more practical knowledge and skills as well as get to know new developers, learn from them and share with them what I know.

siddharthshyniben profile image

Hello and welcome! 👍

learn_flutter_with_smrity profile image
Hosney Ara Smrity

Hello Folks!
Welcome to here. I've Coming to share with you a big thing! That's create a bright future for you. Do you know what is that ? That's Flutter || Dart. It's now modern and Popular programming language to develop mobile apps, websites, games, A.I. and many more cool things. Follow me guys to take you a big position and to get a job.

emailmeganlouis profile image

Hi ALL, I am Louis
I come from accounting and assurance background and found that the world is evolving at such a rapid rate that I need to get on the tech wagon...this is how I began my python/data analyst that I know a little bit of python...I would like to build on this and get some real world experience in applying it.

hasanugr profile image
Hasan H. Uğur

Hey everyone! 👋
I'm Hasan Uğur from Turkey.
I worked as a Frontend Developer for about 4 years, but my experience in popular frameworks (React and Angular) is about 1-2 years. I continue to improve myself in this regard.
I am currently working on a web project that measures and reports the performance of websites.
I would love to connect with you all on LinkedIn and GitHub 🤓

priyapngithub profile image

Hi , I am Priya from UAE.

Started coding around 20 years back with COBOL (not sure how many of you have heard about it :) ), moved to C , C++, Java and now working as a freelancer for a project which uses Laravel APIs consumed by Nuxt.js. Interested to discuss about Nuxt.js and Tailwind as I am quite new to the concepts and I will be working with some experts on this soon.

evgeniymukhamedjanov profile image

Hi guys! I'm Evgeniy, Shopify and front-end developer. Finally finished my first open-source project and came here to share it with you!

Would like to become a part of the community.

zabair_ghoss profile image
Zabair Ghoss

Hello Everyone! Zabair Ghoss here from Lahore,Pakistan. I'm currently working on React JS and ROR. I would love to be a part of this community and have to spread knowledge and ideas with you people! Thanks

butchdean profile image
Dean Butcher

Hi everybody,

Systems software engineer hailing from Toronto, Canada. Currently working as a C++ programmer with databases but also have experience in game dev, aviation and a little finance.

Hope to interact with a lot of folks here! :)

adebukol profile image

Hi! I'm Adebukola Omowole from Nigeria, covid-19 was really and eye opener for me and it made me join the tech world. I started with UI/UX design but curiosity made me look into coding and I must say it's being fun having learnt HTML, CSS and JavaScript to an extent it being an amazing journey all the way. Looking forward to open source project to show my expertise,learn and collaborate with seniors here.

sergioreynoso profile image
Sergio Reynoso

Hi Everyone. I'm Sergio Reynoso and I've been a UX/UI designer and animator who can code for over 10 years. In the past year, I've decided to switch over to the engineering side as I find it more engaging, challenging and fun. As I make this carrier transition, I hope to grow from a front-end to a full-stack engineer. Happy to be part of the DEV community.

lioness100 profile image

Hey everyone! I'm a student who started coding a year and a half ago and immediately fell head over heels in love! I've been reading for a while, but only just created a profile so I could post myself :)

I'm looking forward to connecting with and learning from the community here!

devrenz profile image

Hi everyone. I have been working as a programmer for almost 2 years now, Finally found a stack that I would like to master.

Backend - Node js + Express + Mongodb
Frontend(Web) - Vue.js/Nuxt.js
Frontend(Mobile) - Flutter

Starting today I would like to be the best at this languages and frameworks.

zodiachl profile image

I'm an Indie, Solo Game Developer.. who has finally started on my own. Have over 15 years of Gaming Industry experience. Loathe social media with an absolute passion. An may very well make several mistakes along the way.

Mainly looking to connect with other developers, who have or may also be going thru the same issues.

korukami profile image
Soulaimane ELManioui

Hey everyone, What's up ?!
I'm a full-stack web developer from Marrakech-Morocco, I have recently discovered this social network through a YouTube video, and I thought that it's amazing to join a community where everyone is interested in the same things as I am, so yeah!, I am very happy to get to know you guys :) !
I started my programming journey using c# and .NET building ASP.NET pet projects and Windows Forms, and now I am focusing on java and Spring Boot on the back-end with react.js on the front-end.

And good luck to everyone on their journey.

adityasharma223 profile image
Aditya Sharma

Hey everybody, I am Aditya Sharma, a high-school student from India. I started programming at the age of 13 after being inspired by the game "Watch Dogs 2", that's a long story...
I am a Linux enthusiast and have been using it for almost a year now, I also firmly believe that vim is the greatest text editor ever and that nothing beats it.
Python3, C++, vimscript, bash and lua are a few languages I know with the level of proficiency being in descending order, I also know some markdown and simple HTML and CSS.
Glad to be here :)

lingfengraymond profile image
Raymond Zhang

Hi everyone. I am Raymond, have a bachelor's degree in automation. I am 23 years old. I love programming technology, and I am learning C development, and hope to be an Front-end & Android developer.

I am looking forward to communicating with you.

cipherwizard9 profile image
Pranav Davar

Hi Everyone! I am Pranav Davar, integration developer and consultant working currently at Infosys Limited. I have been working on Oracle SOA suite 12c and Mulesoft. I would be happy to connect with DEV Community here :).

dchane06 profile image
Devan Chaney

Hey peeps! I'm Devan Chaney, I've been working with Javascript, HTML, CSS for awhile now and hoping to grow as a developer and learn as much as I can. This seems like a cool community so I decided to join and maybe sometimes share some information I find interesting. =)

musingvirtual profile image
Rynn Mancuso 🏳️‍🌈♿

Hi! I'm Rynn (they/them). I started as a web accessibility developer and I was a founding lead of Women Who Code. I'm currently at New Relic launching a developer community, prev Disney, Mozilla, Wikimedia & Tidelift. I'm eager to talk to anyone working on developer communities, and if you have a stream or podcast or something else and want guests I'm happy to help. I'm also eager to talk about the technical side of accessibility with anyone who's excited about that! Finally I really want to meet other folks in dev ops / reliability / monitoring / observability because I'm new to it.

aboss123 profile image
Ashish Bailkeri

Hi All,
I'm Ashish, a programmer from the US.
I'm currently working on my programming language, Jet and hope to share my progress on here.

I came to the DEV community because of its ability to show and inform others of topics and projects.

Hope to see your post on my feed someday!

mdsarfarazalam840 profile image
mdsarfarazalam840 • Edited

Hello Everyone,
Nice to see everyone here I am Sarfaraz from Jharkhand and I want to learn new technology.
I would love to connect with you all on LinkedIn

nalisan007 profile image

HiFi to all dudes here .
Myself from India , with an unusal hobby of learning new things....Having a Android App Development ongoing for real life situation . Comfortable with Qt & C++ .... Having an plan (maybe dream , who knows) for an Different way of Data Compression...Not for Public Consumer use, but for Large Data Transmission Infrastructe... Enabling to spend more time on Science & Technology saved by the Compression of TB of Data

loggith profile image

Hey there!

I'm Logan from Ohio and I'm just starting my journey to become a software developer. I'm currently learning HTML/CSS/JavaScript while getting familiar with Linux/the command line and Git/GitHub. I have some pretty lofty goals for myself even though I'm still just at the very beginning. I hope to meet a lot of great people, learn and absorb as much as I can, and give back what I learn along the way with my own personal twist.

aldomonroy profile image
Aldo Monroy • Edited

Hi everyone, I am Aldo a Mexican whit very love for the technology, but a bad english.
I´m want practice my english and learn web dev.

tsemenski profile image
Terezija Semenski

Many of us aren't native speakers and that's admirable.

foxy4096 profile image

Hello everyone, I am Aditya Priyadarshi. I am a student, currently learning django because it's very easy, I have been programming in python for approx 5 years and I also play piano, it helped me control my fingers so I can write code quickly, not much to say I started programming because when I was small I wondered how these kind of software and applications work, and here I am programming because I love it [sometimes because of the error I wish to die but I still love programming].
Well not much to say, looking forward to learn new things and help others.

Peace ✌

mithil467 profile image
Mithil Poojary

Hello 👋 I am Mithil.
I love working on opensource software, and I currently maintain mitype. I also try to help out with jupyterlab whenever possible.
I picked up blogging as a hobby last year and published a few posts which got some nice response. However, I haven't written much since.

Fun fact - I was a minecraft speedrunner and streamer!

pato profile image
Patrick chijioke

I'm Patrick. A student of Computer Science/statistics in University of Nigeria, Nsukka. I'm learning front end web development and new to JavaScript. I would love to connect with the dev community here and I'm open to learning, criticisms and improvement.

pmpmattia profile image

Hi everyone, I'm Mattia from Italy.

I want improve my skills as front-end developer, I'm 23 years old and I have a lot of thing to learn.

I like use React and Next.js so if someone have any tips, I'm here to improve a lot.

tsemenski profile image
Terezija Semenski

Hi, I'm new here. looking forward to connecting and interacting with fellow devs. 👋🏾

Just as many of you I convert ☕️ to code and
I help others learn to code (with my LinkedIn learning courses) without the need to spend hours on searching Google and Stackoverflow.

adithyank profile image
K Adithyan

Hi All, I am Adithyan from India, a Java Developer with 14+ years of Experience in developing Telecom Network Management Applications, an Application Framewor, DSL framework, etc. Lot Excited to connect with this community to learn and publish more....!

thecoderable profile image
Coderable • Edited

Hello 👋
I Am Coderable. Umm I am quite young 😸.
Visit My Profiles :-

Please Follow Me On GitHub And Any Other Websites Where You Can Follow Me.

Thank You

thecoderable profile image

Hello 👋
I Am Coderable. Umm I am quite young 😸.
Visit My Profiles :-

Please Follow Me On GitHub And Any Other Websites Where You Can Follow Me.

Thank You

bug_terminator profile image

Hello everyone.I am Alpish Jain,currently i am a final year student at University of Petroleum and Energy Studies,Dehradun. Soon i will be starting my journey as a software dev. I like to code in C++ primarily but i also have some exposure in Java,Python,C,Dart,JavaScript. I have worked in Web dev and android projects.I would love to connect and learn with the DEV community and contribute wherever possible.

ukantjadia profile image

Hey everyone! 👋
I'm Ukant Jadia from Udaipur, India pursuing B.Tech from SPSU. Currently, I'm working on Web development .
I would love to connect with you all on Linked-in

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
amy_hill_1b30b1f6fd835dcc profile image
amy hill

Hi. I’m a beginner too. Exciting isn’t it?

aditikadam425 profile image
Aditi D.Kadam

hello its Aditi, I am currently learning and Android too while I am not from data sciences or programming background but in 2020 I just decided to learn it and its really amazing within a year I learn how to develop a site and now I am working on a Matrimony website but I am stuck in a prblm and not able to get its solution from anywhere.

masofcon profile image
George Suaridze

Hello everyone!

I am George Suaridze, a team leader and a head of development tools at 1C LLC.

I came to the DEV community to share my knowledge on team building and team leading. And also improve my English writing skills 😄

I am a team building enthusiast, if you want to build great product, build a great team first!

Please follow me to stay tuned.

nestorbalce401 profile image

Hello everyone 👋👋👋. I am Nestor, from Canada. I am a beginner / learner and chose Rust. I work for the coding school Lighthouse Labs with over 30k graduates. Looking to understand pain points for Devs.

codingavenger profile image

Hey guys. I'm Henk, an electronic engineer turned coder. Very comfortable in C# and now learning JS and more web technologies to try and create a custom version of MIT's Scratch that can be used for Teaching English as a Foreign Language classes. (I taught English in North Africa for 2 years and loved it, but would love to create MIT Scratch lessons for ESL learners to use their English (and so improve it) while learning the basics of coding and playing around.

Let me know if any of you have any experience with Scratch.

jaythioshy profile image
John Njoroge

Hello Everyone, I am John Thiong'o, a project manager, technical writer and currently transitioning into product management.
I am currently quite interested in developing skill around cloud computing and API development. It would be great to connect.

aditikadam425 profile image
Aditi D.Kadam • Edited

hello its Aditi here
I am currently working in a matrimony project basically I am not from data sciences background or coding background it like in lockdown I stated Learning coding feels amazing to develop such a site. So started learning Android to, but it like well said you only master one language at a time. Currently stuck in a prblm and not getting any solution from anywhere.

yahia192 profile image


thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

Hello and welcome here 👋🏼

bfcodes profile image
Brittany Fisher

Hi everyone. I'm Brittany. I'm an Air Force veteran that has worked many odd jobs before I decided to enroll in a Software Developer bootcamp at Digital Crafts. I graduated in August and secured a position working for Accenture through the apprenticeship program. I'm a Jr Developer that's excited to learn as much as possible. I look forward to connecting with the community.

svvlcrkt profile image
Şevval Özlem ÇARKIT

Hi everyone👋
I'm Sevval Ozlem Carkit. I'm a 3rd year computer engineering student at Bahcesehir University. Now, I'm trying to improve myself in mobile and web programming. I am currently working in React, Flutter, Dart and JavaScript languages.

thuongtruong profile image
Tran Nguyen Thuong Truong

Hello all of you!
My full name is Tran Nguyen Thuong Truong. Also known as @thuongtruong1009 on Github.
I am a 3rd year computer science student at International University, Ho Chi Minh City - Vietnam.
I've been on Github for a year and am starting to enjoy the platform, so I'm looking to expand my understanding of the world of programming and open source. By chance on the internet, I came across the Hacktoberfest held in October every year. I realize that this is a very good opportunity for me to learn and explore your amazing projects. So I joined for development. Thereby, I look forward to accompanying you in the future. If you like me, give me 1 star at here. I will try to create more and more great open source projects coming up to help you and us learn and collaborate.
Thanks very much!

plavinchuk profile image
Pavel Lavinchuk

Hey Everyone! I am starter with web dev. I have passed some HTML, CSS JS basics via Udemy courses. Hope to get much much solider on coding ground and get me higher: primerily with Frontend.

kevinm profile image

Hi everyone 👋. I'm Kevin from South Africa (Pretoria) and I joined to further my knowledge in frontend web development and to possibly network with developers who are keen to collaborate on projects.

khanfarazkhan profile image

AoA and hello dev community members, this is Faraz Hussain from Pakistan. not too much expert in the practical field, still learning and would be needed your help

dengsobat profile image
Deng Sobat

Hey members...!
I'm Deng Sobat from South Sudan, as well as a newly upcoming web application developer....I'm so glad to be part of this community...thanks

parvathisrikan4 profile image


sonumodi profile image

Hello Everyone

toympanos profile image
Nikolaos Kosmatos

Γειά σας αγαπητοί φίλοι προγραμματιστές!!
Hello dear fellow programmers!!
Be well and be human to each other!!

ssarassn profile image

This is wonderful platform to learn what not in the normal textbook.
Thanks for a big share of information. Hello programmers

catunknown profile image

hello i'm ****** (would like to be anonymous) i'm new here and would like to learn python script together with you guys. I'm from Brazil

siddharthshyniben profile image

Hello ******!

shahidkan88 profile image

This is Shahid a certified web developer.

catunknown profile image

hello i'm ****** (would like to be anonymous) i'm new here and would like to learn python script together with you guys. I'm from Brazil

raka29 profile image

Came here from the suggestion while learning javascript. I have already worked as front_end web developer and now just trying to learn other programming stuffs.

beastgit25 profile image

Hi all, pleasure to be part of this platform. I am from South Africa. Currently upskilling on AWS, Python and Linux. But really found myself with AWS and it's endless possibilities. The main thing for me would be the ability to solve real life problems. I am from and Currently in an I.T space.

danny4life profile image
segun osiki

Hello DEV World! I am Daniel, A software Engineer..Glad to be here.

saiprasad1 profile image

Hi Everyone, Myself Sai Prasad from Kerala India.Currently enrolled in at Christ Collage, looking forward to connecting and interacting with fellow devs

mxviet profile image
Vinson Mai

Hi everyone!

kaipulwerner profile image

Hello Everyone
I'm new here and I'm passionate to learn from anyone who's willing to teach me.

neoscript profile image

Hi guys. Am Erick Atura from Kisumu Kenya. Am a newbie JavaScript developer, currently working with NodeJs and MongoDB. I am Glad to be part of DEV Community and would love to link with you.

jacobzkibe profile image

Hello.I am new here

jacobzkibe profile image

I am Jacob Kibet from Nairobi,Kenya.I am passionate about software engineering and I am now in the cognitive process of being a full stack web developer

efrem_beyene_a984d4a20e91 profile image
Efrem Beyene

Hello everyone ,Glad to be part of DEV community .

superloika profile image

Hi everyone! I'm new here and I am kinda overwhelmed with the new techs thats comin' out especially in web development. XD

scoinhawk profile image

Read a bunch of DEV articles, now I am a member 🤣

wtfcxt profile image

Hey, my name is Jonas and I am a german student. I'm currently learning Rust and like to try new things.

camelliae profile image
Camellia Elerman

Hi everyone! I am a designer-developer turned recruiter, experimenting in this space! So nice to be part of the community here!

salahmj profile image

Hi, I'm Salah from Maharashtra, India.

rrithick116 profile image

Hello Everyone , I am Rithick , a web developer enthusiast who is eager to learn more.

simone_l98 profile image
Simone Lucarelli

Hi Everyone, I'm Simone, I'm a computer engineer student from Italy. Joined DEV to find other people interested in code & programming, to connect and learn something new!

sahil290 profile image

Hi everyone.
I am Sahil from INDIA.
Currently Learning Full Stack Development (MERN).
I am happy to be a part of DEV community.

pramathtsingh profile image
Pramath T Singh

Greetings to fellow dev's. I'm Here to make a change in myself and help others change in their Coding choices.(even though I'm about a beginner). Following the road to front end devvv.

ruhulaminjr profile image
Ruhul Amin

Hi All Dev Community Members

amirbehesti profile image
Amir Behesti

Hi everyone. I am Amir Behesti. I am from Kolkata. I am a beginner, and would love to learn more about web developing. That is why I joined the community. Thank you.

cargoarpi profile image

Welcome All! I just started learning webdev.

srinathlee profile image

Hi i am srinath from India and I am just started to learn python html css basics

moir137 profile image

Hi everyone. I am resuming development. I decided to start with 100 days of code challenge. I'll be updating about it

miracle profile image

Hi everyone.
I am Miracle, software engineer from Lagos Nigeria. I have been working with JavaScript on various projects. I would love to connect with the DEV community here

shallot_tifuh_47abde8c48c profile image
Shallot Tifuh

Im Shallot Tifuh, based in the united state
presently I'm studying DevOps Engineering at Landmark university
presently I work as a DSP

haarts profile image
Harm Aarts

Hi all!

I'm Harm. A long time engineer trying to get over his 'build it and they will come' syndrome.

elimuhub_consultant profile image


pan_zhan_ce131e402078d482 profile image
Pan Zhan

Howdy mates! 👋
I'm Pan, a React developer wanting to learn so much stuff everyday but struggling to find time for all of them. Nice to meet you here!

nadcode profile image

Hey there,
I am Nayeem a Software Engineer mainly focus on web development , I have recently completed my bachelors currently working on few independent projects

msamiofficial1 profile image
Muhammad Sami

I'm Muhammad Sami an aspiring Full-Stack Developer.
I am currently doin BSIT from MNSUAM.
I'm an intended self-taught coder and devoted to boost my skills.
I just love learning new stuff..

jayamannem profile image
jaya • Edited

Hi everyone!
I'm Jay from Hyderabad,india.
I am working on web applications using Angular & Reactjs and I would like to know new things and Share knowledge as well..

tusharbaraiya profile image
Tushar Baraiya

Howdy yall from Austin, Tx

dawid_duda87 profile image
Dawid Duda

Hello Word

obidilechibuike profile image
obidile chibuike

hello everyone
i'm chibuike from nigeria
i currently just want to learn all about frontend

carlosdra profile image
Carlos Regalado

Good day everyone!
I'm Carlos, a web dev student from Mexico.
I've been studying self-taught for a few months already, now I'm doing practice projects to apply all my knowledge.

Have a great day! :D

kokkino_galazio profile image
Shri Hari M

Hey guys, glad to hop in with y'all.
I'm Shri. I'm a student of 3rd yr. B. Tech and self taught programer. Curious to learn more!

shivamam profile image

Hello Everyone,
I am Shivam Mishra from Mumbai, 20 years old Full Stack Web Developer. I am new to and hope to connect with you all and learn everyday.

nuclearzzet profile image

Hello everyone I am a programming enthusiast. I am 12 and from asia

siddharthshyniben profile image

Hello Niket!

Even I'm from asia and I'm 13. Nice to meet you 😄

nuclearzzet profile image

Hello Siddharth

kalande77 profile image

Hello Everyone!💪
I'm kalande from the Zambia ICT College pursuing a Bsc in Software Engineer. I am a keen learner and would like to learning and share knowledge on a platform like this 😊.

threeel profile image


calabiyauman profile image

Here to learn some stuff. I'm a freelance developer trying to work for a company so I can get some benefits and free food. I ❤ js

pttrn5 profile image
Roarke Clinton

Am on a mission to launch and looking for friendly support 🤙

franciscoborges2002 profile image
Francisco Borges • Edited

Hi everyone!
I'm Francisco from Portugal. I'm currently studying LEGSI at university of Minho.
I have interest in programming, design, streetwear and blockchain!

parzival272000 profile image
Mayank Jha

Hey everybody, Mayank here

nuclearzzet profile image

Hello everyone I am me, I am a pre-teen who is a tech enthusiastic

haddercone profile image
Robin Singh

Hey everyone,
I'm Robin, I'm a CSE fresher from Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi.
I'm looking forward to connect with you all.

jgaskins profile image
Jamie Gaskins
fmsitungkir profile image
Onesimus Situngkir

Hello from Indonesia.

officialpage profile image

Hello, World!

shrabonidey profile image
Shraboni Dey 👩‍💻✈️🔱

Hello 👋

siddharthshyniben profile image
Siddharth • Edited

Hello! 👋

Welcome to DEV! 😁

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

Hellloooo news members and welcome here 🥳✨

xpanvictor profile image
Xpan Victor

Hello everyone, I'm a beginner full stack web developer. I hope to learn and progress

kolorowanki profile image

Thank you

nishrico0098 profile image
Nishant Mishra

Hey Everyone ,

Nishant here An Open Source Enthusiast trying to make it into Linux System Admin Role , Currently working as a IT Support Engineer .

safiar profile image
safi-ar • Edited

Hi! I'm Safi Abdullah from Bangladesh. I'm beginner at web development Here to take helps and give too^_^

ahanashah08 profile image

Hi everyone! I'm Ahana and I'm a student, recently joined the world of development and aspiring to become a web developer. I'm really glad to be a part of this wonderful community

nitish2580 profile image

Hi everyone, I am Nitish kumar , software enginner student. I had been started competitive programming with c++. I would love to connect with he DEV community here.

cycool29 profile image

Hi there !
I am cycool29, a beginner to programming, and Github.
Fans of bash, learning Python and some hacking skills.

Looking forward to connect with fellow DEV community!

bufgkn profile image

Python programming

bunnyboi_12 profile image
Shubhansh Singh

Hi everyone, I am Shubhansh, an engineering student (information Science).

chinmayprajapat profile image

Hi hi ha ha

dicksonkeeva profile image
Keeva B

Hoping to connect with others learning Java in Germany

jpd9119 profile image


f_z_e_ profile image
Eva • Edited

Hi, this is Eva. I'm from Bangladesh. I'm a newbie coder. Hope to learn many things from here.

tiep profile image
Tiep Le

Hi everyone,
I am Tiep Le, an AI engineer, an expert in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. I would love to connect with you all.

qazafisheikh profile image
Muhammad Qazafi


srikar9230 profile image
srikar rao

Hi I am working as a support team ND I am interested in web development. Now I am started Javascript so any one help how to swatch my career as a web developer.


berniceabena profile image

Thanks I really appreciate being here

keithebbett profile image

New here, learning web developement, and joined Hacktoberfest

cdcoinltd profile image

Happy to be here, read some amazing content here, am interested in learning more about Python, Javascript, CSS, and HTML, for blockchain, web, and mobile app development

zoro12 profile image
Samer taha

i am samer web developer falled in love with react.js

bituniv profile image

Hi, everyone.
I am a python developer.
Now I am making a code to catch current input url of browser using python.
But I don't know solution.
Please help me.

syrenten profile image

Hello from Ukraine :)