
Welcome Thread - v148 staff on October 28, 2021

Welcome to DEV! Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just ...
jenningsf profile image
JenningsF • Edited

Howdy! 👋

Been poking around on DEV for about a month now, but haven’t formally introduced myself I suppose. I’m US-based with a CS degree but have been working outside tech since graduating (over 5 years). Currently planning a career transition within the next couple years into tech and just here to learn and refine my skills 😄

Edit: currently learning the ins and outs of web dev, but have a healthy knowledge of OOP from college (C++ mainly with some Python) and some networking.

Happy coding y’all!

doctorew profile image
Drew Schillinger

Just remember -- so long as you know logic, you're a programmer! (everything else is just vocabulary) 😂

Best of luck on your journey!


arewagirlcoder profile image
Zainab A.


iitdaya profile image
Dr. Daya Shankar


styles3544 profile image
Piyush Kumar

How old are u?

iam_mulamane profile image
Fadamular Great .Web Developer


jenningsf profile image

I’m 28

amitabhlaksh profile image
Amitabh Suman

Hello all,
I am a graduate in arts stream. But I have great inclination towards programming and that brought me here.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV!

Multiple TV and movie characters giving a thumbs up

amitabhlaksh profile image
Amitabh Suman


immortaljellyfish profile image
Jaime Panaia-Rodi

Hello! 👋

I just finished a few courses on Scrimba and was referred to this site to write about my journey. I'm returning to building things on the web after taking 4 years off to raise a tiny human.

My favorite food is peanut butter.

Happy coding everyone!

aregtech profile image
Artak Avetyan

Hi. I'm here to share knowledge and learn new (for me) technologies. Ask me if you are interested to learn more about multithreading, multiprocessing, asynchronous communication and event-driven architecture. At the moment, all in C++
Want to know more: bridging C++ with Python, JavaScript, Java, C#, etc.

doctorew profile image
Drew Schillinger • Edited

Hello! Google's been delivering stories to my feed for about a month now. Glad that I poked around to find the community!

Consider me a zengineer, a human capital investor (meaning coach, mentor, team leader), and an Open Sourcerer (borrowing that from someone else 😂), and a life-long-learner!

To that point, I'm working on my Executive MBA at Georgia Tech (focusing on innovation and entrepreneurship) while also tightening up my coding skills (all the fun stuff: OpenAI/GPT-3/Codex, Go, Rust, Python 3.10, Svelte/Sveltekit)

After a great 15-year run with WarnerMedia (Adult Swim, NBA, HBOMax, CNN), I am onto my next adventure, wherever that may be (focusing primarily in the Atlanta Start-up scene)!

Call it Economics of Empathy or Profit for Purpose, but I'm a little obsessed with mindfulness, behavioral economics/social psychology and business' role in creating equity and making space in technology and the world.

Please feel free to say hi -- I'd appreciate it as I continue my journey!


Drew (DoctorEw)

chenganxu2014 profile image

When I'm learning programming by myself, I found that I'm extremely happy to share my knowledge with others.
And I'm very good at making knowledge easy to understand too.
So I come here to do what I'm destined for and hope to make a living on that.

meaganmarkelle profile image

Hey everyone! I am working with a team of developers to bring a new way for people to come together and build Web3 companies: an NFT community. Zombstein Country Club is actively looking for developers, creatives, and entrepreneurs to come aboard to work on project proposals or pitch us ideas to fund and grow. All members will receive equity in the form of an ERC-20 token. Paid job opportunities for devs to come in Q1 2022. Let me know what you think :)

wasimghafar profile image

Very nice 👍

canolcer profile image
Can Olcer

Hi all 👋

I've been a long-time lurker, and recently started to write more technical posts on my own blog. I thought it would be great to share them on here, too!

I'm a software engineer and entrepreneur, and currently working on two side projects. The first one is called Fugu, and is an open-source and privacy-friendly product analytics tool that I just launched two days ago. The second one is called Mapzy, and is a open-source store finder (not live yet).

As you can tell, I'm interested in software that's simple, open-source and privacy-friendly. Both, as an engineer and customer.

Looking forward to meeting a lot of new folks on here :-)

antoniosun13 profile image

I am a high school graduate, going to join college by the end of November. I've finished one course in, that's my only experience. Trying to improve my knowledge out here. This community is so cool btw, thanks for letting me in 😍

krsrk profile image
Chris López

Hi!, I'm Chris Lopez from Mexico, actually work in a Peruan Company called RCP, i'm a Python Backend developer for their star product

Also know PHP, JS, Laravel and Vue. I'm here to contribute to this community, exchange of knowledge and meeting new developers friends.

Happy Coding!!!

shuhrat3388 profile image

Hello!My name is Shuhrat. I'm from Uzbekistan. I want to be a senior programmer. I'm interested in making android apps but many devs say it is so difficult) However I never go back and hope that I can learn it with your helps 😁 Truely speaking, I can't speak very well in english lang. Sorry for my errors 😅 Thank you so much for attention!!!

sa_webmastery profile image
Sasha Akhavi

Hi, I'm Sasha. Nice to be here! I worked in Web software for 20+ years starting in the early webmastering days of Adobe(dot)com, did front-end UI dev and UX design, got into Agile process facilitation (scrum mastering, agile coaching), headed the Product department at a startup for a while, and I'm now back in grad school in Science and Technology Studies, studying... software teams. How're y'all?

nuzairnuwais profile image
Nuzair Nuwais

Hi 👋
I'm new to DEV aaaand here we go.

Based in Atlanta, I'm a Systems Analyst. I don't code at work so I really enjoy coding outside of work 😂 Currently working on building side projects and talking about them in public on Twitter (@nuzairnuwais ).
My DMs are open, feel free to drop a message or if you wanna colab on a project.
Looking forward to it.

gopinath75 profile image

hello Techies ,
This is Gopinath from India.I'm completely new to this software development.From past few months started learning Web development and curious to learn Development Programming languages .Love to involve myself in this Dev Community .
Happy to connect !

jenniferfu0811 profile image

Hi all,

Like @jenningsf , I've actually been on DEV for a while now and have written some stuff that I personally find helpful in my learning journey.

I'm not a developer, but I've worked as a product manager, UX designer, and marketer, all of which require me to know at least some programming. I work with HTML & CSS the most, uses SQL to write queries, and know some backend stuff to help me get by (haha). I like learning in bits and pieces, mostly with unstructured learning, practice, and working with a mentor.

I just published a piece on how to improve your programming skills as developers and non-developers after interviewing devs and non-devs on what they find helpful. Hopefully this will be helpful to some of you here!

simonjulianl profile image
Simon Julian Lauw

Hi Hi,

Just come around with and I think some of the articles are amazing. I'm currently a student in Singapore and very interested in Software engineering, even though I am not sure which specialization I want to take.

Have a nice day everyone!

devtomcodes profile image

Hi, I'm pretty new to the web dev world, started learning in December year and i'm currently learning javaScript.

I came here through an article on how to find the factorial of a number with a for loop.

xyluet profile image
Ali Sunjaya

Hi guys,

I'm Ali from Indonesia. I used to be a fullstack (PHP + Vue) because I made web apps. Now I'm focusing to backend. Mainly I use Go and JS. But it's kinda boring to create an API or integration for third parties. So I'm starting to learn React Native for mobile. Hopefully I can build my own mobile app.

___shuvo___ profile image
Aden Zain

Hey Everyone!

I am an undergraduate non-CSE background student who aspires to become an Full-Stack Web Developer as well as a Data Scientist. I am very passionate about these field. Always curious to gain more knowledge about Code,Data,Networking and other fascinating stuff.Open to learn anytime, anywhere!

Wish me luck!

jsjared_ profile image
Jared Medina • Edited

Hello everyone!

I was introduced to DEV today by a scrimba instructor after finishing up a JS course with them. I decided to check it out and I actually quite like the site.

I went to school for information systems, but only hold a basic understanding of Python and Java. I'm currently working on improving my webdev skills while also holding general curiosity for a plethora of other things.

I look forward to involving myself and contributing to this community.

Hope you all have a good one!

gjorgivarelov profile image

Well hello! I've been involved with IT in general these past few years, been intrigued and curious about all things computers for way before that and have met some really cool people along the way. And I hope that trend, of meeting cool people while gaining even more expertise in all things computers, continues.
I found this community through a Red Hat's newsletter, there was a link to Bobby Iliev's post on Bash scripting, read his post, dug around other posts here and felt that I could enjoy my time being a part of this community.

kgotlelelo profile image

Hello Strangers

I am a student at WeThinkCode, I found out about this place after contributing to open source project during hacktoberfest.. I have some experience in Java, SpringBoot, python, Nodejs ,Docker,reactjs,sql,mongodb and flutter

I love Java

aeiou profile image

Hi all 👋

I have a goal of creating an impressive full-stack application for my portfolio by the end of November 2021. I heard I can learn some React best-practices from this community, so here I am 😊

Some background about me: I have a degree in CS, but lack good projects and experience, so that's my main focus right now. Aside from computers, I love disc golf and piano.

GL & HF,

shahzaib_ali profile image

Hello people! 👋

Hope you are all doing great ♥. I am new to this site hence the intro. Anyways I am a self taught full stack web dev learning and building things almost everyday.

I have about 2 years experience in JS and python. I love working with react native as well.

I am also a CS student in Alevels ( Cambridge ). I am highly interested in how the web and the processor works. Other than that I sometimes ride my bike 😂

Peace out

nkap profile image
Nisarg Kapkar

Hello 👋

Published my first blog couple of weeks ago, but haven't introduced myself yet!

I am Nisarg. I am a Full Stack Developer & Aspiring Product Manager.

I tweet and blog about web development, data structures/algorithms and startups.
Currently writing a series called 'ELI5 JavaScript' where I explain advanced JS concepts in as simple was as possible

Let's connect! My Twitter: @nnkkaapp

Have an awesome day! Happy coding :)

beepbeepimuhsheep profile image

Hey, I'm a newbie to software development; started studying last year in June! I'm interested in finding out more about the developer community, what it's like being a developer, best practices to keep a healthy balanced life as a developer, and just the overall lifestyle really. I'd like to immerse myself in the field more and really dive into the mind-set. I have plans for my career but am still learning the ins and outs and the details of the career itself.

marlonjcloete profile image

Hey guys,

So after much contemplating I decided to join a community of software developers, I'm hoping to learn a lot from you guys. I'm a second year software development student from South Africa, I finish next year in June. I covered a lot in the last year and a half from Python to SQL Server, Java, C#, HTML and CSS with a bit of JavaScript.

To be honest I've never given software development much thought, but in this current day and age I thought it's a smart decision. My dream is to work overseas in Europe or North America and make a life for myself there.

I'm definitely not feeling confident in myself and second guessing things at every turn. What I'm trying to do is make my personal portfolio with some projects to showcase what I can do. I have some big ideas, but maybe I'm going about it the wrong way. Would love to hear about your experiences and how you got started and what you struggled with the most.


geoffsweeney profile image

Hey everyone :)

I am currently building my skills in JavaScript (still very much a beginner though)

Other than that I've been involved with Software engineering for decades, I've been in my own startup, worked in enterprises and just finished an MBA.

I am keen to help anyone out where I can :)

antoniopk profile image
Antonio Pekeljevic

Hello everyone! Glad to join such an amazing community.

I'm Antonio, a full stack software engineer living in Austria.

Just a few words about me:
Have worked on projects that utilized JavaScript technologies like React, React Native, Angular, Vue.js, Nest.js, Node and so on.
Also I worked a lot with Java and the Spring framework.

I joined a few days ago but I have already started a series of blog posts here that has a goal to get anyone to their first programming job.

I will keep being active here for sure so see you around!

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me!

darito profile image
David Alonso

Soy David aunque la mayoria de mis amigos me llaman Daro.
Apenas comence a dar mis primeros pasos como desarrollador frontend y quiero desarrollarme mas en este ambito ya que me apasiona.
Normalmente aqui se escribe en ingles asi que medite un poco sobre si deberia crearme la cuenta ya que no soy muy bueno en ese idioma pero veo que hay contenido en español y quiero aportar mi granito de arena mientras vaya aprendiendo para todos los que tienen dificultades en el ingles como yo.
Les mando un cordial saludo y espero que tengan mucho exito en sus proyectos!!!
Hasta pronto y chao mundo.

sergeo1989 profile image
Idriss Sergio Nokam Talom

Happy to be a member to this community. Till now I'm a php/symfony developper, and now I'm learning nodeJs and ReactJs. Based in Cameroon, I'll like to be part of a great community like this to share an improve my knowledge and looking for new opportunities.

I feel at home

m1rels profile image
Mirel Korajac


I’m Mirel from Germany and currently learning JavaScript, TypeScript such as React. I’ve already heard about DEV a few months ago but I was unsure if I should join the community. Well, I have a DEV-Account for few days now and I’m totally impressed about the interesting and helpful articles you can find here. Anyways, I hope I’m welcomed in the community and that I’ll have a great time here with you.

Happy Coding!

mrsharm profile image
Mukund Raghav Sharma (Moko) • Edited


Just recently joined and so far it has been a great experience! I am currently a US-based software performance engineer with a former life in quantitative finance. Recently got a Masters in Data Science and I am enjoying the intersection of .NET optimizations and Machine Learning / AI. My skills include C#, F#, Python and C/C++ along with a tad bit of web dev.

My interests include playing guitar, recording music and have recently taken on a goal of reading 45 books this year: (currently at 37 - Github needs to be updated.). Also, on my way of completing 90 days of meditation.

My goal is to learn as much as I can by reading and contributing! Look forward to prospective interactions!

jwalaprasaddub4 profile image
Jwala Prasad Dubey

Hi brothers, I am 23 years of age. Still struggling to learn concepts related to JS and web dev. I have 1 year of working experience in a startup. Its a very tough ride for last few years after graduating.

bup_legend profile image
Bup Lucas

Hey, guys! I've been working in a company for 5 years, this year I'm training leading the innovation and front end team.

It's been very interesting to pass on the knowledge and understand how each person works and be able to extract the most from their potential

somteacodes profile image
Somto Anunobi • Edited

Hello Everyone, full stack developer and Instructor from Nigeria, Youtuber @somteacodes.

I barely write blogs or share stories in written format, mainly because I feel I cant (imposter syndrome). So here i am on a quest to overcome that. So i wrote my first post here

website_voice profile image

Hi everyone. Just joined community with interact with developers and share the knowledge. We launched a text to speech tool for websites called WebsiteVoice. Give it a try and share your feedback:

paawan9700 profile image
Paawan Singal

hi there,
new to the community, can anybody just elaborate more about this dev community so that i got more familiar and make the most out of this .
btw i am a under graduate in in computer science and engineering and learning MERN stack currently.
happy coding!

janikmoeller profile image
Janik Möller

Hello folks!

I studied mechatronical engineering in stuttgart and decided to keep on with my profession to software and data. I am working as a data engineer at bosch and making websites for friends and co. I am mainly interested in data engineering, AI, technology as a whole and the future. I will be here to keep up learning making beautiful websites <3

Give me some questions if you want to.

Cheers, Janik

thumbone profile image
Bernd Wechner • Edited

I have an Me (Mech) too (as in started work on automation systems on steel mills). Won't find many mechanical engineers here at a guess, so was sweet to see one ;-). I'd think twice about thinking of it as a "transition" as I like to think/suspect there are many skills from your engineering background that carry forward as relevant and useful. That said, life is a stream of transitions ...

(Oh and as a side coincidence I stem from down the road, in Kempten ;-)

itskevinzz profile image
Kevin Nguyen

semi-frequent reader and decided to sign up on a whim. Not a developer by career, though went to school for it and ended up in Product Management. Still enjoy the weekend side projects and looking to just connect and learn from the community.

farmanali0303 profile image
Farman Ali

Hello Everyone

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV!

Spiderman swinging by to say hello

alexkarydis profile image
Alex Karydis

Hello fellow coders,

I am Alex from Athens. I have been living in Amsterdam for some time though, working as a full stack dev for 3 years but started as frontend. Lately I have been feeling love for the frontend again (css styling/animations and all that good stuff) since I had been focusing more on the other side. My stack is React/Spring/Mongodb.


0kyn profile image

Hi everyone,

I'm Nicolas and really grateful to all authors I've read here and elsewhere, so I'd like to contribute too! 🙂
I'm currently learning FOSS, and trying to learn workflow automation such as CI/CD, testing etc...

Thanks in advance for your future posts which will certainly help me!

shalimmo profile image
Shalim Mora

I'm Shalim, from Mexico city, still studying Computer Science but I love the web development i'm learning Javascript and React.js on my own, i'm interested in full stack.
You can pass around my new post about OOP.
I think that if we can explain any theme is because we have covered all our doubts or mostly all of them and it is the best way to learn any thing or theme.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Great to have everybody!

styles3544 profile image
Piyush Kumar

Fun fact: I bore people ^^

thumbone profile image
Bernd Wechner

You'll have to work harder than that to bore us here though ;-)

styles3544 profile image
Piyush Kumar

I will try my best XD

Thread Thread
nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV! 👋

Whale hello there!

trusted97 profile image
Gianluca Benucci

Cheers Love! Cavalry is here! 👋

After a short period of indecision I decided to want to be part of the community too.I am a web developer with a strong passion for the backend and for data analysis: D

Happy coding!

anakurachw profile image

Hey everyone. Nice to be here. Hope to learn a lot! I'm a 22 year old student at Georgia Tech.

ashcik00 profile image

I have just started learning web development and currently I am learning Javascript. It is tough to cop up sometime, frustrating some other time but the thing what matters to me is I feel engaged and excited to learn javascript. Its just my start and there is a long way to go.
Wish me luck and I will be more than happy if I get some suggestions.

toribot profile image

hallo. I am a biomedical engineer. I have recently developed a love for programming. I have a few small projects on web dev. I am currently studying the django framework and Dev has been of great help so far. cheers!

solodev profile image
soloDev • Edited

hello everybody!!

I am 33 based in Israel , have no background in tech, just started teaching myself how to program a couple of months ago, I like it,
Did finished some courses on Codecademy, started with some basic Java then went on to Html CSS and Js, I got accepted into a Bootcamp about two weeks ago but decided not to go throw with it, seems like it's a waste of money since I can get all the info for free online or a more reasonable amount.
anyhow I'm on my self-taught journey right now and my goal is to get a job as a full-stack dev in the next year!! wish me luck, and I'm really happy to be here awesome community!!

ananthshetty profile image
Ananth Shetty • Edited

I am from India Hyderabad. i have done my degree in cs with no skills ;-) .
Later i started focusing on tech languages, i have been coding since 2years.
I am done >= basic HTML, CSS, Java script , JQuery AND Python.
Now learning Angular.
Google took me here to webdev community.
nice to see you all, will learn and grow together.
<<<-- Code is Fun -->>>

shivammenda profile image
Shivam Menda

Hey Guys! I'm Shivam Menda from India. I'm currently an Undergrad Student studying Computer Science at JSS STU, Mysore. I just completed my first open source contributions i.e Hacktoberfest'21. Currently going into DSA and learnt flutter recently, and can't wait to give back to the community!

Happy coding!

algodame profile image
Chiamaka Ojiyi

Hello everyone. I love Devto and usually read articles on here when I am trying to solve problems at work. I would like to give back to the community of developers by sharing my knowledge on here in the form of articles.

I work as backend developer and I am more than happy to connect and share with other developers here.

Happy coding!!!

abshwabu profile image

Hey devs how are you doing

divinendaji profile image
Divine Ndaji

Hello everyone, am Divine from Nigeria and am 15 years old hope am welcome here.
Am a robotics enthusiast.

elvinus profile image


wanbeige1 profile image

Hello, everyone. Nice to meet you. Hope to make friends.

tlawson49 profile image


xtem47 profile image

انا احمد و احاول تعلم البرمجه لي صناعت الالعاب

tajnadeem profile image
Nadeem Taj

Hello Everyone!

I worked as Database Administration (Oracle and SQL Server) if anyone need any contribution. feel free to reach me out.

Nadeem Taj

iam_mulamane profile image
Fadamular Great .Web Developer

I'm so glad to be here, who wants to know about me? 😎

zdrale profile image
Nikola Zdrale

Hello tech people! 🤗

zeelpatel profile image
Zeel Patel

I'm Zeel Patel. I'm in my final year of B.Tech. I'm passionate about developing stuffs

nwekejohnson4 profile image
Nweke Kelechi

Am Kaycee, am happy to here on DEV... I want to learn Coding from HTML to BOOTSTRAP and I need help to achieve this faith

vw-dev profile image
Victor Wright

Hiya, I am embarking on new Web & App Dev journey! Currently based in Germany and open to work online.

priyeshpate profile image

Hello @all I am new to here ,

cajoue profile image

I frequently find articles in my coding searches - they are one of my gotos for answers ( after stack overflow 😄 !! ).
I joined so that I could follow my favourite creators :)

srinidh007 profile image

Hello Everyone, I'm Srinidh , it's good to meet everyone

sr13579 profile image

Hello everyone,
How is your day going? How many bugs have you fixed today?
What's the status of your mind and soul?

adwaitthedev profile image
Adwait Misra

Hi all!

quatro11 profile image
LP The Code Guy

Hey y'all! I'm just learning more as a move to different coding sites. See ya later!

paolas771 profile image
Paola Silva

Undergrad web and media student here. Trying to get more experience in front end web development before graduation next year. Hoping to learn new things on here and connect with new people!

mohamedsaeed20 profile image
محمد هاني خميس سعيد

Hi, this is my first day on
I'm Egyptian ,I still studying

enthu_1 profile image

hello where are you a newbie writer man

carlosk2000 profile image
Carlos Küster

Hi! Greetings from Chile!
Just joined DEV. I hope to make many friends within the community in order to exchange knowledge and experiences. See you online, have a great day!

adrianl3d profile image

Hi, I have been working with Javascript for a couple of years now and just started learning React, I want to develop blockchain apps. I hope to get some support here and share my knowledge.

fahrulhafidh profile image
Moh. Fahrul Hafidh

Hello guys,
I am still a beginner here.
I love to get a lot of error and bug. :D

ernestoroberts profile image

Hi, basically a fan of reductionism...

adwoa_obeng_ae39f5f350423 profile image
Adwoa Obeng

Hi, I am an enthusiast and want to build a career in programming. I was actually introduced to the community by a friend.
I am interested in HTML, CSS, Python and other new programming languages.

wmaleesha profile image
Maleesha Rashmina • Edited

Hey Guys,
My Name is Maleesha Rashmina and I'm 14 years old
I'm making websites from HTML, CSS & JS

If you interested in me Visit my site

priyauppalapv profile image

Hello Peeps!

Am currently a postgraduate student starting to brush up tech skills for career opportunities....Had experience in payroll administration.

Happy Coding !!

blazebrain profile image

Hi everyone,

I'm David, a Flutter Developer

Looking forward to a wonderful experience here

arish82 profile image

Hello React Community. Myself Arish.
Something about me I love JavaScript

pratik29121 profile image
Pratik Suryawanshi

Hi... Pratik here.. i am second year b-tech (cse) student..
came here through hactoberfest..
i am learning competitive programming......

mrgoonies profile image

Hello everyone, I am 22 years old and I am a self-taught student. Currently learning Js and I arrived here for my motivation about technology and meet new people with similar goals to me :)

ibarabach profile image

Hi all!

I am Ivan from Brazil. I am a SAP ABAP programmer and FICO analyst. I am instersted in learning about reactjs, python and dajngo.
nice to be part of the community

garimajain12 profile image
Garima Jain

My name is Garima Jain. I am in 3rd year and pursuing Btech in computer science engineering. I am a front-end web developer and also do programming in C++ and java.

khan202 profile image

Hello everyone.. I am a big data developer.
Joined DEV to explore more on bigdata and it's eco systems

satyammmmmm profile image
satyam singh

My name is Satyam. I am here to learn new technologies and stuffs...and I am interested in cybersecurity👩‍💻 and AI 🤖...and I hope I'll enjoy working with DEV community💪🥇

arunkalyankomera profile image
Arunkalyan Komera

Hi 👋🏻

cliqueengagements profile image
Eniola Samuel Olawunmi

Hi guys

tlawson49 profile image


anmolreshi profile image
Anmol reshi


thetinyweeb profile image
The Tiny Weeb

How do I exit Roblox?

anas_yusuf_f638a25be3f937 profile image
Anas Yusuf

Hi everyone Am glad to be here

raysummee profile image
Angshuman Barpujari

Hello, I am Angshuman Barpujari. Nice to meet you all. I am pursuing BTech CSE. I am a flutter developer. I got to know about this platform after the Hackatoberfest 2021.

danangfadilla profile image
Danang Aprias Noor Fadilla

Hello! I am Danang. I am Front End Developer. Nice to meet you all!

umairanhar profile image
Umair Anhar

Hello! 👋

I completed BSc(Hons) in Computing and I have 3 years of experience in Software Engineering field, So I thought to share my knowledge in Technical side

Happy Coding

bzhuang166 profile image

Hello, I hope I can learn the cutting-edge technology and application in the community

obito9596 profile image
Yash Kumar Shrivas

Hell0 everyone😎

faroukaf profile image


sloththecoder profile image

Hello, My name is Michael. Just call me Mike. I join this DEV for question.
I study two programming languages are Python and JavaScript. I was slow as sloth.

elchampion75 profile image
El Woodson

New here just joined today, Air Force veteran, father of 3, looking to gain some knowledge on coding.

roopalisingh profile image
Roopali Singh

Hi everyone 👋
I am web developer working on MERN stack.
Finally have the confidence to create a profile and write my own blogs.

zippcodder profile image
Deon Rich

Nice, a fellow MERN dev!

alinaqikhan profile image
Ali Naqi Khan

Hi, I'm Ali from Pakistan.

aryan_rana profile image

Hello to all I am new here

alexappelt profile image

I'm a Ruby on Rails developer, searching discovery new things and meet dev friends 🧑🏻‍💻🧑🏻‍💻

tornado320 profile image
Muhammad Yaseen


sannidhya profile image
Sannidhya Dubey

Hey there , it's my first time Hacking !!
I'm currently a Fresher and yeah !!! , exited to see what's ahead of me in this journey..
Looking Forward to Learn together ☺️